After Jason discovered the truth about Gwen , Leo and dad things haven't been the same , well it isn't like we expected things to be the same . It's just he has been sad and gloomy as if he is lost or distressed but when we ask him if there is anything wrong, he just says nothing is wrong .
Today though we plan to tell the truth , well I am going to tell the truth to Gwen and mom while Jason will tell Gwen ,Leo and dad and I quote his words 'we know al the shitty things you have been up to'.I am with Eli who though refused to do this I still dragged her in .When I told her 'you are just doing your mother in law a favour by helping her in her time of need ' ,she slapped me on my arm really hard that I thought something surely must be broken but I just laughed it off .
At the place we had decided to meet at , which is at our home we told mom that there is something important we have to say ,and after she looked at me and Eli in a funny way she agreed .
"what is this you want to tell ?, tell me already !" she complains for the hundredth time and again for the hundredth time I give the same reply ..
"Mom we will tell you ! there is someone we are waiting for ". Mom then looks at Eli who just gives a nervous smile at her . She has been awfully quiet since we sat down at this dining table and I don't have to ask why .
We hear a knock on the door and I am sure it's Rachel , I had told the house keeper that we were waiting for someone so she escorts her to where we are.
"good evening Mrs Beckett " she says while giving mom a smile .
"good evening -" mom replied not really knowing who Rachel is ,then she turns to us and greets us to .
"hi " also with a smile on her face ,if only she knew what information we were going to tell her right now ,she couldn't be smiling so sweetly .
"hi Rachel ,do take a sit please " she nods her head and she sits next to mom .
I am not an expert on delivering bad news to people so I had to Google it , when I asked Eli though if we had to start with the "we have good news and bad news" style she rejected the idea right away saying it's too cliche , and that the good news never really do any good things and a bunch of other reasons , as if she was an expert herself .
"we called you guys here because we have something really important to te- to tell guys " I say in a lower voice than I had expected .
"we know you may not believe what we will show you , cause even us at first we didn't but you deserve to know the truth " .Eli sounds more confident than me , she spoke clearly and all while I kept on fidgeting my hands like I was trying to tie knots with them , maybe she is really expert .
She then takes out the envelopes with the pictures which we had duplicated from the original ones and hands one to mom and one to Rachel who they just stare at them as if they are baby aliens .
"open them " I say abit more louder than before and they both proceed to peek inside their own versions of the Pandora box not aware of the horrors they would unleash .
"I KNEW IT!" mom shouts when she looks at the pictures that were in the envelope . Me and Eli exchanged glances and I sure we are thinking the same thing ,this isn't the reaction we had in mind .
Rachel on the other hand she just stared at the pictures and for I moment I thought maybe she froze but tears start to fill her eyes and they soon start to roll.
"so this is what he meant when he said he doesn't love me anymore ." she says in between her sobs .
"he told you he doesn't love you ?" I ask her , wondering if Leo really wanted to dump sweet Rachel for a slut like Gwen .
"I knew it that he must be cheating on me ,that swine !" shouts my mom .I guess to her we broke obvious news instead of bad news .
"Yah some time ago...he ..he wanted to break up with me " she says and continues to cry I shift to where her chair is at to comfort her , cause she is crying so much she is shaking ,while mom looks just like nothing is wrong .
"Isn't this Jason's girlfriend?" mom asks .
"yes it is " responds Eli .
"oh dear does he know about this ? and what's up with this bitch going for the best friend and father of his boyfriend? " .
"Jason knows about it " I respond , I almost said that she was just a fake girlfriend and that Jason is gay but I don't , it's his closet to get out of .
"so now it's divorce , and I get half of everything .I have to call my lawyer " she says with a smile on her face .
"Calm down Rachel it's going to be okay " I try my best to get her to stop crying ,by whispering to her ear the sentence over and over again while patting her back .
"Poor girl , didn't know men will always be men ? didn't your mama teach you that ?" mom asks Rachel as if she would reply to her any sooner .
"ok let me go now " she says while collecting the pictures from the table including those of Gwen and Leo.
"I have to start getting used to being divorced now . Good night girls " she says and walks away while I continue to comfort Rachel .Finally she is able to stop crying and she looks up at me .
" can I sleep here tonight? " she asks in a whisper .
"Of course " I respond with a smile .