Chapter 6: Meeting the Nation’s husband

The three took their seats and Andy Peng sat beside me. WTH!? Andy Peng sitting beside me? hahaha! Gods, the number 1 heartthrob dubbed as the Nation's husband of our country later, was sitting beside me, and I just wanna really stay in this class.

Ehem, ehem, well, for my future husband's sake of course. I need to unravel the mystery of why he's a stand in for that rich kid that will die at the age of 22 on a plane crash.

Yeah, I suddenly recalled. Although I was still studying my Master's in country E at that time, no one did not know it. It was all over the news but of course, the photo of the person was not shared in the media, only the name. Anyway, I never did get to meet Steven Sy as I have said, although my family was part of the rich circle, their circle was beyond our reach.

Anyhow, the future of the Sy corporation was bleak. The richest corporation became a mess and I heard that it was the internal conflict which caused it. Anyway, that's none of my business so they can just go and do whatever they want.

Now, let me look at my future husband again. Hmm, he looks younger and more handsome than he did when I met him. Although he was scowling, there was an aristocratic and arrogant flare to him that he did not have when we met.

Suddenly, perhaps because he noticed me staring, for the first time, our eyes met.

Oh my god. It was like the first time when I met him before. My heart kept thumping quickly and I can feel my face flush. Although I like him the way he was when we're older, being very gentlemanly and all, I have to admit, the bad boy aura also appealed to me.

Like, come on, even during the time when we were boyfriend-girlfriend we did engage in ehem, ehem, sexual intercourse, but it was us making love. The way he looks now, it's like he would kabedon a girl and engage in what? Like 50 shades of gray intercourse. Haha! Oh my, was I this perverted when I was 18? Holy shit, I just recalled that I was such a prude then.

I tried to smile at him as I remembered he once told me that it was my smile that made him fall for me. However, instead of a smile back like he did when we were older, he furrowed his brows and chose to ignore me.

Huh? Come on dude. I was not even flirting! Alright, maybe I was but still. Ok, I understand that this was the first time we met and perhaps he thought that I was such a strange girl. But to tell the truth it still kinda felt ouchie.

However, at the same time, I found it funny. Well, won't anyone in the same position think so? If he knew that I would become his future wife, I wonder if he would have made the same expression. Then, I thought of telling this to Steve himself. What would he say if he knew that his younger self did that to me?

Anyway, just thinking of that, I tried not to laugh out loud so I covered my mouth with my hand. But I did know my eyes were smiling. All the while, I did not notice that Andy has been staring at me.

"Excuse me, but have we met before?" Andy asked.

Eh? Why was the nation's husband talking to me? "Uh, maybe?" was all I can say in response. Like yeah, maybe you saw me around in those parties. Mind you, I did see you every once in a while. Not that you seem to know.

"I'm Andy Peng from SOSE and my major is Civil Engineering. I don't think that you're part of our block, so what is your major?"

Why is he engaging me in a conversation? Oh well. "I'm Michelle Lui. I am from the economics department." I replied. What? Later, I will go for a load revision. That's a nice thing about college. One can switch class. As first year students, we're only taking core subjects and the reason why students rarely do load revision at this time is because they want to stick together with their blockmates. Not me though. I am staying in this class I decided. I need to have some interaction with my hubby.

It's not that I mean to get him as my boyfriend immediately, which of course is also part of my plan, but I also just want to share this part of his life too. It's nice to get to know him as a young adult.

"Lui? Are you by chance part of the Lui family that owns RC motors? I love those remote control cars!" he said.

Oh yes, our family business focuses on remote control cars, not big cars but the small ones kids play with. I mean it was a great business, but as I said, come later due to technological advances especially the cellphones, tablets, and all those, our company died. Well, kids later they like tabs more than toys and internet is the next big thing. Although we have internet now, it's not like everyone has smartphones yet.

"Yes. To be honest, I did see you around in some of the parties my family attend. It's nice to meet you, Andy." I said calmly, but deep inside I was like, ooohhh you hot stuff. You have no idea how much I feel flattered that you know of my family and now me. You're like the nation's husband. Later, when you're a big star, I hope you don't forget me. hehe.

"So that's why I thought you looked familiar. Anyway, I don't know if…" Andy started saying, but before he could continue, the professor coughed.

"And Mr. at the back…"

Andy stopped talking then turned to face the professor. He smiled at him and said, "Sorry, Sir."

Then his eyes turned to look at me again and, did he just wink at me?

Ok, am I being presumptuous? Because in my own humble opinion, I think Mr. Nation's husband just winked at me, and if I were to interpret it in any other way, I would say he's flirting with me.

Sorry Andy, you're too young for me now. Maybe a few more years and we can? Ugh, sorry, my husband is your buddy, so that's a no no. But I did feel flattered that you're so sweet. Hehehe. I will forever keep it in my diary that once in my life, the Nation's husband flirted with me.
