Chapter 5: Seeing my future husband

I walked to the bellarmine hall and arrived there at 10:00 am. Still quite early, but I want to pretend to be part of their class. I'll just tell the prof that I have been enrolled in that class and maybe my name hasn't just appeared in their class list yet. Well, it should work.

Did I mention that I worked as a prof for a year in this same university parttime? I did handle 3-hours subject every Saturday in Microeconomics before. So, I know how the mind of a professor works. Well at least generally.

Anyway, going to room B-232 I saw that it was empty. Apparently, there was no class before theirs, so I chose to position myself in one of the seats at the back.

After a while, some people came streaming in. Some of them looked at me, but it was nothing strange. We were all first years having our first day of class. They must have thought that I must be from another block and was their classmate now.

Where was Steve? I wondered. The room has been mostly occupied and I haven't seen him just yet. The professor arrived even before he did.

The bell rang already, and he still isn't here just yet. Hmm… I also do not see Lara. Where could they be?

Now, talking about Lara, I have seen her in some parties when I was still part of the diamond spoon babies. Lara Chua was the daughter of one of the richest conglomerates in the country, and yeah, she was also quite pretty. Steve must really be something that he got to date her during college. Oh well, he does have a very handsome face I have to give him that. That's why I got attracted to him in the first place.

"Good morning everyone. I am Mr. Robert Chen, and I shall be your professor in Environmental Science…." the professor started introducing himself and then he proceeded with discussing the syllabus. Lulled by his voice, I just chose to stare at the door. Did I just waste my time here for nothing? Did he choose other science subjects to take this sem? I asked myself.

I almost fell asleep when suddenly, the professor addressed 3 students who I noticed just entered the class.

"Are you supposed to be in this class?" he asked.

The girl answered, "Yes Sir, We're sorry for being late. We got lost as this is our first day in school." She said. And when I looked at her, I recognized her immediately. It was Lara. She was wearing a Chanel dress which I recognized as I can vividly recall wanting to buy it even though it's been more than a decade ago for me. That's how much I wanted it before. However when we went back to the store after I convinced my mom to buy it for me it was already sold. Ugh.

There were 2 guys next to her, and to my surprise, one was Andy Peng. The famous actor who came from the Peng family. Woah. I didn't know that they were friends. Ah, loaded people always stick together, and I was, although also from a very rich family, still from the circle beneath theirs.

I mean, we get to attend the same parties, but they were like from the exclusive, exclusive group.

Then finally, my eyes zeroed in on the 3rd person in their group. I almost did not recognize him. Compared to his simplistic style when we met each other, this time, he was very different.

From top to bottom, he was wearing some crazy branded expensive clothes, and although I am only seeing him from afar, he was wearing a damn patek philippe watch! Eh??? Why was he wearing those? Was Lara like his sugar mommy before?

So, did that mean that what he meant by grueling days was that he had to cater to Lara's every whim as she supports him and he's something like a gigolo? Sorry, my imagination can only come up with that as an answer.

I listened as the professor addressed them.

"What are your names? let me check from the class list." The professor asked.

"I am Lara Chua, Sir." Lara began.

Then, Andy gave a winning smile, as if the professor should already know who he was. The professor just looked at him strangely, causing everyone in the class to laugh.

"I am Andy Peng, Sir." He said defeated.

I thought it funny, he will be more famous in the future I knew. Though now, he was only popular to the teens as the show he's currently part of caters to those of that age.

Now, I looked at Steve. He was wearing a frown, and did not speak. The professor looked at him strangely, and all I really wanted to do at that moment was laugh at his face. He looked like he ate a sour lemon. I can't seem to recall him making that face in our 3 years of marriage.

"you are?" the professor asked when he still did not speak.

In the end, Lara was the one who spoke on his behalf, "Sorry Sir, our friend has not been feeling well since our first class. His name is Steven Sy."

The professor's eyes widened. But then he tried to act more professionally, as he said, "alright, come inside and please take your seats."

The three entered the class and seeing that most of the seats in front were occupied, they chose to walk and take the seats at the back, which apparently were beside mine.

Huh? I thought. Steven Sy? I'm quite positive that when we got married, his name in his birth certificate was Steve Feng. My eyes can't be deceiving me either. I am certain that the one I just saw was Steve, my husband. Then, I tried to recall stuff.

Steven Sy… hmm wasn't that the only son of the Sy corporation which was the richest family in our country? What the hell? Was this some sick joke and my husband became the stand in of that rich kid? Ugh. I can almost sympathize with him. Maybe that's why he's been scowling and not saying his name when the professor asked.
