We found a dead body

A year has passed and there was still no sign of Li Jie, Weng Lie had sent his guards to find Li Jie to confirm if he's really dead or not but there was no sign of him anywhere, They searched everywhere but there was no trace of his body making them jump to the conclusion that his body has been destroyed by the huge blast, Mei jingjing remained in the palace and was forced to work for Weng Lie by becoming his personal maid.

Lijiang wasn't a peaceful place anymore since it was ruled by Weng Lie himself, turns out weng Lie was actually the real demon this whole time, the people of Lijiang kept praying hoping for their young master's return.

The harsh winter wind blew out of the midnight sky, it roared out of the frigid north and thrashed through the Brooking forest, the force of it bent tree's, whipping their bare branches like angry lashes. Mei jingjing stared out through her room window gazing into the sky, the wind was icy and withered which meant, the winter season was around the corner, the door to her room was suddenly opened making her wipe her tears off immediately, she got to her feet and glanced at the door, She already knew who walked in.

"Don't you ever get tired of crying?" he said in an unpleasant tone, Mei jingjing glared at him.

"You killed my husband, what do you expect?!"

"Stop calling him that, he isn't your husband, you two weren't meant to be!" Weng Lie was angered by her words.

Mei jingjing gazed at his horns and averted her eyes to his red piercing eyes with a chuckle.

"Isn't it funny, you've always made my husband seem like the demon when you were the actual demon in disguise!!" she balled her hands into fist.

Weng Lie smiled. "It is actually funny."

Mei jingjing wanted to kill him right there where he stood, she's never hated someone this much before.

Daiyu walked in interrupting their conversation. "Emperor weng Lie, the clansmen are here to see you." she said.

weng Lie rolled his eyes with a sigh. "I'll be there."

Daiyu walked out, Weng Lie kept his gaze on Mei jingjing and smirked.

"Sooner or later, you're bound to accept me."

"That's gonna be over my dead body!!, my Li Jie is going to come back to me and when he does, you'll be sorry!" she sounded so sure about it making Weng Lie frown, she felt his anger steaming behind him like a coal smoke from a power plant.

"Stop saying that, you really trying to test my patience aren't you?"

Mei jingjing said nothing as she strained her neck in anger, tears bubbled up in her eyes as she glared daggers at him, he said nothing further and walked out.

Like Li Jie could ever come back, he scoffed.

Mei jingjing remained in the room and slumped to the floor on her knees in tears.

Master Li Jie, it's been a year already, where are you? there's so much I want to say to you.


Chyou fen stayed with Leader Chang in his home.

"Leader Chang, can you teach me to be just like my guardian angel?" she asked sweetly, he chuckled.

A boy of Chyou fen's age suddenly showed up with his staff.

"I've learnt the tricks master." he said while bowing his head, Chyou fen gawked at him.

"You went alone?!"

"It was super cold outside, I couldn't take you with me." Zhang Wei explained to eight years old girl in front of him.

"You're lieing to me." she glanced at leader Chang.

"Zhang Wei didn't take me with to practice." she said to him.

"So you're reporting me now?" he asked with his arms folded.

"Yes, you Left without me."

Zhang Wei knew she wasn't going to let this case rest so easily unless he takes her out with him.

"Alright, how about we do a little practice outside for a while?"

Chyou fen's big blue eyes lit up in amazement. "Really?, let's go." she stood up and dragged him out with him.

Leader Chang shook his head with a chuckle, this two were brought by their parents so he could teach them a few martial arts making them his disciple, they saw great potential's in their kids and thought it'd be nice if they practiced more.

Chyou fen held Zhang Wei's hand till they arrived at a lake close by.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do first?"

He thought about it for a while but a sudden figure close by in the lake caught his attention.

"Chyou fen, what is that?" he asked, she glanced at the direction where he pointed, she could also catch a glimpse of the figure in a lake.

"Let's go check it out." she said curiously dragging him towards it but he stopped her.

"You wait here, I'll go check it out." he said.

"Or we could just call leader Chang?" she suggested but he shook it off.

"No, let's get an idea about what it is first." he said wanting to test his nervousness, they both moved closer to the lake, he was lying on his stomach so they couldn't see his face,his long hair covering his face.

"Is he dead?" she whispered, Zhang Wei poked the body with his staff but nothing happened, he slowly turned the body making him lye on his back.

Chyou fen gasped as her eyes goggled at the face she saw, so did Zhang Wei.

Li Jie was unconscious or probably dead cause his heartbeat couldn't be heard, Chyou fen crouched beside his body.

"Guardian angel?!"

She shook his body but he wasn't waking up, Zhang Wei wanted to drag her away from him but she refused and forced her hand free from Zhang Wei's hold.

"Leave me alone, he's my guardian angel." she said as she continued to shook Li Jie wanting to wake him up.

"Guardian angel, what happened to you, wake up." she was nearly in tears, she wondered what happened to her guardian angel, how did he get so wounded?!, his wounds were still visible and he wasn't breathing at all.

"He's dead Chyou fen, let's go."

"No!, he can't be." she glanced at Zhang Wei. "Call leader Chang over here now." she pleaded, Zhang Wei ran off to go get leader Chang.

Leader Chang was busy meditating when the door to his dojo was bursted open, he opened his eyes to see Zhang Wei at his door step.

"Leader Chang, we found a dead body and Chyou fen won't stop calling him her guardian angel." he said through his rapid breathing, leader Chang immediately got to his feet.

"Where is she?"