New Teacher Sophia

Authors Note: I am really sorry for not uploading but I have been getting quite a few 1-star reviews and negative comments and I have simply just felt unmotivated to post. I will go back to posting seeing how there are still quite a few people that enjoy it.

He looked at Amber; "what about you? What's your story?"

"My brother can be a jerk sometimes, but the truth of my family is that both my parents were the first strong born of their respective families, allowing them to escape poverty. My brother always acts as he does to, as he says, erase the bad past of our family ever not being a strong one".

"He simply misunderstood that our family came from nothing, as him having to bully those weaker than him to show how strong the family is and how we are not weak".

Jin looked at her as they continued walking and said, "Ah, he is not a purposeful dick; he is just stupid gotcha."

"You know it's really nice speaking to you, Amber; we should get together sometime", Jin said as they approached Alice's location, after which Jin got Ambers phone number saved on Alices phone and introduced them to each other.

As they all went their separate ways, Jin went to his next class.

In a world with abilities, no one is, exceptional and everyone can cause damage to the school as a daily occurrence with no consequences.

As Jin got to his next class, he had to explain to his teacher that he was indeed himself, but Mr Gilbert did not care for Jin, always viewing him as a waste of space a walking disappointment compared to Jhon Jin's dad.

It's not even been 10 minutes into the lesson as Mr Gilbert's lesson as Mr Gilbert called Jin's name and told him that Mrs Baker called for him.

Jin proceeded to start to pack everything away and leave when he heard Mr Gilbert's voice, "what do you think you are doing?"

"I'm going as I was asked to, I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have an ability to teleport".

Mr Gilbert was clearly getting agitated, "listen here, you brat, I fought for this country, and I will not be disrespected in my classroom. Where do you think you will get with that attitude ditching your lessons and being rude to those you are supposed to learn from. I guess with your parents gone, no one taught you respect, boy."

"No disrespect Mr Gilbert but spending your time sitting on reserves does not count as service; the only thing you fought for, it looks like, was the half-priced beer at the supermarket looking at your gut. You talk about my parents one more time. I will kill you." Jin lost control, unable to keep composed. Since his system awakened, he has not been himself losing to his emotions more and more often. He lacked self-control, as if something was pushing him into acting out of character.

"Also, I do not care about your lesson on literature in less than a year; all of us students will have to join the compulsory army program, and at least a third will die. You can talk to the principal. I don't give two fucks, Peace."

Jin left clearly agitated but what worried him more was, "what the hell is happening? I've had these weird behavioural mood swings.

Let's just focus on what is essential for now; I need to sleep with as many people as possible. Fighting is just not as practical; my abilities are decent, but my mp is low. I'm not sure about my durability yet, but I don't really want to risk testing it out if I do not need to."

On his way, Jin was so distracted he walked forward without looking, bumping into a girl her things falling to the ground.

Jin decides since it was his fault, he should at least help her.

As Jin put together her notebooks into a pile and passed them to her, their eyes met.

Her blond hair was beautiful, her complexion perfect, a slight tan visible on her skin, her eyes emerald green. She seemed clumsy and as if she tried looking sexy at the same time, her shirt not fully buttoned up.

Jin finding an opportunity, enquired, "I apologise. Have we met before?" He started passing her the notebooks making sure their hands touch as he does so. Activating his mind-reading ability, Jin could see she was a new young teacher at the school at only 24 years old.

Excited, he decided to scan her with his Aphrodites eye.

[Name: Sophia]

[LV: 20]

[Status: Blackmailed / Distracted / Sad / Disapointed]

[Virgin: Yes]

[Number of Partners: None]

[Title: Innocent]

[Owner: Processing]

Jin said, "Oh hi Sophia, I did not know you already came here to teach. I was pretty busy. I lost track of the time you were to begin. Can I borrow you for a moment?"

Jin finished his hand wrapping around hers as he took her to an empty classroom, not in use.

As they entered, he simply asked as straightforwardly as could be done, "are you being blackmailed by someone?"

"She simply nodded", ashamed a student had to see her in such a position.

Jin's speculation was proven to be correct.

"I don't go out looking for trouble, but it seems I always run into it", he thought.

Jin asked, "so who is blackmailing you, I might only be a student, but I'm still one of the strongest in the academy".

His passive diplomacy seems to have helped convince Sophia to speak.

She responded, "it was the physical education teacher; he took photos of me changing in the faculty room and told me unless I do what he tells me, he will release them online I will lose my job and be ruined forever."

Jin took a moment to think, unsure if he would be able to oppose a teacher or defend himself in a worst-case scenario.

"Unlike the other teacher, this one served his time in the army. Of course, just because a teacher served in the military does not indicate strength since some have finished the compulsory service and are weaker than students.

Jin was prepared to take the risk, but there was something he had to do first before being able to help Sophia. He had to meet Mrs Baker as any level is critical and counts when confronting an opponent that may be notably strong.