Chapter 19: ???

~Grand Line~

~Mock Town Port~


"Captain we will soon reach the Town" Jane said as she holds the telescoped and look at the silhouette of the island.

"Oh gotcha, Okay just call me when we reach the port" Renz replied to Jane.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Renz POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

`So during these one week we sail from Alabasta to Mock Town Port. All of us started training making a fruitful progress, though I was not able to reach the advancement of Busoshoku Haki but I felt it, It won't be long for me to reach and be able to advance on it. But that's not all I'm happy that every one of us made a progress. Let's start from Jane since she was my first mate. During the time of training she was able to learn `Geppo' in a two week period which was a good progress, she can surpass any Marines in terms of progression. Second was Perona, she learned `Soru` as her first priority since her fighting style is long range which was a good choice. Third was Rosette, she was able to learn 'Kami-e`. The Fourth was Robin, I don't know how to explain this but in those one week she trained, she was able to use Kenbunshoku Haki which was amazing, but I guess it was because of her high mentality that allows her to accelerate her progress in training Kenbunshoku Haki. The four girls then focused their training in their devil fruit afterwards making a great progress on it. The fifth, was Daz bones he was able to learn `Tekkai` and `Shigan` in such a short period of time. The sixth was Van Augur who learned Kenbunshoku Haki and later learned `Soru`, he is now trying to learn Busoshoku Haki as he was irritated to his previous shot to the Logia-Type Crocodile, it was a smart choice since he is also a long range combatant. The seventh was Brook and also the third strongest in the crew, he was able to learn `Soru` and `Kenbunshoku Haki` and was almost on par with Ronald who was acknowledge as the second strongest in the crew, it was because Ronald was also able to learn `Kenbunshoku Haki` and `Busoshoku Haki` though, it was unstable as it goes on and off, so he was still getting used to the feeling of the new acquired power and he always spar with Brook. The men progress was fast, it was due to their peak physique that allows them to learn it in such a period of time. Since, they might already train their bodies, so they just needed to know the method in order to train and it will only take them a few weeks to be able to use them"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~POV END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Captain Renz, we have reached the Mock Town Port and are ready to dock in the port" said Robin in a casual manner, she was assigned as the secretary and gathering intelligence role.

"I see, I will take a bath and we will get on the island" said Renz as he wiped himself with a towel.

"Hai Captain" Robin leave a glance at the half naked body of Renz as she leave the training room.

Docking at the Port Renz and his crewmates heard a lot of murmurings and he detected that there were a lot of emotions on the people near the port, some of them have an admiring expression while the others have a fear expression surface on their face.

"L-look, it's the Night Howlers Pirate, they are back here again in Mock Town" Pirate A

"Yeah, the Captain of that ship is `Black Hands` Fukuro Renz" Pirate B

"A week ago, it was said in the Newspaper that he defeated another Shichibukai namely Crocodile. Giving him another nickname as the `Shichibukai Hunter`. It was stated that in his first appearance he defeated Gecko Moria and in his second appearance he defeated Crocodile another Shichibukai earning him the title: "Shichibukai Hunter" Pirate C.

"H-Hey it's them look!" Pirate A shouted as many pirates turned their attention at the crew walking at the port.

"That's Jane "The summoner" with a bounty of 30,000,000 beli, on her right it was Perona "Ghost Child" with a bounty of 35,000,000 beli" Perona heard this as she was annoyed and shouted "Huh! who said that?! I'm not a child!" the Pirate hide as he continue introducing the crew, on her right side is Rosette the "Crazy Doctor" with a bounty of 45,000,000 Rosette was also annoyed as she shouted "Who's crazy? huh? you wanna die?!" the pirate shiver from the scary little girl who was once had an innocent look on her face, but he continued on it "O-on the right side of Rosette was Nico Robin "Devil Child" with a bounty of 85,000,000 beli, her bounty has raised when the Marine found out that she joined the Night Howler Pirates. On the left side was Daz Bones "The Man of Steel" he also joined the Night Howler Pirates his bounty was raised from 75,000,000 to 92,000,000 beli. On his left was Van Augur known as "The Supersonic" with a bounty of 100,000,000 beli. On his left was Brook "The King of Souls" with a bounty of 115,000,000 beli, On his left was Ronald "The Fisherman" with a bounty of 150,000,000 beli and lastly" the Pirate stopped his introduction as he put some suspense on it and he adjusted his eyeglasses with his index and middle finger with a wide grin on his and he continued "At the center The founder of the Night Howler Pirates and also the Captain with the title: Shichibukai Hunter as he defeated two Shichibukai in a row and it is whenever he appeared on newspaper, it was about him that killed a Shichibukai, he was known as `Black Hands` Fukuro Renz with a bounty of 430,000,000 beli and is said to be the strongest of the "New Generation Rookie Pirates" he topped them all, dominating the other Rookies bounty.


(It was when the Night Howler Pirates defeated Crocodile and his subordinates)

~Marine HQ~

"BAAANG!" Sengoku slammed the door as he heard the news in Alabasta from his secret agent "That damn Renz has again make another headache for me. I didn't even yet to get over on his previous action and now he is making another ruckus and it is again a Shichibukai. Does he have a grudge against the system or he simply was an idiot who wants recognition?!"


"Yes?! It's Fleet Admiral!" Sengoku said in annoyed voice as he raised his voice.

"It is the Old Men Sengoku" Sengoku was startled as he calm himself.

"Ah, I'm sorry sir!"

"Let's put aside the formalities, it is about the defeat of Crocodile. It is found that he is the one who was using the Dance Powder and blame it on King Cobra to throw him down from his position and take over the throne but was interrupted due to the intervention of Night Howler Pirates. So, in this case we will put the blame to the two subject, stating that the one who used Dance Powder was Crocodile and also you will put the blame on Renz saying that he also have the plans to take over the throne but the plan was revealed by the Marines stopping his plans and you put a bounty of 430,000,000 beli on him" said the old man

"430,000,000 beli isn't that too much for someone who only have appear twice?!"Sengoku refuted.

"Don't question it, it was the Celestial Dragons who wants to put a high bounty on him since, they were the one who suggested the Shichibukai System and they were angered when someone tries to go against them, so just do what you are ordered, that's all"

Sengoku just sighed, now he found out what had happened and he was somewhat thankful for defeating Crocodile and now Alabasta was now out of danger, though he did good but that is how the Marine works, even though he was disapproving on the behavior of World Government but that's just how it is, so for the people he will do it even if it means having to put the blame on him as he was used to this kind of work.

~New World~

~Moby Dick~

"GURARARA! it seems that, that reptile was dead, you need to be careful now Jinbei as you don't you will be the next target of this Rookie Pirate, GURARARA!" Whitebeard said to the blue whale-like humanoid figure.

"I am not afraid, I will not back down no one can harm the Fishman and the Fishman Island, he need to pass through my corpse" Jinbei said.

"GURARARA! don't worry no one will ever think of ever harming the friends of "The Great Whitebeard"

"OOOOOOHH! Oyaji is the strongest" said by the guy who has a freckles on his face as he wear his orange hat with a smiley and frowning face on it. It was Ace, he was now one of the division commander when he was defeated by Whitebeard.

~Wano Country~

"..." Kaido didn't bother to look at the newspaper as he just chugged the big gourd filled with sake in his hands "GUAHHAHAH!, this is good!"

~Totto Land~

"MAMAMAMA, I want to eat candyyyyy!" Big Mom said as she was in a rage and drooling.


"YOOOOOOSH, let's celebrate Renz won on his second fight with a Shichibukai and his bounty" Said a certain Redhair Pirate.

"OOOOOOOOOHH, Party!" the other members didn't care about Renz as they only rejoice from their Captain's statement.

A certain man just facepalmed himself as he was embarrassed by these drunkards.

~East Blue~

A small coffin like ship was sailing as a person can be seen leaning on a big black sword as he hold the newspaper which shows the figure of Renz "Hmm, Fukuro Renz" the man mumbled and just looked at the image.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Present Time~

"Captain look at this we have our bounties, this is great people will get to know us all around the world, we will be famous" said Jane who was happy to see her image and her first bounty.

"KEKEKEKEK!, we are only just starting our appearance!" `I didn't expect that the World Government was threatened by my identity to give such a bounty on my head 430,000,000 huh? KEKEKEKEK! don't worry I will even surpassed the Yonko that will make your head explode` Renz thought to himself as he grinned evilly.

"Captain I have found the information about the next Upstream!" said Robin excitedly "But is the Sky Island really exist?"

"Good job Robin, of course it exist" replied to Robin.

"YOOOOOOSH, to Sky Island!!"

