Chapter 1: Jeepney-kun!


A Filipino man named Renz working as a part-time employee in a convenience store called "7 eleven" waiting for the other employee for rotational shift while deep in thought, suddenly the door open and the bell rang a highschool boy has entered the store.

"Oh! Speaking of the devil! Lloyd you're here!" Renz happily exclaimed.

Lloyd who heard Renz speaking of him got an irritatable expression and said "yah-yah just get outta here old man"

"Ey boy I'm only 19, handsome and healthy"

"Well, anyways I'm outta here, gotta watch my favorite anime One Piece" Renz said.

"Idiot" Lloyd muttered.

Renz quickly changed his clothes and hurriedly went to his apartment, however, while walking on the way home he heard a scream. Renz went to the alleyway and saw a highschool girl being harassed by a group of gangster.

"Kyaaaaa! Help me!" said the girl while screaming.

He got angry but he stayed calm and thought of a plan. He saw a brick to the side and pick it, he run to the direction of the man who's harassing the girl.

The other gangster saw him rushing and shouted:"boss watch out!"

But the boss of the gangster reaction is late, before he got to see what's going on, he got hit in the back and fell unconcious.

Renz briskly grabbed the hand of the girl and run through the traffic road where people are lurking but the other gangster stab him in the back.

"Ughhhh!" Renz didn't falter and continue to run while holding the girl.

"Damn you! Stop!" the gangsters shouted.

Renz saw them following and calmly said to the girl "go to the right of the roadside, I'll got to the other side to confuse them"


The girl got startled and nodded "Uh thank you old man!" the girl quickly run.

"Huh!? Damn that girl I saved her life and said that I'm old man!?" Renz muttured

"Hey comeback here!"

"Oh shit! Here we go again!" Renz run to the traffic road.

BEEEEEEEEEP! (Jeepney-kun horn)

"Not now Jeepney-kun!" Renz dodged the jeepney "Hoh! Thank God I'm alive" he said while panting heavily from exhaustion.

While catching a breath he saw a light quickly approaching him.



Renz got hit and flew towards the construction road site and shoot directly in the pit and a whirlpool quickly sucked and drown him as his conciousness is slowly fading.

[An unknown time has passed]

Renz woke up from the blinding light and coughed the water he drunk while drowning "Cough! Cough! Nom-nom-nom, Huh! Why is it salty? Sea water?" while thinking the salty taste of the water, he heard the sea breeze, and fresh cool air that makes one sleepy, feeling the relaxtion brought by the wind.

While deep in thought, he suddenly woke up from his thought "Hmmm where the hell am I?" he observed that his surrounding is kinda weird and found that he is in an island but what surprised him was that the island is full of foods forming a mountain. It was a flower-shaped island, with varieties of foods such as pasta, fruits, vegetables etc. with an aroma that will make you drool.

Renz who was perceiving the situation felt that there was something poking him in the side.

"Huh? What's this?"

A crescent-shape wrapped in a cloth. He unwrapped the object beside him and found out that it was a sword with a ominous aura on it sharp blade like a crescent moon. Renz got a chill watching the sword's black aura.

(crescent-shaped sword picture)

Out of curiousity, he touched the handle of the crescent-shaped sword and suddenly his whole body got enveloped by the ominous aura. A crack like sound was heard inside his head and he screamed in pain "Ugh!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Renz felt like there was something crumpling his head coupled with a pain that make you think that your head is shattering. Attracting his hand like a magnet making it hard to let go of the sword. He used his other hand to pull his hand off the sword.

[After 1 minute]

He finally let go of the sword, the suffering and headache he felt has finally vanished.

"Hu-huh" He was panting heavily, while blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. He wrapped the sword with cloth for fear that the aura will envelope him again if he accidentally touch it.

Suddenly, he had a headache again but it was different, it is more bearable unlike from the pain the sword has brought "Ugh! Again!?" Instantaneously various of foreign memories entered in his mind.

Renz stopped for a while and with a creepy expression grinning like a madman, suddenly burst out from his devilish laugh "KEKEKEKEKEKE! WOOOOOOH!! is-is this for real!? I'm in One Piece World!?" he excitedly exclaimed!

Based from the accumulated memories, this is the One Piece world, the era of "The Great Age of Pirate" where the Pirate King has started when he got executed and from his estimation, there is approximately 3 years before Monkey D. Luffy will start his journey to become the "Pirate King" and from what he learned this body that he possessed belong to a 17 years old teenage boy from a village called "Shamsa" living with his clan of swordsman namely "Fukuro Clan".

Renz who's processing his mind frowned "So this body of mine is from "Fukuro Clan" and there was a massacre occured in their village where his clan got annihilated by a bunch of scum pirates and this crescent-shaped sword is their family heirloom".

He found out that the crescent-shaped sword was given by his father and drifted away from the sea to continue the legacy of their clan and make it known throughout the world. Sadly, his father died repelling the pirates and only himself is the sole survivor from that crisis.

"Well, I'll just avenge them and annihilate some corrupt pirates I see when I become strong enough, for now I need to think about a countermeasure since leaving alone from this island with unknown danger will make it harder for me to survive and food is not a problem since this island has a bunch of foods but are they edible?" Renz said to himself.

Renz walk to the big jelly, he got surprised from what he saw "Wow! I'm quite tall for my age, based on my estimation I'm reaching 1.9 meters and this well built body of mine I can perceive that this body workout a lot, almost 2 meters tall, hmmm I see- I see, KEKEKEKKEK! I'm handsome good-good" observing his face through the reflection he noticed that his face is pale, pointed nose, blue hair with the same hairstyle like "Manjiro Sano" from "Tokyo Revengers" but what's more eye-catching is his glaring orange eyes with black pupils like an owl, recalling his memories the information in his eyes surprise him, these eyes has special abilities like an owl which can zoom and have an in depth perception. These eyes is passed down to the destined holder of the crescent-shaped sword.

"I should try this ability of mine"Renz thought while searching his foreign memories for the method of how to utilize the ability of his owl like eyes." Hmm-hmm I see" half closing his eyes, focusing in a certain object far from him, a pebble reaching 1 kilometer can be seen from his eyes clearly and can easily perceive the pebble picture.

"Wow, this is great sugoiiiii!!" Renz happily exclaimed.

Recalling that he got isekai-ed, Renz giggled like a devil and suddenly scream like a madman. "KEKEKEKEK! I'M GONNA CONQUER THIS WORLD!"