CHAPTER 4.4 | Mike

"Is everything ready for Kiara?", I asked one of the staff.

"Yes, sir. All we have to do is put down the curtains right?", the staff said.

"Yes, and after that she'll be going to the Town Hall because the Villagers will be eager to ask questions about her."

"Okay, sir. I'll tell the others to prepare the stand at the Town Hall."

"Good. Don't make this a failure."

The staff left after our conversation to get the stand ready for Kiara.

By Stand I meant, a little tent that's enough for Kiara and another Villager to fit in. It'll be a one by one question and answers for Kiara later.

I checked on how Kiara was doing, and as I expected. She is nervous.

Well, I'm guessing this is her first time?

I mean, she did lose her memories so this is her first time.. Probably..

There's only 6 minutes left before Steven's speech ends.

But Kiara is still nervous.

I think I'll go check on her closely then..

As I approached her with both hands on my pockets, she noticed me and looked at me with those nervous and teary eyes.

"Help..", she said.

"Haha, you are nervous.", I chuckled as I said that.

"Yes.. I don't know if this is my first time or not.. But.. I'm still nervous.."

"Yeah, I can see your hands shaking at unbelievable intensity."

"Sorry.. I can't stop it.."

She looked at her shaking hands while thinking about something.

I put my hand on her head gently and when she noticed she stopped looking at her hand and suddenly looked forward.

I slowly moved my hand on her head from left to right, as if patting her.

She's still looking at the front though..

After some rubbing on her head, I stopped and took my hand off from her head and putted it back inside my pocket.

She slowly looked at me with a blank face, it's like she's asking Why did you do that?

But it seems like I'm not gonna know what she's thinking by now.

"You can do it, Kiara.", I told her and smiled.

Seconds later her face started to go really red and hid herself using her coat.

And I just smiled and laughed a little, because I thought it was cute.

"Th-Thank you...", she said with an embarrassed tone while peeking from her coat.

"You're welcome.", I replied.

I looked at the time and there's only 3 minutes left before Steven's speech is finished.

And when that happens, its Kiara's turn.

"I gotta go, Kiara.", I told her.

"O-Okay..", she said while putting her coat down slowly from her face.

After our little conversation, I took off.

But I feel like that wasn't enough for her courage to come back.

So, I stopped and turned back and said.

"I'll be watching from the crowd so Goodluck!", I said while shouting lightly.

She smiled and nodded.

And after that, I felt relieved and finally took off.

And this confirms it.

My heart does beat fast when I'm with her, or rather, I feel relaxed when I'm with her.

And seeing her smile is like a refresher for me.

Yes, I'm in love with Takanashi Kiara.

And she's the perfect Queen for me. Only.