chapter sixteen .


Dad and I have never really sat down to talk about anything ,he never even gave me the talk that dad's usually give their sons about drugs or alcohol or sex or girs. Not that I neede such talks ,but here I am going to give my dad the talk . Not only my dad but also my best friend. The best friend I almost exposed my feelings ,and my identity to .

"why did you call me here?" Dad asks as he sat down at the table of the bar that I had decided we meet at .

" Good evening Mr Beckett " says Leo but dad just waved him off .

I looked at Adonis expecting him to start the conversation so that I could just back him up but he just sat there looking back at me .

" I called you both here to talk about Gwen ".I announce

"Gwen ? your girlfriend ?". asks Leo and I am tempted to answer him by no , Gwen the chewing gum I stept on with my shoe

"yes , Gwen my girlfriend who you both have been dating "I look at their reactions , Leo shifts uncomfortably but dad didn't look disturbed at all.

"what are you talking about?" asks Leo ,his voice abit shaky .

" we are talking about exactly what we said before , we know you two have been screwing Gwen " says Adonis finally all firm and serious , if I didn't know him I could be abit intimidated by his tone .

They both just continued looking at us like we are just talking gibberish,so I just look at Adonis and nod at him to present the evidence .Adonis hands the envelopes to dad and Leo and for a second I wonder what if he had them mixed up .

When Leo opens the envelope and looks at the contents his eyes widened and he swallows hard , while dad if he was suprised then he didn't really look like it .

"Now tell us ,isn't it you in the pictures or you got some lookalikes ".I say folding my hands on my chest .

Dad then takes all the pictures, even those Leo was holding and tears them into pieces .

" you really called us here to tell us this ? your girlfriend is a prostitute that's what prostitutes do ,I thought you knew that or she didn't tell you ? " dad says without really any sort of remorse .

" So that is your excuse ? She is a prostitute and what are you ? Leo you have a girlfriend ,and dad you have a freaking wife and she is my mom !" I shout at them both .

"Your mother will be happy when she hears this , she will get that divorce she always wanted .If you have nothing else to say let's call it a night and go home " says dad then he stood up to leave , he holds Leo's shoulder who has been looking down the whole time so he looks up at him .

"You don't let this kid mess you up , he is just desperate that he is going to be a father " he tells Leo .

"isn't it Jason ? ever since you knew your girlfriend is pregnant you just can't accept it " he says while looking at me with a smirk, then he shakes his head and leaves the place .Leo too looks at us then he decides too to stand and leave but before he goes he murmurs something quickly .

"sorry "

Sorry ? he said he is sorry ? for what ? cheating on his girlfriend? or cheating with my girlfriend ? or breaking our friendship ? .What is he sorry for ? I can't understand really?

" Jason are you crying ?" asks Adonis ,I turn to see concern and worry all over his face .

"What ? who is crying ?am not -" I touch my cheeks feeling tears that were rolling down on their own consent .

"don't be sad , all this will be over soon " Adonis reasured me and I smile .Yeah it will be over but how ? that is the question .How will this end ?

"what about Gwen when are you going to confront her ?" asks Adonis .

"I wanted to meet her now but she refused , she said about going somewhere , so tomorrow " .

"somewhere ? where exactly has she gone to ?" Adonis asks .

"I really don't care ,if she going to another guy or to hell " I reply ,and I really mean it .

"let's just go back home now I will drop you off " I tell Adonis and we stand to leave .