Bixia Temple l

The old couples smiled warmly at them, Mei jingjing tried to hide her flushed face as she bowed politely.

"Greetings." she said.

"I see your husband has finally woken up." the old lady said, Mei jingjing nodded politely

"Y... yes he has."

The woman handed her a bowl of hot soup as her husband went to check Li Jie's wounds.

"That's strange, your wounds are healing quite fast." the old man said looking stunned.

Li Jie paused, could it be his powers?, the old man continued to examine his wounds, the deep wounds weren't deep anymore.

Mei jingjing quickly changed the topic before the couples start to get suspicious. "Um what do I do with this Aunty?"

The old lady smiled at her. "Feed it to your husband while it's still hot, it'll give him some strength." her voice was calm.

Mei jingjing paused, feed master Li Jie? the old lady noticed her expression and chuckled.

"You have to feed it to him my dear." she said softly, Mei jingjing nodded politely with a smile. "Thank you so much for your help."

The old man chuckled while rubbing his beard. "Just glad we could help."

"I also appreciate your hospitality." Li Jie said making the couples smile at him.

"Once you feel better, please join us for dinner tonight."

Mei jingjing nodded and the old couples left, Li Jie quickly gazed at Mei jingjing.

"The seal, where is it?"

Mei jingjing smiled. "It's safe with me, don't worry about it."

Chao Xua and Haorang walked in, Chao Xua heaved a sigh of relief seeing his young master was alright.

"Master Li Jie, you're awake?" he said with a cheerful smile.

"How are you feeling?" Haorang asked.

Li Jie glanced at them. "Better."

Mei jingjing gawked at him, what did he mean he was alright? "You won't feel better untill you drink this."

She wanted to feed him the soup but he turned his head away.

"I'm fine."

"I Know you are fine but you need to be hundred percent alright, those couples were kind enough to bring this over."

Chao Xua nodded in agreement to her words with a smile of mischief. "She's right master Li Jie, you need to take your medicine and I'm sure you'll feel better since your lovely wife is feeding it to you."

Li Jie shot him a glare, Chao Xua sealed his lips immediately before his master does it for him instead, Haorang gave him a slap at the back of his head.

"Be quiet or else I'll shut you up."

Chao Xua rubbed his head with a sad pout.

Mei jingjing kept her gaze on Li Jie. "You have to take this, you aren't allergic to medicines, come on get up."

She helped him sit straight and wanted to feed him but he refused, it went on for a while with the two guards gazing at them wondering if all couples where like master Li Jie and Mei jingjing, at the end he gave up and took the soup medicine, how can someone be so stubborn as his wife.

Chao Xua watched them with a smile and whispered to Haorang.

"She sure knows how to handle master Li Jie."

Haorang held his hand. "Let's leave them alone." he dragged Chao Xua out who looked sad.

"Awww and the good part was just getting started."

Later on, Mei jingjing and Li Jie had dinner with the couples who served them Peking duck. Mei jingjing ate to her content while Li Jie ate a little.

"My dear, how did you get injured so badly, your wife was in tears when we saw her."

Mei jingjing froze at the mention of her name, Li Jie was of course baffled and turned to look at Mei jingjing who refused to meet his gaze.

"What happened to you?"the concerned old lady asked.

Li Jie gazed at them. "It's a long story."

"From your guards it means you're from royalty."

Li Jie shook his head. "No we're not, we work in the palace and the guards were sent to accompany us." Li Jie couldn't help but lie to them, he felt telling them the truth might cause a problem.

"What are you doing in jishin mountain then?"

Mei jingjing and Li Jie exchanged glances Wondering if it was right to state their mission to them.

"We actually came to figure out if the truth about the legendary seal was real?"

The two old couples gasped in surprise.

"Of course it's real."

The old lady suddenly looked pitiful. "I also heard the spirit seal blessed the prince of Lijiang with powerful powers, it's so sad it turned into a curse."

Mei jingjing glanced up at the old lady. "What do you mean curse?"

"Well, I heard the spirit seal was once a blessing but it was later figured out it had seal beasts, the Emperor of Lijiang made a wish to the lightning to destroy the seal, what he didn't know was the seal had chosen to bless his son with great powers but it was too late by then, the emperor couldn't reverse the curse except if the three pieces of the seal where found."

"What happens if it isn't found?" Li Jie asked.

"The prince will be struck dead by a strange and powerful lightning, a faith which cannot be escaped." the old lady said with a look of dismay.

Mei jingjing choked on her food on that last statement, master Li Jie will be striked dead?!

A cup of water was handed to Mei jingjing who took it politely while forcing a smile.

"Are you alright my child?" the old lady asked with concern, Mei jingjing nodded and stole a glance at Li Jie who still had a calm look on his face even after hearing that.

"But there is one person who knows more about the seal." the old man finally spoke up.

"Who?" Mei jingjing asked immediately.

"Leader Chang, he knows a lot about the seal but left Lijiang kingdom a long time ago."

"Where does he stay?" Li Jie asked in a calm and unhurried tone.

"I don't know but rumour has it that they've seen him around the sectorial temple in bixia."

The old lady sighed. "I only hope he's still alive, but anyways, let's Carry on with our meal."

Mei jingjing couldn't eat after hearing such news, she had lost her appetite completely.

On the underground realm, the fiery beast rested on it's throne with a calm look on it's face and it's hair tied in a ponytail. A lady walked up to him dressed in a fiery red tube top and red baggy trouser, the wind fluttered her long red hair and her extremely pretty face showed nothing but anger as she stood in front of the fiery beast known as Chaoxiang.

"I have no idea what you're doing Chaoxiang, let's go after that guy and get those powers."

Chaoxiang chuckled at her words as he stared at the gorgeous fiery maiden in front of him. "Patience Daiyu, patience."

She balled her hands into fist. "The yokai and the earth beasts are already after him, while we are here doing nothing!"

A muscular fire beast showed up. "You're disturbing the whole place Daiyu, when did you start talking to master in that tone?!" he frowned at Daiyu who eyed him with folded arms.

"None of your business!"

Chaoxiang stood up to his feet. "Like I said, patience Daiyu, let the stupid yokai and crazy Earth beast get their chance, when it's our turn to strike, no one can stop us, but since you're so impatient Daiyu, I have a little job for you. Be prepared to pay a little visit to Bixia."

he smirked, Daiyu flashed a mocking smile at the muscular fire beast who glared at her.

This is going to be fun, for her at least.

Mei jingjing and everyone was set to leave, Mei jingjing and Li Jie thanked the couples one last time before embarking on their journey.

"So where do we go now Li Jie?" she asked.

He paused for a while before answering. "Bixia Temple."