Chapter 20: Library

After I was able to convince my parents to let me attend the party, I went back to my room and locked the door. I could not stop the grin blooming on my face and like a teenager, I began to squeal! I'm so excited! It's the first time that I would be attending a college party.

I went to open my bag and brought out the invitation Andy gave me. Should I text him tonight to confirm my attendance?

Wait, come to think of it, he gave me this because he wants to have my number. If I text him now, won't he think that I'm too eager? I mean, I'm positive that I did not interpret his words incorrectly, because if he's just plainly inviting me, he could have told me that I can just tell him later if I'm attending. It's not like we won't see each other again, considering that we have 2 subjects together and should be meeting 4 times a week in class. Aside from that, usually these RSVP should be handled by the event planner and the number indicated should also be theirs.

Anyway, I saved his cellphone number and placed the invitation in my drawer afraid to lose it. I'll just text him on Sunday.


The next day, our professor in Math 11 class began her lecture and to my utter horror, what should be easy for me was now some alien language. I already took the subject before and passed it, but that was more than a decade ago. Math 11 which focused on geometry was not a subject I apply in my daily life, nor did I use it for my economics subjects.

I wanted to cry. If I don't focus and study, then I might get kicked out of the university and this new timeline might even become worse than my first one!

Gods, this is horrendous! I must really pay attention and review everything again.

At 8:20 am, the bell rang and we were dismissed. My blockmates invited me to hang out at the canteen before their next class, but I declined. I don't want to play cards or what not as I'm already panicking.

My blockmates all came from high school, their knowledge about Geometry was still fresh. Mine was already rusty! When it came to math, I knew that practice was important. Why have I not thought of this before? Why was it that all I ever thought of were enjoying my college life?

Anyway, I said my goodbyes to them and walked to the library. Our professor said that she left sample exams, AKA samplex, to one of the ladies handling the photocopying machines there. I need to review and practice solving equations now.


Upon finding the woman to whom our prof left the samplex, I immediately asked her to have it photocopied for me. Luckily, there was no line and I was handed the copies after paying.

The samplex comprised of old departmental Math 11 evaluation exams. It did not only have questions, but also the answer key which shows the step-by-step solution. It would be very helpful to me in reviewing.

Having the samplex with me, I was finally able to settle myself. Then, I took the time to appreciate the nostalgic feeling of being in this library again.

Sometime in 2009, the new library was erected and this one has been renovated for other purposes. Don't get me wrong, the new one was better with all the technological advances added, but there's just a charm in the old school style of this one.

On the 1st floor, upon entering, one will first notice 8 long and wide study tables with wooden chairs in the middle wherein each can be occupied by about 20 students. The bookshelves meanwhile were surrounding the area facing the tables.

Not wanting to share my space with other students occupying the tables, I decided to climb the stairs leading to the 2nd floor where the layout was that, on one side of the library, arranged in rows, were singular wooden study tables with accompanying chairs.

While my eyes were scanning the area to find a vacant table, I saw someone I did not expect to see alone during this time.

He had his head bowed, concentrating on reading a book while jotting down what I assumed must be his notes. He was not wearing a scowl on his handsome face, and he had his eyeglasses on. After a while, he straightened his body and rolled his shoulders, then he took off his eyeglasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. After, he placed it back on, and resumed what he was doing.

My heart thundered in my chest. If I had doubts before, then I am sure now. He was my Steve. Even the mannerisms were the same.

I could not tear my eyes away from him, and I don't know how long I stood there watching him.

"Excuse me."

I heard someone say as they walked past me. I realized that I was blocking the way.

I shook my head as I reprimanded myself for throwing all my thoughts about reviewing out of the window. However, who could blame me? This was the first time I saw him without Lara attached to his hips! With this chance presented in front of me, what else should I do? Obviously, I MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE!
