Chapter 5: Old friend

The other side of the call was silent for a few seconds before Chu Chu's voice said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you."

But even though she said this, she didn't hang up.

Lin Fan had made sure to lower the volume of the phone before the call had connected and had put the phone close to his ear so the landlord wouldn't be able to hear Chu Chu, it turned out that this had been a very good idea.

Lin Fan just revealed a smile and said, "Now, now, there's no need for that. I'm outside your house right now and your landlord is here with me."

This time, Chu Chu didn't act like she didn't know him. This time, she said, "What do you want?"

Lin Fan just had the same smile as he said, "Let's meet up then."

Chu Chu was clearly taken aback since she fell silent for a few seconds before she said, "Where do you want to meet?"

Lin Fan didn't hesitate as he quickly gave off an address.

This was the address of a construction site that had long been abandoned near Lin Fan's apartment.

This was a construction site with quite the history, with many attempts to finish the construction, but it had been stopped several times because of unlucky incidents. After all this time, people were now too afraid to continue the construction and it just stayed there abandoned.

Since it was abandoned, it meant that Lin Fan would be able to settle this there without bothering anyone.

Once Chu Chu heard the address, she paused once again before saying in a voice that Lin Fan was more than familiar with, "You really are a naughty boy. I don't know how you found out about all of this, but you do need to be punished. Just sit tight and wait for me."

A chill ran down Lin Fan's back.

This voice could be considered a trauma for him since this was the voice that he had heard before dying each time. It was almost like a voice from hell.

Lin Fan forced himself to calm down as he said, "See you there."

Without even waiting for Chu Chu to answer, Lin Fan ended the call.

He politely handed the phone back to the landlord and explained that he would be meeting up with Chu Chu instead.

The landlord didn't really care what Lin Fan did, the only thing he wanted was to see Lin Fan leave as soon as possible. He was very happy when he sent Lin Fan off, completely unaware of what had just happened.

Of course, this would definitely come back to bite him in the butt.

Lin Fan calmly walked out of the apartment complex and once he reached the road, he broke out in a dash. He just kept running as his heart beat in his chest like it was about to explode.

Eventually, after running for several minutes and tiring himself out, Lin Fan finally stopped moving. He just stood there panting on the sidewalk as people passed by him.

These people took a look at him, but beyond that, they didn't do anything else since not a single person knew who he was.

Lin Fan took another several minutes to finally calm himself down.

He knew that he had just forced the endgame to come and in order to survive this, he would need the help of someone he trusted.

Lin Fan took out his phone and it didn't take him long to find the number of the person that he wanted to call.

In his phone, there were actually only four numbers saved.

The first three were very simple, they were his mother, his father, and his little sister.

As for the fourth one, this was the only friend that Lin Fan had left after that incident, the one that had forced him into living the life of a NEET.

This was the only person who had remained by his side, the only one who had forced her way into his life even when he was at rock bottom. To him, this person could be considered the one he trusted the most other than his family.

But still, she was busy with her own life, so he normally didn't contact her. Still, they did try to maintain contact once a week when she barged into his apartment.

Now, he needed her help if he wanted to survive this.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan pressed the name on his contact list and his phone began to ring.

Right after the first ring, the call had connected already.

"Xiao Fan, is that really you? Why are you calling me so suddenly, it isn't the normal time of the week yet."

There was a female voice that came from the other side of the call. It was a soft voice that was also filled with determination.

Lin Fan paused for a second before saying, "I need your help."

The voice on the other side paused for a few seconds before saying, "Is it serious?"

Lin Fan just said a single word, "Yes."

There wasn't even a single pause on the other side as she said, "Alright, send me the location and I'll see you there soon."

There was no need for Lin Fan to answer, both of them just hung up at the same time.

Lin Fan was suddenly filled with relief and happiness.

He was filled with relief because he believed that with her help, this would all finally end.

He was happy because he realized how lucky he was to have a friend like her. It only took dying twice to realize this.

As for why she would answer his call right after the first tone, that was something that was normal for him.

It was something that always happened whenever he had called her in the past, so he assumed that it was the same for everyone who called her.

However, he didn't know just how wrong he was…

Thirty minutes later, Lin Fan arrived outside the construction site where he found a person already waiting there for him.

This was a girl who had shoulder length fire red hair surrounding a face that was considered beautiful, even though it seemed a bit too childish, giving her quite the bubbly feel. Then there was her body, it had curves in all the right places, except for her chest. Her chest was another story completely which was bigger than the average size, bigger than what was considered big…and with her stature that was quite small, standing at only just a little over 5 feet, it really painted quite the picture...

Beside the red headed girl, there was a duffle bug that seemed to be filled with stuff that was just thrown on the side,

When the red headed girl saw Lin Fan, she immediately came over with a wave of her hand. As she was running over, there was quite a bounce show that could be seen.

The people walking by couldn't help staring as they looked at her in a daze, with quite a few husbands and boyfriends being slapped on the back of the head.

However, for Lin Fan, he was already used to this.

That was because this girl was his childhood friend, Murong Yue.

She had always stuck by him no matter what and even now, she was the only one who continued to bug him no matter what happened.

Of course, that also meant that she always had his back, even in situations like this where she knew nothing.

Lin Fan just revealed a smile as he let her hug him since he was just glad to see a familiar face. After the two experiences with death that he had, he really just needed some form of comfort, any form of comfort.

After a minute like this, they finally separated.

Murong Yue looked at Lin Fan for a bit before asking, "Alright, tell me what you're dealing with."

Lin Fan said without any hesitation, "Someone is trying to kill me."

Murong Yue nodded and just like Lin Fan, she said without any hesitation, "Then you want to take care of them?"

Lin Fan nodded, but then he added, "But I don't want to hurt them, just get the cops to catch them. After all, isn't that what you're good at?"

Murong Yue wasn't someone who was a NEET like Lin Fan, she worked a normal job, which was as a cop. That was why she normally only contacted Lin Fan during the weekend, she was too busy with her job during the weekdays.

Murong Yue walked back to the duffle bag she had left behind and brought it over before asking, "Then you don't want to use these?"

Lin Fan looked at the duffle bag with a confused look and asked, "What is in there?"

Murong Yue opened the duffle bag to reveal all kinds of weapons. At the very top of the pile, there was even a pistol.

Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised by this, especially the gun right on top. However, after dying twice, his nerves had naturally become much stronger, so he could still maintain a sense of calm.

Lin Fan looked at Murong Yue and asked, "What are you planning on doing?"

Murong Yue gave a shrug, "You just asked for help, you never told me what kind, so I assumed the worst."

Lin Fan shook his head and gave a sigh before saying, "There's no need for that, it's something else."

Murong Yue paused to look at Lin Fan for a bit before saying with a nod, "Alright."

After that, she just tossed the duffle bag to the side.

Lin Fan couldn't help staring at her over how careless she was with this bag of clearly dangerous weapons...