Chapter 20: ???

~Grand Line~

~Somewhere in the ocean~


`So, here we are sailing at a certain direction and waiting for something. It was called the `Knock Up Stream` that is created by a giant underwater cave filled with gas. At some point in time, the gas pressure is too big and creates a crack in the ceiling, then a giant whirlpool is created from the crack. Once most of the gas gets free, the seabed explodes, sending a giant stream upwards. This 'current' is maintained for approximately a minute, before collapsing. We we're planning to fly to Sky Island which have the distance of 10 kilometers` Renz thought when suddenly one of his crew members called him. (

"Captain there's a whirlpool at 1 o'clock and we will be soon engulfed from it!" Jane said as she looked the distance with a telescope and a worry on her face

"Yosh, turn the wheel 1 o'clock!" Renz replied.

"EEEEEEHH!!"the three girls except Robin who knew what my plan is were startled. Even the boys got a little bit stunned by my sudden order, though they didn't voice out and just leave the rest to me as they do their work.

Ronald then steered the wheel 1 o'clock and the ship of Renz was quickly suck up from the whirlpool and just circled around going down to the whirlpool when suddenly the whirlpool bloated up then an explosion occurred `BOOOOOOM!`

"Hold your asses tight! We're gonna fly, KEKEKEKEK!" Renz shouted as a devilish grin surface on his face.

"KYAAAAAAAA!" the three girls was startled by the sudden change course of the sea water.

"Mil Fleur!" Robin used her skill to herself and the three girls. The men didn't need assistance since they can balance themselves. Renz on the other hand copy the technique he liked from `Naruto` focusing his energy on the sole of his feet in order to make himself pasted on the ship now, though it was just to make his feet's grip stronger, now he can walk even if the ship went vertical he won't fall as long as there is energy focused on his sole. while the other men just stand to the cabin to counter the gravity from making them fall.

"Cover your mouth when we enter the clouds especially the devil fruit users" Said Renz as a warning to his crewmates

While the ship was going up, the clouds can be seen nearing them, then "SWIIIIIISH" they penetrated the clouds, the clouds was carrying water as the devil fruit users felt that their strength was slowly leaving them, but it was not that long before they got out of the sea of clouds and the girls fell on their knees as they finally able to breath, Brook who was the only devil fruit user in the men was able to heal fast as he drink a milk. The ship was floating at the sea of clouds as they felt except Renz that they had a hard time breathing.

After a couple of minutes getting used to the thin air, they continued to move forward as they arrived at a certain distance, a big star shaped with a border of golden color gate has appeared before them and written on the top of the gate was "HEAVEN'S GATE".

The crew was stunned at the Heaven's gate infront of them, even Robin and Bones who had a calm demeanor can't help but admire the display in front of them. Renz on the other hand had already expected these scene here because he had already seen this in anime, though he still can't help but praise "Oda" for creating such a world.

"Let's proceed as there will be more fun to explore once we reach the island" said Renz as the ship continued in its advance.


Suddenly the crew attention was attracted from the clicking sound and the flash. They move their attention towards the sound as they saw a small yet older looking woman with a wings on its back "There are seven of you and you need to pay the entrance fee which is 7,000,000,000 extol and if you don't pay you can still enter the island but you will be branded as law breaker criminals"

The crew was in a dazed as they just stare at the Granny looking at its wings in the back. Though Robin has came back to her senses and the rest followed suit as they finally takes noticed of what the Granny said.

"S-seven Billion Extol!? That's robbery! How can a mere entrance fee reached such an amount!?" Jane said as she was in disbelief at the expensive entrance fee.

"Seven Billion Extol? is this the same currency as the Beli?" Robin asked.

Renz smiled at Robin as she already guess that the currency from here and down there were completely different "Truly a reliable member" Renz can't help but mumbled, though he already knew that the entrance fee is only one million extol per head but he wants to see how would they react and their reaction towards it.

"Hoh-hoh, yes it is not the same as the currency of the blue people. There's a lot of idiot outsiders that react impulsively and didn't think rationally and they only end up being killed. Since you have asked I'll answer it, one beli here in what you call blue people Sky Island amount to 1,000 extol and each of you need to pay 1,000,000 beli per head" the Granny said.

"Oh I see" Robin replied as she took a glance at her captain and asked "So what should we do Captain?"

"No need to pay we're pirates after all and she said we can proceed though we will be branded as criminal and aren't we already a bunch of criminals? So no need to waste money, KEKEKEK!" Renz said as he let out a devilish laugh. Robin only sighed at her Captain.

The Granny just sighed and said "I hope you don't regret your actions"

Suddenly a large crab-like claw emerged from the sea of clouds as it reached the railings of Renz ship and destroyed it.

"KEKEKEK! you dare damage my ship, huh?! It seems you are tire of living now are you?" Said Renz as he stared at the emerging big eyes of the Crab as he let out his 'Haoshoku Haki'. Instantly, the Crab's eyes turned into white as foam leaked from its mouth. The Granny on the other hand felt a little bit of Haoshoku and Renz noticed this.

"Oh, I forgot you are there Granny, sorry if I scared you, it's just a crab has damage my ship so I couldn't control my anger, KEKEKEK!" Renz said to Granny coupled with his devilish laugh.

Granny on the other hand thought that Renz was a demon possessing a human body as a sweat poured down from her forehead "I'm really old now" ~sigh~.

"I advise you not to ever take a step on the upper yard of this Island" Granny said.

"Heh, why is that?" Renz said as he pretended not to know.

"The God Enel resides at that place and who ever went there without his permission will be killed instantly"

"There's a God here? For real? it does exist?" Jane and the crew was taken aback from what the Granny said.

"No need to take it seriously, it was just a self-proclaimed God who had only eaten a devil fruit but think he is a God because he had gained a power" Renz exclaimed.

"Ahh! so there's really not a God here, I thought I was finally able to see God Himself" said Jane.

"Let's go!" Renz said



~Meanwhile at the Upper Yard~

A tall, muscular man with slicked back, light white/blond hair, covered by a simple white bandana. He has long earlobes weighted down by diamond-shaped gold earrings that stretch all the way to his chest.

His nose has many lines running horizontally across it. His ear lobes are extremely long, extending to his torso. He also holds four large Tomoe drums attached via a large ring to his back, instead of the regular Skypiean/Birkan wings was seating on his throne as he looked at the kneeling Priest in front of him.

"What is it Priest Gedatsu?"

"Enel-sama, it seems we have a intruders and from what the blue people newspaper that has been published they are a Rookie Pirates namely Night Howler Pirates and its their overall bounty amount to approximately 1,000,000,000 beli wtih it's Captain as the highest bounty holder" Gedatsu said as he is a bit worried from the criminals that intrude the island.

"So? you look pathetic Gedatsu, why are you looking nervous when you are at the presence of God"said by Enel with a lazy appearance surfaced in his face.

"B-but they are~"

"No buts and do your duty to capture those criminal and I'll roast them, HAHAHHAH!" Enel said as he pointed his index finger high and let out a large thunder bolt to the island, though it was unknown where it landed.

"H-hai, Kamisama!" Gedatsu hurriedly went out and looked for the other priests.


~Present time at Renz location~

"We have arrived" Renz said as they reached the island as the rest was admiring the beautiful scene before them and docked at the nearing island.

Suddenly Renz felt something that even Robin and the rest have looked up at the sky. There was a blue flashing light descending at a fast pace towards them. The rest understand what Renz was talking about as he had already explained to them about the island and about Enel and his armies.

"It was Enel's ability" Renz said as he hold his sword 'Mikadzuki' and looked at the sky as he raised his crescent-shaped sword then slash it downwards "Getsuga Tenchou!" ~SWOOOOOSH~ an arc-shaped projectile was launched towards the descending blue light.

~BOOOOOOOOOOM!~ a large explosion has occurred as the two attack collided.

"W-what is it!?" said the running girl towards them. It was a relatively tall, fair-skinned young woman with blonde hair that she wears in two braided pig-tails and two antennae sticking out at the top of her head.

She wears a pink dress with black, flower shaped textures that goes to her thighs. she also wears red and pink striped sandals, that are white on the bottom.


"Oh, it's nothing it's just a fireworks display KEKEKEKEK!" Renz said as he recognize the girl that approached him.

"Ah! It seems you guys are from the blue sea" the girl said.

"Yes, we are from the bottom" Renz said as he smiled at the girl.

"You seem to not payed the entrance fee that's why you were attack by Enel-sama"

"Oh I see, KEKEKEK!" Renz said not really caring about the self-proclaimed God.

"Oh, I'm sorry for my rudeness, I'm Conis and you are?" said the blonde girl as she introduced herself.

"I'm Renz the Captain of the Night Howler Pirates and they are my crew mates" Renz said as he introduce himself and pointed at his crew members.

"Hello everyone, I'm Conis" Conis said.

"Hi, I'm Jane" Jane took the hand of Conis as a star appeared on her eyes. The others followed suit and introduced themselves. Brook as usual asked Conis to show her panty to him and only ended up with a bulged on his head.

Renz chuckled at Brook "Can you tour us in this place as we are unfamiliar with it"

"Ah, sure! I'll be your guide" Conis said as she smiled and lead them towards the town.