Chapter 19: Getting permission

Michelle POV

After I read the invitation, I started thinking of ways to get my parents' permission to attend. I'm not sure if they would agree, because in the past, I never asked. First, I never was interested to attend any. Second, when I became interested, no one invited me.

Looking back, my life then has been so lacking in adventure and was so monotonously boring. After school, I usually just go home directly. During that time, I would alternate my time between studying and reading fanfiction. Studying was my priority. I was too afraid of getting kicked out from our university then becoming a laughingstock and bringing shame to my parents. As I mentioned, I was wait listed and most of my blockmates and classmates were valedictorians of their respective high schools.

Though I hated to admit, I knew I got in because of luck (barely passing the entrance), combined with legacy (parents and relatives graduated from same school), the name of my high school, and my high school grades which I think I got because of my parent's gift to my teachers.

Thus, the limited number of times I went home late were only when there were group works which I find myself lacking in contribution at times because my groupmates in the form of my blockmates don't give me too much task, afraid that I will pull them down, and when there were group studies which I later realized were not very effective to me. So, I opted for self-study and hiring some private tutors myself.

Anyway, I was pulled out of my musings when Rona knocked on my door to inform me that dinner was ready.


"Mama, Papa, how did the matter about the land go?" I asked after we ate dinner to open our conversation.

"Michelle, don't be surprised alright? When you told us about your dream last night, I had the land reevaluated this morning. You know what the result was? Apparently, it is on top of a fault line. I can't believe that your dream was right. It was like a prophesy. I believe we need to offer incense to our ancestors for giving you foresight." My mother said.

I forced myself not to laugh as I was tempted to just tell them the truth. But I was afraid that they would think I'm crazy. My mom was a fan of the supernatural, but I believe if I say that I was a reincarnator, she will have me exorcised from my own body! So, never mind, I rather not take the chance. Besides, I kinda enjoy my new status of being smarter and more respectable than before.

"I see… then indeed mama, we should do that! Papa, how about the land in province F? Have you and your friend finalized negotiations about it already?"

"He flew here this morning, and we had the transaction completed. Why are you suddenly concerned with business?" my father asked.

I shook my head, "Just that it's the first land I had input for you to buy, papa. I think I'm learning something in university about economics and all. Hehe…"

"Michelle, it has just been your second day, but it's good that you're showing interest and concern about our corporation. You are, after all, the person who will inherit it. When you grow older, mama and papa will just retire and let you handle everything. How wonderful would that be?" My mother joked.

I giggled. "Yes, mama. So right now, I think the next step should be building my connections. I think papa, mama, that I should build rapport with people from our circles, more so from those above ours."

My father nodded, "It's good that you are realizing that now. Business is like that, it's a give and take process, and you should also have the right connections most of the time."

"What made you think about those things Michelle?" my mother asked curious.

Well, so far, their reactions seemed positive. Maybe they already saw my past self as the social recluse I was and were worried but did not tell me about it?

Now, how do I tell them that we went bankrupt, and I learned it the hard way? It's not like they will believe that I just suddenly had an epiphany that I should be like this and that. The sudden change in personality might make my mother think that I have been possessed by an evil spirit! Ugh, just bite that dream excuse again.

"Actually, I did not mention that in continuation of my dream of the resort collapsing, we suddenly went bankrupt. From then on, I had to work like a corporate slave then I realized, if I had friends, I mean real friends, in the first place, then I would at least have people to lend me a hand. Mama, papa, I'm scared."

My mother furrowed her brows with worry, "Michelle, that will never happen. Mama and papa are rich enough to give even up to your great grandchildren pocket money. Don't worry about it."

My father contemplated, if buying the land from province B pushed through and they built a resort there, although it would be a substantial damage to our wealth it should not turn us bankrupt. However, it was good to act with more prudence.

"Yes Mama, I understand. Anyway, you know what? For the first time, I received an invite to an overnight birthday party! And the one who invited me was Lara Chua.", well, I can't really say that it was Andy who invited me. Come on, he's a boy and my father will definitely disagree.

"Lara Chua? Isn't that the daughter and heiress of the Chua's? How did you become friends and so quickly too?" My mother asked.

"Uhm, she's my classmate in two of my subjects, Environmental Science and ES lab, she was also my seatmate there. Even though her course was engineering, we just suddenly clicked. However, the birthday party was her friend's I think his name was Andy Peng." I explained.

"How come she's the one inviting when it's not even her birthday?" My father asked doubtfully.

"I don't know. But I want to attend. She will be my first college friend, also I will show you our photos after I get home from that party. Please mama, papa, let me attend." I kinda begged.

"But when is it? Also, don't you have your evaluation exams in two weeks?" my mother asked.

"It will be the weekend after the evaluation exams. I will of course study for the exams and perform well. But please mama, papa, all my classmates in high school attended some sleep over, only I never got to attend one. So please?"

Taking into consideration my words about building connections and the names that I mentioned, my parents were convinced. They nodded at each other, and my mother turned to smile at me.

"Alright, we trust you. Besides, you're already 18. However, again, always keep in mind, books before boys, ok?" my mother advised.

"Of course, Mama! Thank you! Thank you! I'm so excited!"

"don't let that excitement get into your head, study for your evaluation exams first." My father reminded.

"Yes, papa! I will endeavor to pass them."

My parents both smiled again, happy at seeing me happy.
