CHAPTER 4.5 | Takanashi Kiara

"Fuuuhh~ okay, calm down now Kiara, it's almost time.."

I tried to calm myself down after Mike calmed me down by patting my head and, it's working but I'm still a little bit nervous.

And also.. That headpat was unexpected!

"Now that we've finally settled on the festival's events, it's time proceed to the main event!"

Eh?! Now?! I thought it's still going to be in the next 5 minutes?!

"As you might have know already, there's an unfamiliar face who I've brought here inside the Village. But fear not! Because she's no danger to us all!"

Nononooo! Waitt!! I'm getting nervous again!!

"Allow me to introduce to you, the Guest of the Sun Village!"

Nooooo!! Waiiitt!!

"Takanashi... Kiara!!!"

The curtains fell down, and I was greeted by the light from somewhere I can't currently see..

But as soon as I got my sight back..

My heart skyrocketed as I saw the Villagers..

"Uh.. Um..."

What should I say??

Should I just normally introduce myself??

Should I make a speech before an introduction??

Should I change my accent??

What should I dooo??

"I... Umm.."

I scanned the crowd, and they seem to be waiting but there's disappointment in their expressions..

No.. I can only feel that they're impatient and it's making me even more nervous..

I continued to scan the crowd and found Mike, Claire and Kitty.

When Mike noticed that I was looking at them, he smiled.

And somehow that calmed me down a little bit..

So.. I took a deep breath and introduced myself.

"My name.. Is Takanashi Kiara, I am the current Guest of this Village and will donate something in return for your hospitality. I'm looking forward to meet all of you!"

I bowed my head down to show gratitude as I finished my introduction.

The Villagers went silent..

I thought it's because I somehow lacked something in my introduction..

But seconds later, they started clapping and some shouted my name..





The villagers continued shouting and clapping..

I slowly raised my head to see their reactions and when I did.

I saw their happiness and cheerfulnes, it's almost like what happened earlier at Steven's house never happened.

"WELCOME KIARA!", Steven said as he walked towards me.

The villagers slowly calmed down by the time Steven approached me.

"G-Good Evening, Mr. Steven.."

"Welcome to our Sun Village, we'll be looking forward to get to know you even more and we'll especially look forward to what you'll be donating us!"

Eh? Are you serious? You're the one who said that I should donate sake earlier..

But I guess, I kinda know what to do here..

"I.. Um.. I'll be donating some sake for the upcoming Sun Festival!"

"Hmmm.. Some sake??? That sounds nice! Right, Guards??", he said as he looked at the Guards who are also watching from afar.


Wait.. A second..

Was this his plan all along? So that he can give about 30% of the sake while I'll be giving 70%?!


"Hm? What is it Kiara?"

"Steven.. Can we talk after this?"


That geh definitely meant something..

Perhaps my theory is true..

The villagers were wondering what I was trying to signal to Steven, but they will never know since this was his plan..

And I figured it out..

"Okay! U-Um... There will be a tent over there!", Steven said then he pointed at the tent that's prepared beside the Town Hall.

"That's where Kiara, will be answering the questions that you want to ask!"

Wait.. Is this a distraction?

"So if there's anything you want to ask, don't be afraid to go to that location!"

Wait a minute.. Steven..

Are you using this so that I won't be able to talk to you about the donation later??

As the Villagers were murmuring about the tent and others clapping, Steven looked at me.

But I feel like he was saying, I'm sorry Kiara, we'll talk about the sake donation split tomorrow.

If that's what he's thinking right now, then I'm seriously going to punch him after what I'll be doing tonight.

But looking at the Villagers, I can't count how many there are. But, I can guess that there are about 100 and above of them.

And it'll be a long night for me, I guess..

"Then, Kiara! Shall we go to the tent and start the Q&A?", Steven asked.

I'm seriously going to punch you Steven.

"Sure! I'm looking forward to the questions!", I said while making a smily, yet pissed expression at Steven. And I think he noticed it.

"Th-Then, we shall go!"


After that shout, we proceeded to the Town Hall where the tent is placed.

Although, I expected the Villagers to get excited and ram on the Guards. They're somewhat calm, and are following the Guards' instructions.

Or more like, Steven's instructions..

When we arrived at the tent, I was told to sit down at the middle. And there was also a nice chair.

When I sat on it, it felt really comfortable.

I might forgive Steven a little because of this service..

Time passed, and the arrangements are done. They're now letting one villager in to ask a question to me.

The first villager entered and sat down in front of me at the chair similar to mine.

"Good Evening, Kiara.", the villager asked.

"Good Evening, what shall be your question?", I asked directly for the question without asking the villagers name.

It may sound rude to not ask, but I think I want each conversation to end quickly since there's still like more of them waiting..

"Are you single?"


"Eh?", a familiar male said when he overheard it from the back.

"I'll repeat the question again, are you single?"

What is that question??

I'm still not sure about my feelings for a certain person! And you're asking me this now?!

"I... Um.."

"Excuse me.", a voice from the back said.

"What is it, nerd?", the villager said.

"That's rude talking to the chief's assistant like that, Sid."

I looked at the back and saw Mike talking to the villager, who is actually named Sid.

"Meh, it's not like there's a change in you ever since you got promoted to being an assistant. You're still a nerd for me."

Eh? Do these two have a beef with each other?

Things might get worse if I don't answer Sid's question..

"Why you—"

"Woah there Mike, control your temper.", Steven said as he stopped Mike from doing something to Sid.

"We don't want any nuisance and trouble for our Guest right? And besides, you got the promotion for a reason. Unlike the one who's talking now.", Steven said.

Eh? These two have a beef with Sid?!

"Well isn't it because you two are close friends? That's why you promoted him?", Sid continued to mock the two.

"You might be our classmate before, but as the Chief. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior anymore Sid."

Not tolerate anymore?

"I've already given you 3 chances for your behavior before because I don't want things to come to this. But, to mock Mike like that and in front of the Guest too.. That's beyond unforgivable Sid. And I will not tolerate it anymore."

"Woah, calm down. I just wanted to ask the Guest a question. And yet, Mr. Mike intervened out of nowhere."

"That's it.", Mike said as if he had enough with Sid's mockery.

Mike approached Sid with anger, Steven tried to stop him but Mike didn't want to be stopped.

I have to do something. Now!

"I! I'M SINGLE!", I shouted from my chair.

The 3 went silent, and Mike also stopped approaching Sid.

"I'm single, Mr. Sid. Now that you got your answer, can you go now?", I said as I stood up.

"Sure, I'm now satisfied with that answer.", Sid said and he left.

Phew.. That was close, I almost made the first questionnaire into a fight..

I looked at Steven and Mike, and somehow..

Mike is getting red and he's also covering his face using his hand.

"M-Mike? Are you okay?? Are you still mad??", I asked.

"I-I'm not.. I'm.. Happy.."

I didn't get why..

But seconds after thinking everything through..

"Ah.. Ahhhhhh!!!!"

I covered my face with my hands, and I can hear the Villagers murmuring from the distance..

It's because I shouted it out loud! And they heard it loud and clear!

It's not like it's a lie but.. It's still embarrassing and I don't know why...

"Ehhhh... So you still have a chance Mikey boyy~", Steven teased Mike.

"Sh-Shut up Steven!", Mike said.

Yeah Steven, shut up!

You're not helping!

I will definitely slap you after I'm done here, just you wait!

But first, I have to move on so that I can continue this never ending line and suffering.

"NEXT!", I shouted without hesitation.

The Guards then brought the next villager in.

Steven and Mike excused themselves and went to do something.

The 2nd Villager did the same thing. He greeted, sat down and ask the question.

Although, the next question isn't as weird as the first one. So I guess, It'll be okay by now.

And so, all the villagers came in and out. Asking the same and different questions. And I answered them with either the same answers because of the repeating questions, or different answers because of the difference in questions.

And this went on, for 3 hours and 50 minutes.