chapter seven...


Tonight we are having a double date with my best friend and his girlfriend.Jason actually has a girlfriend ! .I didnt believe him when he told me the other day I thought he was making it up.All this time from childhood I had thought Jason was gay because he sometimes used to paint his nails and he used to be very emotional and never showed interest in girls .But after I saw the pictures of them together on the internet this spoke volumes that I had misjudged my own best friend.

Rachel actually thought the pictures were inappropriate and sinful she always thinks of herself as a very hardcore Christian on such matters and when I said I saw nothing wrong in them she actually accused me of supporting sins.

Rachel is a really uptight Christian girl ,I didn't realize that this was her usual self till it was too late ,at first I thought it was just her way of playing hard to get .She had refused to come live with me in one house for example ,though her parents agreed early I had to promise to follow her many rules for her to agree.Setting up boundaries is what she calls it ,I find it as a very elaborate form of mixed signals.

She has rules like no kissing in public , no hugging in public ,no showering together ,no seeing her naked and absolutely no sex till marriage .These are all (and much more ) expected of a Christian couple which is strange because ,Adam and Eve as the first Christians didn't even get married ,I certainly didn't find any part of Genesis where they called a priest and said " i do"before they knew each other and got children.

Anyway Rachel is a great girlfriend she is loving caring and she cooks very well.

Soon Jason and his girlfriend arrive and I go to welcome them in.Rachel was in the room dressing .She had already cooked the food and set the table very beautifully designed because she was a perfectionist and wanted to show off how skilled she was.

Jason gets out of the car and goes to the other side to open the door for his girlfriend.She holds his hand to drop down despite the fact that it was not really that much difficult.I just stare at Jason's girlfriend she looks cute and who am I kidding hot and sexy too then I remember she is an actress which I now see obviously why.

Jason looks at me ,then he places his hand around her waist and I realize maybe I am staring too much so I shift my gaze elsewhere.

"hey Jason"I say giving him a brief hug.

"hey Leo" he replies,before I say hi to his girlfriend she already decides to say it.

"hey Leo"she says in a low voice with a smile, I notice all this because I am back to staring at her.

"hi Gwen,nice to finally meet you" I say .

"where is your girlfriend .... Rachel?" Jason asks I guess I wasn't allowed to look at his girlfriend why else would he totally have a hint of jealousy in his tone .

"she is inside ,she was finishing up somethings "I say and we all got into the house .Rachel is done with dressing ,she is wearing a t-shirt ,pink in colour with bblack curry font that say saved by grace,and jeans ,with flip-flops she looks at Gwen from up to down perhaps judging on how "underdressed " and "immodest "she looks ,I could say the same but I have seen worse things.

Next Jason greets Rachel ,then Gwen does the same and after the brief hi and hello exchange we go for the dinner .No need to go in deep to explain how was the food,it was great ,as always.

"you cook well ,you could open an eatery or a restaurant "said Gwen ,making Rachel pause to look at her .

"yah ,you will get tons of customers" ,added Jason I don't know Rachel cooked well but I don't think she will be able to handle running her own business,she is all kind generous and helpful but she can be difficult to understand,and overbearing.

"thank you " she replies and continues to eat .

"so Leo how did Rachel birthday party go?" asked Jason .

"it went out well ,we enjoyed it ,she was very happy about it".

"really Rachel were you happy about it? tell us the truth"

"of course I was happy with it " replied Rachel

"good because Jay was going nuts just to ensure that the par to would go well".

After all the small talk and when we finish eating we go to the media room to watch the movie.

it is a romantic comedy called Mr and Mrs bully which is about this two who used to be bullies at high school,later married and how their marriage is now.

The movie is funny and all but I couldn't ignore the contrast between what Jason and Gwen where doing and between what Rachel and I were doing.

Jason and Gwen sat together on the side couch where Gwen stretched her legs and resend them on Jason's lap ,with his hands on her legs hpwhich he some times just moved them around as if he was tracing something.

Rachel and me who both sat on the other couch facing the tv we sat apart from each other ,Rachel concentrated on the movie while sometimes Jason and Gwen looked at each other.

Call me jealous if you want to but on stuff like this I don't understand Rachel.Soon the movie was over but we didn't want to leave yet so Rachel picked an animation to watch .

I don't even know what the animation was all about I just know soon Gwen began to doze so Jason asks if they can leave so we agree and that is it for the double date.

Jason asks if we will have another one soon and I say sure but I am not really sure.