Chapter 4: First day of class

The next day after the orientation seminar was the official first day of school. Unlike in high school where students have a fixed 7:30 am- 4:00 pm schedule from Mondays to Fridays and have to wait in a single classroom for the teacher to arrive, college was a bit different.

In our college, we have different sets of schedules, and for each subject, the students have to move classrooms to get from one class to the other.

I looked at my class schedule and the school buildings I need to go to for class. I can't recall everything, but I do know that I have taken the same subjects in the same sections that I am seeing in the schedule handed to me yesterday.

Anyway, my MWF classes comprises of 1-hour subjects, while my T-TH subjects lasts for 1 and a half hour. The first subject I had for the day was Math 11 and if I recall correctly, after 2 weeks we will have the evaluation exam wherein the results will determine if the student should move to Math 10 or remain in class. Math 10 is the basic class that would help students prepare for Math 11 which is the intermediate class.

The same is true for another subject I'm taking which is English. There, I belong to English 10 and the exam after 2 weeks will determine whether I deserve to move to English 11 or not.

Either way, I think I would need to prepare for those exams as I already forgot what was taught in those subjects as it has been more than a decade since I took them.

Entering class, I saw that some of my blockmates were already there. There were 15 of us in the block, and I must say that although we were only introduced briefly during the seminar, I know them all by heart, ehem, that's an exaggeration, but I did know them for more than a decade so amongst everyone, I could say that I know each of them the most.

"Hi Michelle!" Camille greeted me. although Janina has tried to befriend her yesterday, it seems that the girl wanted to befriend me more instead.

In fact, contrary to my previous experience, my blockmates seem to like me more this time around. Maybe it was because I carried myself with more maturity than before? Well, I don't know.

"Hi, Camille, Joanie, Pat, and Marts. You guys have arrived early." I greeted the 5 of them as I took the 2nd seat from the front in the middle row. Well, I do plan to excel, and it would be a shame if my classmates in this class were to perform better than me. I am, after all, a person who has been rebirthed.

It was strange that Marts was blushing until I recalled that at this time, he did have a crush on me. ah, it never worked out before as I never felt any attraction to him, and it certainly won't work now. In the other timeline, I did let him help me with my English homework, and maybe that's why he thought I was a user-friendly girl and said negative things about me later on. Though we did return to being friends after we graduated, and he chose to pursue Janina.

Anyway, after a while, more people started coming in class and there were other people I don't recognize anymore but I was sure were also my classmates at this time.

Our professor, Ms. Rosaline Tan, came in. She introduced herself then started handing out the syllabus for this class. I looked it over and tried to recall what I learned from this before. It's Geometry and I do know that although I was weak in every other subject, Math has always been my strong point.

Anyway, the class did not last long. She just discussed the syllabus and told us to purchase the book indicated in the syllabus and then do some advance readings for the lecture next meeting.

"Hey Michelle, wanna join us for brunch at the canteen?" Camille invited.

I shook my head. I can make friends with them later, but right now, all I wanted to do was try to hunt and see my future husband. I wonder how he was at this age.

"Sorry, I promised to meet with my cousin." I replied. Not that I will, but I need an excuse to not make them think that I'm snobbish.

But not to say that I don't have a cousin here, because I totally do. My cousin, Howell Lui, is an upperclassman from SOSE. Sadly, at the time I met Steve, he has already migrated to country U. We never got to bond much as I was also a snobbish little princess during my college days and although his father was my father's cousin, I always thought that his family was leeching of mine.

"oh, alright. See you later in our next class then." she replied.


Last night, I tried to recall the details my husband told me regarding his life during college.

I tried to search for his name, but I can't find a Steve Feng in the SOSE department. Perhaps there's something wrong with the system so I'll just go and see for myself.

When I arrived in the SOSE building, I looked at the schedule of freshmen students. His course was Civil Engineering and there was only 1 block, so he must be in that class.

I saw that their block's environmental science subject together should be at 10:30 am, at the bellarmine building. Smiling, I looked at my own schedule.

Ah, my next class is still at 12:30 pm. I have time to try and see if he's in that class! I rejoiced.
