Chapter 8 - New Hope System. (Re-written)

"Thank you old man, this might be the last chance we are going to talk about it right."


Clearly only Allen was standing by the Road lamp site, but there was a second voice too, around him. it was the first hero personality he got from his system, which had always help him whenever he was in trouble, due to that personality he was able to train in sword techniques also.

After this Allen will definitely be alone given the time period of their contract has finally ended today. Tear streak down his immature face, while a shadow of a guy could be seen behind him.

As it slowly faded like there was nothing to begin with and Allen washed his face by the tap water right to the park entrance, Calming his emotion which be thought was good enough he walked toward the duo, Mikan noticed that something was wrong about Allen after he had come back while she also knew his brother had not realise it yet.

"It seem tonight I will too loose my memories, well it's good since my true self will write his new future himself and I think I will guide him by the system, System use me as a synthesis and evolve the system out with my consciousness."

"What happened, is their something on my face Mikan." Allen also noticed that Mikan was looking at him more often as if she had realised something which made him a little bitter because the tears he was trying to hold back spill out a little when he asked.

"Eh! yeah, but why are you crying Allen, is something wrong, I know my brother is stupid and would never notice that but are you considering me idiot too."

" Oh I am not crying, remembered I came back with a washed face, since something got in my eyes but it look like there is still inside my eyes."

" Hmm! then let me look at it, it will be a quick one this way, and you should have told me about it earlier idiot."

Mikan closed up as she looked at Allen face while holding his face and bringing it closer to her, while Rito was looking at girl intently when he thought to ask Mikan for some personal time, he saw her...

Heh, when did they become this closer given its way to quick for their relationship to grow this fast, and what with this atmosphere.

"Mikan don't you think you should do these kinds of thing at private place and time."

after hearing Rito Mikan came to her senses as she looked at Allen who was blushing looking at her while she realise how ambiguous her action were looking.

" No- No, he just got something in his eyes, and I- I was helping him get rid of it you know."

Earlier Allen smell something good, maybe it was Mikan natural odour or it might have been something else but for some reason his blood started to boil getting his face red and hot, wait - wait not just face but his whole body was warming up while heat was making his sweat a lot for some reason, given Allen didn't had knowing what was going on around him, he sprinted back to home since he knew something really...

Bang, Tangggg...


Allen, are you alright, Allen keep up with us, what the hell is going on...

*Ding due to cancellation of contract, host will start to forget the memories from all of those experiences along with magic contract.

Host body had unknown bloodline of something beyond human due to which, his body is going to enter sleep mode to recover bloodline pulsation therapy.

A new system part will be opening, which related to technical base class, which will help host become smarter and help him in case related to technology and termination.

[Hope System]

[Staffing, initialisation 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15.....100]

1x Basic Point increment Card.

[New Lottery System] Opened.

3x chance for lottery.

Allen woke up In his room, while his body was paining a lot but still his eyes seemed vacant for sometime but glow radiated his eyes as he looked around to see his surrounding, when pang of memories started to came back to him but for some reason Allen felt those memories were in complete, it was lacking something but what was puzzling him more.

He was a normal middle schooler boy with age of 12, he had a mother, father and recently he started living with a girl name Mikan, since after his accident at which he almost get killed but was saved due to great luck, his mothe lr decided to ask his brother to let them live with Mikan and Rito who live alone in this House.

But is this all there is to it, then why I had that fever and so suddenly also, and not to say he cried right for what why is it blank, well the reason I remembered was due to something got in my eyes right, but I definitely felt sad at that moment.

That fever, had something to do with my memories.

* Ding.*

*Welcome host.*

"Ahhh! what the hell is that." Allen I was shocked and surprised too, giving it is not normal for or someone to have a system out of nowhere after having a fever, but for sure because that fever was something out of the ordinary.

" then system can you explain me your purpose and how to use them, since I am a complete beginner there should be some kind of guide to help me e grasp how to use this system."

*Hope system.*

* It has status, lottery and shop.

there is also a Quest log, where host can choose to to complete quest to get rewarded by the system.*


* Quest Issued: Save red spectra soul from corrosion and destroy familiar sent by the other world master for capturing Amanda spectra.*

*Reward: body tempering tube X 5, Twin Sword Guide and Spectra soul contract.*

*time limit: a mont before 3pm of 29th day.*

[29 Days, 9 hours, 36 seconds

* Second Quest requested: Save the town from succubus trap.*

*Reward: Clocking with skill in build stealth.*

*Quest time limits: 1 month,(equal 28 Days 9 hour 30 second.)*


Looking at the quest, Allen felt a little weird but he shook his head and smiled while getting excited since anyone would be happy to see that he got something which most normal people don't have with him to help him live an extraordinary life.

" Allen- Kun, are you alright now, how is your fever, we were surprised to see you collapsing right after you ran all the way home." Mikan came hurry with her worried looks as she started bombarding with her questions, Allen felt a little warm as he smiled.

" I am all right now so you don't have to worry about me, Plus I am feeling very energetic back again."

Allen smiled as he reassure her while putting out a smiling front but the weakness didn't let it last long given he felt a little dizzy, so he could only laid back and smile.

" I see how energetic, I haven't seen anyone as energetic as you, are you trying to mock me or something, he was looking at your condition videos and look like you are energetic anyway."

Sneering Mikan helped Allen to lay back comfortably while grabbing the cold compression from his head and dipping it back with some cold water.

" Sorry about it, It seem I have brought more trouble to you instead of being helpful I am becoming more of a burden to you guys."

At which Mikan shook her head denying his word silently as she knew if she spoke now it will only make it more messier and she want Allen to rest for now and don't want him to engage in stupid arguments with her.

after whole day of nursing Alan was back to his feet which surprised both brother and sister duo, it was already evening while Mikan waqt word the kitchen to make dinner ready for them and Allen with Rito sector watch few show on the television.

Allen didn't like the show much so he thought of helping Mikan with as he walked toward the kitchen while he looked at Mikan chopping some vegetables, as she sense someone coming she looked at Allen looking at the the chop board while deep in his thought.

"Umm! Mikan do you mind if I chop those Vegetables for you." Allen also found Mikan looking at him as he blurted out as he had been thinking that he found some experience of cooking himself in his childhood maybe.

"Eh! you have chopped vegetables before." Mikan looked a little surprised, while she also knew previously Allen might have... well it's hard to say but she also... don't mind.

"Yes! I had." 'Probably.'

" Oh then go ahead, I don't mind having some one around helping me, at all..."

Duo never noticed Rito looking at them from the television room with a grin.

" Hoho, she didn't denied him stay and help her huh! well that's new, before she would never let me help her with her cooking, calling me a burden."

turning back and shifting his gaze at Television.