Chapter 18: ???

~Grand Line~



~Previously on `One Piece: Night Howlers'~

"It seems your subordinates was defeated leaving you all alone KEKEKEK!" said Renz to Crocodile who has an annoyed face.

"Tsk, what an idiot, I can take you all down even without those useless fools! I'm a Logia-type after all! HAHAHAHHA!" Crocodile said.


`Yeah, what he said is right he is a Logia-Type and that's what makes it annoying as this is his domain surrounded by sands in which he can freely control since his ability is related to it which makes it easier to escape whenever he wants, unlike Moria who have a Paramecia-type devil fruit that can take the shadow of others to strengthen himself and make him a lot bigger but the drawback of it makes him a punching bag who only have a great strength but lacks agility making him an easy opponent as long as you have sufficient power, KEKEKEKEK! but that is only if his opponent didn't know the application of Haki and I'm excluded from that. I can used the tri-colored Haki in which Busoshoku Haki is the mortal enemy of every Logia-Type User. I can also use this as my trump card, I know that Crocodile knew that most of the Pirates in Grand Line Lacked the knowledge about Haki, so he might think that I was also like them. Therefore, if that's what he think, then I can use this as my trump card, Crocodile not knowing that I know Haki will only be an advantage for me which will make him let his guard down and in this case I can severely inflict damage on him, when he thinks that it is not possible to injure him. Though, I know that I can confidently defeat this reptile 100%, but I'm not like those muscle heads who only knew how to attack without thinking, I'm a careful man when it comes to this, yeah I admit that I like fighting but this is real life, my life is the prize if I make a small mistake and having a third life may not be possible. So, I will use every method there is to successfully execute my plan without mistake` Renz though to himself.

While deep in thought he was woken up from a sudden attack that projected to his direction. It is an arc-shaped sand that was released by Crocodile, but Renz only tilted his body a little bit to evade the incoming attack and he squatted as he focus his natural energy in the sole of his feet "Ketsuryu!" as he launched himself towards the reptile. Crocodile was surprised by the speed shown by Renz as he instinctively use his arms to shield himself from the incoming attack only making Renz pass through Crocodile's body leaving a hole that quickly regenerated and back to normal.

"HAHAHAHA! you see that? you won't be able to hit me!" Crocodile said in an arrogant tone.

`Good, he got cocky from my previous attack, he let his guard down and I can finally use my trump card to end this fight, I don't want to prolong this fight any longer` Renz said to himself as he ready himself and once again use `Ketsuryu`.

Crocodile was able to react from this as he jump back but his speed was much slower than Renz. So he instinctively put his arms forward to guard himself from the incoming attack.

"Ittoryu: Moon Breaker!" "SWIIIIIISH" the sword slash Crocodile's hands as he let out a groaning pain "Ugh" and went through his chest severing cutting both of his arms that fall to the ground, as the sword continued to went forward and made a slash to his body, which sent him from a certain distance as blood splattered in the air and falling to the ground painting it in red.

"H-Haki? how is that possible? Why didn't he used it from the start?" Crocodile thought who was in disbelief as his cigarettes fall off from his mouth. He didn't think that someone from Grand Line would know the existence of Haki and be able to use it. "Damn it, I was tricked by that bastard to have me let my guard down against him! I better escape from here I might lose everything here but my life comes first" Crocodile said in annoyance as he figured out what Renz did. He crawled from the sand and used his remaining strength to merge himself from the sand in order to escape successfully unnoticed.

Renz just smirked looking at the struggling reptile to escape, he was in mid air as he used `Geppo`, he already detected where Crocodile position was by sensing him through the use of Kenbunshoku Haki. Renz didn't waste any time as he rained him down a lot of his swordskill `Getsuga Tenchou!`. A wave of sword energy went towards the moving sand making it let out a groan "Argh, Damn you Renz! I'll curse you to death!" Crocodile shouted from the top of his lungs as he was grind from the waves of sword energy that was imbued with Busoshoku Haki.

The fight was instantly over leaving the three Officer Agents that can't fight anymore namely Mr.2, Mr. 3 who both was in critical condition and Daz Bones who was still unconcious were the one's that was left. Renz didn't kill them because he doesn't want to change the story of One Piece too much, as it will make his knowledge about the world in vain and he has a plan for them espcially Mr. 3 that will be one of the key to complete his plan, though he doesn't have a plan to recruit him in the crew. His eyes went towards the direction of Mr.1 namely Daz Bones "Yeah, this is the one I want to recruit that's why I told Ronald that to make him only unconscious as I have a plan to recruit him. Why recruit him? because he has the attitude of someone that will be strong one day, he has a calm and stern attitude which makes me want him in my crew. A person like this who has a good mentality will be able to execute his orders without problem that's why I want him"

"Captain Renz, how about this two?" Rosette asked as she already tended to Mr.3 wounds though they are still critical.

"Leave them be, once Mr.2 wake up then he will just take care of him. We don't need to concern ourselves with them since they are enemies, what we need to do now is to set sail as the Marines will be here in no time and we might be surrounded. Let's go back to Mock Town"

Suddenly Renz talk to the air saying "It seems you have made your decision to join our crew Nico Robin?" making all of his crewmates turn to him with a questionable expressions on their face.

"Who you're talking to Captain?" Jane asked Renz.

"Really, no one can escape from the grasp of Captain Renz, didn't think that you would be able to sense me in my stealth C-A-P-T-A-I-N" an unfamiliar woman's voice was then heard. A silhouette formed of the body of woman as it slowly leave behind the cabin. A tall and slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair, and eyes that have dark, wide pupils. She also has a long, thin and defined nose. In the anime, Robin's skin tone is slightly darker tan unlike in manga colored artworks where it is lighter. Robin also resembles her mother greatly, with the exception of her hair color and style as well as having slightly darker skin tone than her. Robin's limbs are very long, especially her legs, contributing greatly to both her fighting capabilities (given the nature of her powers) and overall height.

"It's you the girl we met in the hotel! How come we didn't notice you?" Jane exclaimed

"Oh that's was just one of my stealth ability though Captain Renz was able to sense me" said Robin smiling at Renz. "Btw, I'm Nico Robin aka "Devil Child" with the bounty of 80,000,000 beli"

"W-what 80,000,000 beli?" the rest of the crew except Renz were shocked by the bounty of Robin.

"No need to make a fuss over that, her bounty was high because of her threat to the World Government and I welcome you to the crew Nico Robin" Renz said as he smiled towards Robin.

"Welcome aboard Robin-san" the crew smiled as they greet and welcomed her.

"Captain Daz Bones has woken up" Rosette said to Renz.

Renz went to the paralyzed Daz Bones who was lying on the ground "Did you defeat Boss?" Renz nodded at the immovable Daz Bones "I see, then so this is where it ends"

"No, it won't end for you for a while as I have an intention to recruit you in my crew, since your Boss has died in my hands, I will take responsibility of taking care of you and make you strong, how about that?" Renz said while smiling.

Daz Bones on the other hand was taken aback at the sudden proposal, he didn't think that his supposed enemy would recruit him from his crew but he just sighed "I, Daz Bones only give my loyalty to the strong and it seems you are more deemed worthy than my previous Boss, so I hope you take care of me Captain"

Renz smiled "Good then welcome to the crew Daz Bones. Rosette release him from the paralyzing effect"

"Hai Captain" Rosette then injected a liquid to Bones which makes him relieved from his previous paralyzed body and be able to move.

"Okay, then we're all good now, Let's set sa-" "Um, Captain" Robin poked him on his back and smiled.

"What is it Robin?" Renz having to recall something "Ah I almost forgot about that" "You guys prepare the ship I will be leaving with Robin for a while. Renz took Robin on her waist as they flew towards a certain direction. "Ahh" Robin let out a moan as she was taken aback from Renz action, so she hold Renz on his neck while they `Geppoed'

Arriving at the underground river where a tomb can be seen lying there "There it is" Robin quickly went to the tomb as Renz just waited on Robin who was focused on reading the Poneglyph. After half an hour has passed Robin went towards Renz.

"Oh, you're done?" the latter nodded and smiled like a mature lady "Okay then let's go" Renz who was about to take Robin on her waist stop her "Wait, are you not curious of what the text is about?" Renz who was questioned just said "Well, I only satisfied your curiosity, as for me I don't care about that. I only care about the future no need to keep looking back at the past" Robin was stunned at the reply she received "Even if it is about the location of Ancient Weapon?" Renz was somewhat annoyed in her endless questions "Ah, jeez why would I care about that. I don't want to rely on things like that it will only make me neglect my self development like Crocodile and waste time waiting to die. Let's go now, the crew might get suspicious about us gone for long and might think that we did something silly" Renz said as he took the waist of Robin "Oh, the Captain think of me like that?" Robin giggled as she cover her arms on her mouth.

The two went back on the ship "Captain, Robin You're back, we are ready to set sail" said the crew as the newest member Daz Bones was in the training area and being instructed by Ronald. His telling him how to practice Haki, though he himself did not yet learned the Haki but he remembered what was written on the manual given to him by Renz, so he just said what was on it to Bones.

"We need to set sail now. We will head back to Mock Town as there will be Marines here in no time and we might get surrounded" Renz said to his crew members.

"Haii, Captain" they all moved to their roles and ready to set sail to Mock Town.