Confronting Jack

As soon as the bell rang, indicating the lesson had finished, Jin prepared to leave, organising everything back into his backpack as he stood up from where he sat, preparing to leave.

Waiting for most people to leave first, he was ready to leave himself. As he began walking towards the door, he was prepared to leave the classroom. As he was approaching the doors, he went behind Mrs Baker. He pulled back his arm and activated Gold, Pathos and Himeros Touch as he full force slapped her ass.

Gold Touch increased luck and the probability of a skill based on chance or a requirement working while at the same time both Pathos and Himeros Touch, which ensured the person the skill was aimed at would be a victim to uncontrollable lust.

As she winced from the ass slap, it seems her masochistic side came out as she had a smile plastered on her face as she tried hard to keep composed. At the same time, Jin proceeded to wave goodbye and leave the classroom, knowing a horny closeted pervert such as Mrs Baker would not be able to withstand her lust, not to mention that other than her existing horniness, he has used two skills with enhanced success rate on her.

"All that I have to do now is bide my time", he thought, leaving the classroom.

"In the meantime, let's see if I can find easy prey to use; in the meantime, I'm still pretty fucking horny after seeing that bitches hot body".

As Jin walked the halls, he heard the familiar sound he hated.

*Crackle* The lightning abilities activation sound was heard by Jin, who used the opportunity to turn around and try to avoid the attack.

*Zip* The surprise attack was have been barely dodged.

*Boom* The sound of the exploding lightning could be heard.

Unlike before, Jin was no longer helpless.

Jin composed himself and activating the Shape-Shiftingshifting skill, partially transforming his legs into those of a cheetah-like mana beast to increase his evasion. His legs became more muscular and became covered by patterned fur.

Following up his body partial beast transformation Jin turned to the offensive, as he activated the SoulBound Bow ability.

A see-through bow shape began forming within his right hand. It was a sight to see as the bow was wholly composed of energy and looked to have no solid form, but instead, it looked like condensed air in the form of a bow until it began crystallising, creating a beautiful Godly white bow with Gold accents.

As Jin placed his left hand against the bow in a drawing motion, an energy arrow began forming.

Usually, it would be difficult firing a bow while your opponent shot lightning attacks at you. Still, with his now newfound increased speed, Jin was easily avoiding each strike that approached him. Aprdoites eye clearly stated the actions Jack was planning to undertake based on his status as well making dodging easier as his status changed between aiming, attacking etc.

The perfect dodging performed continuously by Jin made is, so Jacks Fire ability was useless as it was even slower than the already easily dodged lightning.

Jin had his energy arrow formed, and with his arrow complete, he fired, letting go of the energy arrow as it flew forward with the motion and forced created by the bow from which it was released.

As the arrow left his bow, Jin felt weak and drained of mana, returning to his human form as his shapeshifted stated could no longer be supported by his diminished mana points remaining.

The bow followed, disappearing as it slowly dissolved into the air and returned from where it was summoned.

As the arrow left his bow, it began travelling at unbelievable speeds; the ground beneath its trajectory was damaged, and students feeling the unbelievable pressure of the arrow, took a step back.

As the arrow was approaching and Jack felt the pressure at that moment that the arrow was closing in on him, he knew he fucked up.

As the arrow made contact, Jack was impaled through his chest, the arrow narrowly missing his heart. He was thrown a few meters back from the impact until he hit a school wall leaving a massive impact.

The energy arrow was disappearing, and a gaping hole was only left where it had hit Jack.

Jin wanted revenge, but it was still too early to become a murderer.

He began slowly walking towards Jack people now afraid of the new, no longer powerless Jin began taking the few steps back they could as he got closer.

While making his way, Jin received a notification.

{New Notification}

[You have Defeated Jack Talon]

[User passively gained experience as a result of winning a battle]

[Level Up!]

[User was awarded 3 stat points] {Level Up}

[Bonus Rewards awarded for winning a battle for the first time]

[User was awarded 5 stat points] {Battle}

[Level Up!]

[User was awarded 3 stat points] {Level Up}

[100 Coins received From a sponsor]

[200 Coins received From a sponsor]

[150 Coins received From a sponsor]

[125 Coins received From a sponsor]

[An unknown God has granted the blessing of a hydra]

Jin was satisfied with the rewards, and soon as he found himself in front of the unconscious Jack, no one even tried stopping him. As he outstretched his left hand, preparing to use minor healing on Jack. At the same time, his right hand-selecting to invest 4 stat points into intelligence to recover some mp at least thats what the system called the energy allowing him to use abilities.

According to Governmental gauge measuring, he was still a cripple, as displayed on the auto measuring ID card.

He began healing Jack; however, soon, he stopped before his energy ran too low as he still had to carry Jack to the Doc for him to be fully taken care of and to do that quickly enough, he had to use the shapeshifting ability.

Soon Jin found himself entering the familiar room, not as a patient this time, though.

Laying Jack out on one of the beds, confused Doc could only question what happened.

"What the hell happened? What monster could do this to one of our best students?"

Jin, still holding a grudge against the victim-blaming Doc, decided to look right into docs eyes, and as emotionlessly as possible, said, "it was me".

His cold statement only left shivers going down Docs spine, slightly creeped out by the student. He decided to enquire who he is, "so who are you to beat our number one student so badly, a new transfer student or something?"

Doc began healing Jack, his hands hovering over Jacks body slowly healing it.

Jin decided to fuck with the Doc and responded, "how could you forget your regular patient".

Confused by the statement, Doc took a second to think and look at the person in front of him; he could see the necklace on his neck, which Doc remembered Jin wearing.

"So is it you, Jin? If so, what happened to you to change so quickly?"

Jin took a second a simply rebutted, "it is me. I will be kind enough to say that my ability awakened, but I'm not obliged to nor will I say more", with those being his departing words, Jin had left the Docs office.

As he exited, he could see a girl there with a worried look on her face.

The girl hastily approached him and began speaking, "are you one of my brothers' friends? He is such a dummy, always getting into fights thinking he is invincible".

The girl was no a shorter side but sweet and attractive in her appearance, her hair pink adding to her cute appearance and smaller stature.

Jin was slightly taken aback, not realising that Jack ever had a sibling, but he responded, "I'm not quite a friend but the person that simply brought him in".

"He is currently being treated, kid, so not much you can do", Jin stated, preparing to leave.

She rebutted her face slightly reddish from embarrassment, "I'll have you know that I am no kid. I'm only a year younger than my brother".

Jin looked at her and came slightly closer, "what's your name? Referring to you as Jacks sister would be pretty rude of me".

She looked at Jin, seeing how attractive he was and how perfect his features were; he was different from any boy she had ever seen before.

She stuttered, saying her name, still staring at Jin's flawless face.

" is my name what's yours?"

"My name is Jin he replied"

"My phone is broken, but how about I walk you to your next class and on the way I get your phone number saved on Alices phone?"

Amber was dumbfounded. "Alice?" "You don't mean the Alice do you?"

"Yeah, that Alice me and her are very good friends if you want I can introduce you to her".

As they walked together, Jin used the opportunity to scan Amber with Aphrodite's eye.

[Name: Amber]

[LV: 12]

[Status: Horny / Impressed / Fascinated / Intertested / Curious]

[Virgin: Yes]

[Number of Partners: None]

[Title: Closeted Pervert]

[Owner: None]

Jin was quite interested; "her Level was only slightly lower than Alices, but she also had a year to grow, meaning she may even become stronger than Alice. Her Level also implies she is stronger than Jack. I do wonder if I could beat her in a fight as I am now."

As they walked, Amber broke the silence, "so what abilities do you have? You must be pretty strong for Alice to recognise you".

Jin looked her straight in the eyes and responded, trust me, "she did more than just recognise me for my abilities".

"Have you ever played a video game or used the school VR training games, Amber?"

"Like the VR boxing or the VR challenges where you have to destroy enemies with timers etc. I love most of those games." She responded, her eyes filled with excitement after hearing the question.

"Well, what do you think about an ability that would allow you to grow stronger?"

"That would be amazing, just like playing a game. Is that the ability you have?"

"No, but it's something I would love to obtain one day, as well as recover my mothers' ice ability and my fathers' dual black fire and lightning."

"Don't tell me your father was that famous general?"

"Yes, he was".

"Is that how you became strong enough to be friends with Alice? Not quite. After my father died, my mother and I were thrown aside, no longer useful to the higher-ups."

"My mother was later harvested for her power and sold into sex trafficking".

"That sounds really bad; I'm sorry to hear that".

"Jin looked at now Amber with a sad expression on her face; and stated, "what's important is here, and now by dwelling on the past, a person can achieve nothing, but if you work hard, then you can simply obtain your revenge one day."