Chapter 2: Unknown Island?

"KEKEKEKEK!! I'M GOONNA CONQUER THIS WORLD!! " Renz excitedly yelled.


Renz noticed that his surrounding is shaking as if there is a volcano going to erupt.


A loud roar has entered Renz ears. Hearing this loud roar. Renz got chill to his bones, but after a moment Renz calmed down and analyze his surrounding. He used his eyes ability to perceive what's happenning in his surrounding "Zoom in" his eye sight instantly reach 1 kilometer and directed his sight to the forest where the noise has originated. Renz who's oberving the forest has seen bunch of foods but approximately reaching 2 kilometers, from his position observing the forest he noticed that there is a lot of silhouettes moving that's getting bigger and bigger but he couldn't detect what it was.

[1 minute later]

Renz is still observing the silhouettes that is getting bigger, it reached 1.5 kilometer from his perception to the silhouette and he can guessed that it is a kind of animals but he can't really tell what animals is it because it is still kind of blurry as it is out of his eyes ability reach. After a minute, it reaches 1 kilometer from his eye sight, the blurriness is quickly fading and becoming clear, Renz focus on the silhouette forming a spider-shaped revealing its brown color body and a various types of bugs. Renz who saw this got sweat in his forehead, aside from its creepy appearance, what's more scary is their gigantic body making it obvious that this monsters are going to eat him alive.

While lost in his thought, the gigantic bugs reach 500 meters parallel to his standing point. Renz woke up from his thought, he retracted his eyes ability and inhaled a lot of air to calm his nerves and swiping his sweat. He turned his back and quickly run without looking back, he can feel that the gigantic bugs are approaching him and their distance is slowly getting shorter. From his back he can clearly feel that there is an ominous aura, he can tell that this is the aura of those gigantic bugs.

"Damn it! Why did I even shout!" Renz thought while cursing himself from his badluck.

After a moment of running wild he can clearly see that from the direction his going in to, there is an edge and if he continued to run directly to the edge of this island he will fall, so he tried to change his direction but thanks to his bad luck, he saw that the gigantic bugs is just near him reaching 50 meters, looking at its glare and feeling its aura as if it is seeing him as a prey, he turned back again and without a choice he run to the direction to the edge of island.

Renz run for his life without having the feeling of being exhausted as his focus is to survive and escape from the scary gigantic bugs, eliminating his sense of body exhaustion and continued to run.

Renz suddenly came to a stop as he finally reached the edge, he panted heavily his body briskly lost its balance as his exhaustion from before quickly enveloped his body, his scalve losing its strength, he squatted while sweat was poruing continuously.

A loud roar was heard by Renz attracting his attention and shivered "Damn it! Am I gonna die without overturning this world?!"

The gigantic bugs reached him and stopped 5 meters parallel to him. Renz in despair feeling as if his death has been decided. Suddenly one of the gigantic bugs with a spider-shaped body moved and tried to attack him and the other gigantic bugs followed suit to attack him.

Feeling this pressure Renz gritted his teeth reaveling a blood dripping from his lips, he swallowed his saliva "gulp" he glared at the gigantic bugs, holding his cresecent-shaped sword he unwrapped the blade leaving only the handle still wrapped by a piece of cloth to avoid being consumed by the ominous aura he faced the gigantic bugs and tried to fight back the gigantic bug he yelled at the top of his lung "YAAAAAAAHH!" a burst of shockwave come out from his body a distortion occured to the atmosphere "BOOM!" the shockwave envelopes the numerous gigantic bugs making them felt the strong pressure and sweat poured from their body as if a gigantic entity is going to eat them, the gigantic bugs who's unable to resist the pressure instantaneously lost their conciousness, they fell one by one like a domino and a white foam secretes from their mouths. "BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!".

Seeing this, Renz got bewildered from the scene in front of him "Ha-Haoshoku Haki?" panting heavily he fell to his butt as he exhasuted his mentality making feel fatigue and a sighed of relief that he somehow survive from that catclysm. What he can't believe is that he unleashed a power that only a handful of people have which is the rarest form of the tri-colored haki and each one of them have the power at the top of this world especially the Yonko who rules the new world where pirates are lurking. It is said that the one who have this will have the power to be a king. To his own surprise it seems that the danger he encountered was a blessing in disguise.

After a certain time have passed he turned his gaze to the bunch of unconcious gigantic bugs, without delaying any time he stand up and take his crescent-shaped sword, he beheaded the countless gigantic bugs "SHING!" making them headless he rested as he exerted all of his strength.

After resting for a while, he regained half of his strength enough for him to mobilize his body. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from his stomach "Gulululu" "I'm hungry" he held his stomach and his attention fall to the mountain of beast. Renz thought to cook the gigantic bugs "I need to make a fire" he thought as he started picking up tree branches. After gathering the branches he started to make his camp fire, he grilled the bugs and started eating "Munch-munch" To his surprise, it seems that his body intake of foods is high, making his stomach inflated as he is so full "BURRRRRP!" he belched as he expelled the excess air from his body and quickly deflated his stomach.

Renz felt satisfied but he focused his attention to the island, recalling his old memories about the world of One Piece. Suddenly he got a hint "Hmmm, if I remember correctly there is an island similar to this, where a bunch of foods and those vicious man-eating plant if I didn't guessed wrong, this should be the "Boin Archipelago" where one of the strawhat crew member sniper "Ussop" got sent by kuma, a flower-shaped island located in grandline.