Chapter 17: Officer Agents

~Grand Line~



Ronald and the others started fighting. Ronald was fighting Daz Bones one on one, the latter seem to realized that his opponent is stronger than him but he didn't back down as he was back up by Miss Doublefinger which she turned herself into a spiky ball, then launched herself towards Ronald "CLANG~CLANG" a lot of metallic sound can be heard as Daz Bones turned himslef into a sharp steel blades. Daz Bones is slowly acquiring minor wounds as Ronald can hurt him despite turning himself to steel and not using his swordskills, while Miss Doublefinger got a cut on her purple hair as one of her spiky hair was cut by Ronald. He didn't waste any time on the two as he already analyze both of their strength and both of them is weaker than him. So, without further ado, he use his swordskill "Ittoryu:Basilisk!" "SWOOSH~SWOOSH!" a flash of light went towards Miss Doublefinger making her head fell to the ground and Daz Bones who was hit in the head by the hilt making him unconcious.

Renz saw the fight scene, he didn't interfere as he knew that Ronald can take care of it on his own and so he did, so he focused his attention towards Brook who was fighting Mr. 2 and Mr. 3. Mr. 2 keep on dancing and changing his face to one of Night Howler member "Mane Mane Montage!" Mr. 2 face changed to Rosette but Brook continued his forward motion then stopped "Can you show me your panty?" Rosette heard this as she punch the skull of Brook "Baka!"

"Yohohoho, there's two Rosette now!" Brook said.

Everyone at the scene said in unison "Baka~~~" Rosette was angry, so she turned her arm to a syringe.

"Paralyze shot!" "SWOOSH!" (5x). Five liquids were shot towards Mr. 2 who has the same face as her.

Mr. 2 and the other officer agents was shocked to see that the seemingly harmless girl was a devil fruit user, this was unexpected for them. Mr. 2 was shot at his right feet making it paralyzed, he then rolled due to a sudden lost of control over his fight causing his body to be unbalance. His face was reverted back to its original face.

Rosette then rushed towards the paralyzed. Mr. 2, she was ready to inject Mr. 2 but was intercepted by a solid white wax. The man was Mr. 3 who made his hand turned into a block of solid wax. The needle of the syringe was instead injected to the wax making Rosette unable to make a move, her reaction was a little slow compared to Mr. 3 as she was late to revert her hands back to normal. Mr. 3 took this opportunity as he turned his hand to a spiky solid wax and aimed it towards Rosette in the attempt to stab her but suddenly a flash of light pass through him as Brook figure was seen at the back of Mr. 3 and sheathed his sword cane "Hanauto Sancho:Yahazu Giri!" suddenly Mr. 3 chest had a big slash on his chest as he fell down on his knees, though it did not kill him, but the blood was flowing endlessly making him lost his strength.

Fortunately, Mr. 3 was able to sense it by his instinct that made him make his body chest covered in solid white wax which greatly weakened the attack, though he was still severly wounded by the attack.

Rosette was about to launch a finishing attack but suddenly an explosion happened stopping her on her tracks "BOOM!" Mr. 5 figure has appeared to the battle ground as the smoke vanished. He was picking up his nose, drilling his finger to take a booger. He then, wiped it off on the dress of Mr. 2 who was unable to move and only able to make a disgusted expression, Mr. 5 then took the two and flee towards Crocodile. Miss Valentine then hurriedly put a cast on Mr. 3 wound to stop the blood from flowing.

"Tsk, what an idiot" said Crocodile with annoyed tone and just puffed a smoke. He also didn't expect that the girl was able to put his subordinates in that condition.

"Miss All Sunday you go and he-, tsk, so she decided to betray me, damn it! I'll hunt you down once I'm done with this" said Crocodile when suddenly a silhouette landed, Crocodile was able to sense this as he turned himself to sand and evade the incoming attack, as the attack make a pit on the sand making Miss Valentine and the rest blown from the impact.

The Baroque Officer Agents and even Crocodile was taken aback from the brute force displayed in front of them.

"Tsk, what a trouble, this needs to be quickly done or my countless years of work will be in vain" Crocodile the release a sandstorm towards Renz, who just stepped back to avoid the incoming attack. The two then faced off each other "CLANG~" a mettalic sound was heard as the golden hook on Crocodile's hand and Renz crescent-shaped namely "Mikadzuki" which he came up with during their journey to Alabasta clashed. But Renz was slightly stronger than Crocodile making him take a few step backs, the two continued their clashed

Meanwhile, Perona launched an attack as her ghost went towards Mr. 5, who saw the incoming attack as he step back then suddenly a countless bombing occured "BOOM~BOOM!" Mr. 5 with a shock expression was blown off by the impact of the explosion. Though, he was able to flee but the impact of instantaneous bombing throw him off.

"Hu-huh, fortunately I took a step back, I might be roasted there" he mumbled as he took a booger from his nose and then flicked it towards Perona who also directed his ghost towards the incoming booger "BOOM" the two bomb met as they make a pit on the sand. Perona didn't wait for him as she gathered all of her ghost into one making it bigger reaching 20 meters as it goes toward the direction of Mr. 5.

Mr. 5 eyes bulged out and his mouth wide open hitting the ground "Ehhhhhhh, w-wait!!" he said as he slowly step back "Damn it!" he cursed as he knew that the large ghost won't stop from its track, so he take a deep breath enlarging his diaphragm and then waited for the big ghost bomb to come to his attacking range. The ghost reached 50 meters parallel to him, as he released the accumulated air on his diaphragm "HOOOOOOSH!" an airwave went to the incoming big ghost bomb, as if the time stopped, everyone waited for the two attacks to hit each other, then suddenly a large explosion that shook the ground that reaches even the kingdom of Alabasta occured "BAAAAAAM!" a large crater was formed and a defeaning sound resounded through out the entire kingdom.

"BANG!" Perona fell on her knees as she exhausted her energy from the attack she used, but the latlter was blown 1 kilometer with a torn clothes full of blood and depressed expression, this was one of Perona skill making the opponent depress just by touching it. Though, Mr. 5 didn't touch it but the explosion has a deppresion impact on it if you were touch by it.

Renz was a little bit surprised as he didn't expect that Perona would grow to be such a strong figure. He thought, but retracted the his thought as Crocodile attacked him and he just evaded it without even looking to his opponent. He then turned his attention towards Jane who went towards Miss Valentine who was floating, Jane also followed her, she jumped and then suddenly a large rock was summoned on the sole of her feet and then repeated it until she reaches the same height as Miss Valentine which was 30 meters parallel to her, she thought of it as she didn't able to use 'Geppo' for the time being. Miss Valentine was shock to see a rock was being summoned out of nowhere, so she though she must have eaten a devil fruit with the power of rock.

"You won't be able to defeat me with that ability of yours" She said as she went up higher then said "I ate the Kiro kiro no mi and I'm able to freely control my weight, Kiro kiro no 10,000 kilograms!" she then instantly became heavy as she accelerated her free fall. Jane summon a rock at her side and kicked it to make her changed her position. Miss Valentine who was free falling only hit the rock which instantly break it. She then make herself once again weightless as she floated to the sky.

"Soko soko no~" Jane mumbled as she looked down on the upcoming Miss Valentine.

"~Summon!~" a large boulder was summon out of nowhere weighing 20 tons, as it landed towards Miss Valentine. Miss Valentine eyes bulged out making an ugly face surface on her face "KYAAAAA!" the large boulder hit Miss Valentine as blood splattered in the air and the fall of the Boulder was so fast that it only takes a second before burying the Miss Valentine who they suspected to be dead, no normal human will be able to survive that impact even though she ate a devil fruit but her physique was not good enough to face that kind of force.

Van Augur on the other hand didn't seem to have a hard time as his opponent Mr. 4 was easily defeated due to him being a melee combatant while Van Augur was a long range combatant which makes it a one sided fight as he can't even reach Van Augur because of his obese body making him a lot slower and finally exhausted his stamina and was shot in the head by Van Augur.

"It seems your subordinates was defeated leaving you all alone KEKEKEK!" said Renz to Crocodile who has an annoyed face.

"Tsk, what an idiot, I can take you all down even without those useless fools! I'm a Logia user after all! HAHAHAHHA!" Crocodile said.