Chapter 6: Second save

Lin Fan quickly told Murong Yue what had happened.

Of course, he couldn't just tell her everything because if he did, she would definitely think that he was crazy if he started talking about a magical system in his mind. Instead of helping him, she might have thought that he was crazy and would have committed him to an insane asylum instead.

So after omitting a few parts, he told her about how he had found out about this girl who was stalking and threatening him, so he wanted to stop her before anything happened.

To do that, he had called her out here and he was hoping that Murong Yue as a cop could arrest her after he provoked her into making a move.

Murong Yue had a thoughtful look on her face for a bit before she said, "Are you sure you don't want me to use the things in the bag?"

Lin Fan shook his head as he said, "I don't want anyone to get hurt. Just arresting her will be enough."

Even though Lin Fan had already died twice, knowing that Chu Chu was dangerous, he still couldn't convince himself to fall to the same level. After all, this was a person's life that he was talking about. Even if he had lost his, he still couldn't commit to using violence since this was just all too much for him.

He was someone who had spent most of his life running away from conflict, so he wasn't someone who would respond well to it. Even when there was conflict, he always chose to mediate or run away if possible, he never confronted anyone.

So if possible, he wanted to end this with as little violence as he could.

Murong Yue looked at Lin Fan with a doubtful look, but eventually she gave a shrug and said, "Whatever you say."

But when she turned away, there was a cold look that flashed in her eyes. It was a look that Lin Fan had never seen before and it was definitely a look that Lin Fan would never see.

After this quick talk, they set up for the arrival of Chu Chu.

During this time, Lin Fan didn't know why, but he suddenly said, "Save."

"Save request has been confirmed. The host had created a save file."

Time passed and soon it was time for Chu Chu to get off work.

Naturally she would be heading to the location that Lin Fan had sent her, but she would also have a few tricks up her sleeve.

Lin Fan was standing in the middle of the construction site with his phone in his hand, just waiting for her arrival.

It didn't take her long since this place wasn't actually that far from the store that she worked in, but the strange thing was that she walked into the construction site like nothing was wrong.

She had changed out of her uniform and into the clothes that she had worn on the date with Lin Fan, casually skipping into the construction site with a smile on her face like nothing was wrong.

She headed in Lin Fan's direction and continued moving forward until she was only two meters away from where Lin Fan was standing, just waiting there with a smile on her face.

Lin Fan was the one who had called her here, so naturally he was the one with the advantage, so she would take her time to see what kind of plans he had. Rather, this was the first time her prey had ever fought back like this, so she was looking forward to seeing how it would turn out.

It did get a little boring chasing after the same kind of guys over and over again, this would be a new experience for her.

Of course, when she went back, there was still something else she had to take care of.

The most important question to her now was how did her new prey find out about all this?

Could it be that one of the few people who knew about this had ratted her out?

It seemed like she would have to do a sweep later, but for now…

For now she would just enjoy herself.

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't saying a thing, she suddenly said with a smile, "So, is this where you wanted to invite me on a date to? It doesn't seem like the best place, but I'm sure you have something fun planned."

Seeing that smile, Lin Fan felt a shiver run down his back.

This was a smile that haunted him since he had seen it every single time that he had died. It was a smile that was deeply imprinted in his mind, a smile that could freeze him with fear, but this time he couldn't act this way.

This time, he had been prepared.

Lin Fan raised his hand and with a snap of his fingers, there were lights that suddenly came on all around them.

Right after the lights had come on, there was a voice over a megaphone that said, "You are surrounded, please put your hands up and surrender. This is the police."

All the lights were pointing at Chu Chu, making her raise her hand to cover her eyes since these spotlights really were bright, but then she brought her hand down to look at Lin Fan with a smile.

Chu Chu was strangely calm as she said, "Do you really think that you can fool me with just this?"

Lin Fan felt a chill run down his back, but he still steeled his heart as he said, "You can think what you want, but the proof is around you. I suggest you give up quickly, that'll make things easier on you."

Chu Chu just smiled as she said, "Then wouldn't this make it easier for me if I were to take you as a hostage?"

With a single flick of her hand, there was a knife that had suddenly appeared in it just like magic. With the appearance of the knife, she began moving closer towards Lin Fan.

The moment Lin Fan saw that knife, it was like his entire body had frozen

He had been stabbed twice by this girl in the chest with a knife, that was enough to create a phobia in anyone's heart.

At this moment, it was like his body didn't belong to him. No matter what his brain thought, his body wouldn't move at this moment. It was as if there was a spell that was binding him in place.

Even as Chu Chu approached slowly in front of him, brandishing that knife, he still couldn't do a thing.

That was just how it was, death was something that was deeply imprinted in the minds of humans.

But then the situation also suddenly changed with the appearance of Murong Yue.

She charged right at Chu Chu without caring for her own life, but the one mistake that she made was that she didn't have a weapon.

In truth, it wasn't a mistake, she was just following Lin Fan's wishes. Since he didn't want to hurt anyone, she would try her best not to hurt anyone.

Of course, that didn't mean that principal applied to everyone.

As Lin Fan was frozen by the knife that was in front of him, Murong Yue had already reached Chu Chu.

As a police officer, she was trained in unarmed combat and how to disarm an assailant, but she never expected what happened next.

Murong Yue moved in to take Chu Chu by the wrist, allowing her to take the knife away, but before she could even react, Chu Chu suddenly twisted. Chu Chu went in a circle, spinning on one foot, going around Murong Yue before bringing the knife to plunge it into her back.

Murong Yue clearly didn't expect a civilian like Chu Chu to be this skilled in using this knife and with the forward momentum from her charge earlier, she was unable to stop herself in time.

The knife plunged right into her back, right where her left lung would be.

When she flew past Chu Chu, she crashed right into Lin Fan.

With the last bit of her strength, she looked up at him with a sliver of blood coming out her mouth. Her mouth was opening as if she wanted to say something, but there was no sound that came out.

Before Lin Fan could do a thing, he felt her hands holding his arm becoming weaker and weaker until they completely lost their grip.

Looking down into her eyes, he saw that they had completely lost their glow.

She was dead.

Lin Fan felt like he had been struck by lightning at that moment.

If it wasn't for him telling her to try to avoid violence as much as possible, perhaps this would have never happened.

There were many things that weren't meant to happen in this world, but there was no avoiding blame for this. Because of his naivety, he had caused the death of his only friend, there were no excuses for that.

But even if he realized this, there was nothing that he could do.

When he looked up, Chu Chu was already in front of him with the same smile that she always had right before she killed him.

With that smile on her face, Chu Chu said, "Naughty boy, you even brought another woman on our date?"

Then unlike before, her eyes suddenly turned cold and that smile disappeared as she said in a voice without any warmth, "You'll need to be punished for this."

Unlike the previous times, she didn't just stab him once. She continued to plunge the blade down, not only stabbing Lin Fan, but also the corpse of Murong Yue.

Just like that, with Chu Chu standing them, Murong Yue and Lin Fan laid there in a pool of their own blood.

For Lin Fan, this time he actually felt another emotion, regret.

Just like that, his vision blacked out and he heard the sound of the system again.

"Host, you have died."