Chapter 7: The final load

"Host's vital signs have stopped, host has been confirmed to be dead."

"The host will now be loaded from the last save point."

"Load complete. Loads remaining: 0/3."

"Host, please be aware that you no longer have any loads left. If you die this time, you will die permanently, so please take care."

With another flash of light, Lin Fan was thrown back into this world, but the load point this time was different.

When he could see what was in front of him, he saw Murong Yue standing there looking at him standing there in a daze.

She could tell that something was wrong, so she came over and asked, "Lin Fan, are you alright?"

She came right up to him and was about to reach her hand out to touch his forehead to see if he had a fever, but she never expected Lin Fan to suddenly come forward while raising his hands. His hands wrapped around her and took her in a hug which completely stunned her.

As Murong Yue stood there frozen, she heard Lin Fan's soft and defeated voice ring in her ears, "Thank goodness you're alright. I almost thought I lost you."

Murong Yue didn't know what Lin Fan was talking about, but out of Lin Fan's sight, her face suddenly revealed a blush as a smile came over it.

Her hands also came up behind Lin Fan and she accepted this hug, even going as far as secretly sniffing Lin Fan…

But he didn't mind any of this, all he cared about now was the fact that she was still alive.

They just stood there for a few minutes, creating quite a scene, but this was the modern world, so people were used to it. There were quite a few people who cursed Lin Fan when they saw this because while they were hugging, by pressing against her in the hug, Murong Yue's peaks were being quite accentuated.

There were plenty of single dogs that were being fed dog food that cursed Lin Fan in their mind, calling him "normie".

But all things had to end and eventually Lin Fan calmed down.

As he let her go, Murong Yue reluctantly also let him go as she looked at him with longing, but once again, Lin Fan didn't notice this.

What he was more concerned about was the extra line that the system had included when he had loaded this save.

He no longer had any more saves, which meant that if he were to die this time, he would die for real…

But what weighed heaviest on his mind was how he had frozen last time and had caused the death of Murong Yue.

Chu Chu had been his problem and she had offered to help him, costing her her life in the end. What kind of person would Lin Fan be if he didn't feel any bit of guilt or regret over this?

He would be nothing more than scum and Lin Fan hadn't reached that level yet.

While his mind had been clouded by fear from his previous deaths, they were now clearing with his last death.

No matter what, he wouldn't let her die again this time.

After making up his mind, Lin Fan immediately told Murong Yue, "Forget about what I said earlier, use those weapons of yours. She's not someone who will go easy on us, so there's no need for us to go easy on her."

Murong Yue was confused when she heard this, but she still gave a nod and accepted this. After that, she picked up the bag of weapons that she had casually dropped on the side of the road and brought it along with her.

One thing of note was that Murong Yue had left this bag of weapons on the side of the road last time, as if it was something very casual to her. Like she had been in contacts with weapons plenty of times before…

The weapons that were in the bag weren't just weapons that a police officer should have come in contact with, there were many that were things that police officers shouldn't have…

Time passed again as they waited in position for Chu Chu to arrive.

Chu Chu arrived at the exact same time as before and she behaved the exact same way.

She was just as unfazed as she walked into the construction site like the first time.

She came up to Lin Fan just like before and when the lights came on, she pulled out the same knife.

The moment she did, Murong Yue ran out like last time to stop her.

It was all happening the exact same way as last time, even the fact that Murong Yue didn't have a weapon on her.

Even though Lin Fan had changed her mind, based on her understanding of him, she knew that he didn't want to see anyone getting hurt since that was the kind of person he was. Since that was what he wanted, she would do her best to do it.

Lin Fan watched in a daze as Murong Yue charged forward and just like last time, Chu Chu completely dodged her attack.

But this time, Lin Fan wouldn't let the same thing happen.

Even though he was paralyzed by fear from seeing the knife, he forced his body to move.

As soon as he thought of Murong Yue's corpse from last time, there was a power that filled his body and pushed every single frozen muscle in his body forward.

Without even thinking, Lin Fan jumped straight forward and grabbed Chu Chu by the waist, stopping her from turning.

The moment he grabbed her, her moment all stopped and she revealed a look of shock as she looked down at Lin Fan.

She couldn't believe that this was the same man she had been watching for the past few weeks.

The reason why she had chosen him was because he was a weak man who had run away from the world, she loved people like this. They were too weak to run away and only then could they be with her forever…

But now this weakling had suddenly changed, even daring to attack her when she had a weapon in front of him.

Where had it all gone wrong?

What she didn't know was that death changed a person.

Naturally she never would have expected that after dying three times, Lin Fan had been slowly changed each time.

The first two times, it made him think much more deeply to avoid his own death, but the third time was actually the most important time. The third time had given him courage.

Most of the time, for humans, courage wasn't something that came from within, but rather something that came from being influenced by an external thing. In this case, it was being influenced by the death of Murong Yue.

When humans were in danger, they exerted strength that was beyond their normal means. Mothers saving their children, helping those in danger, saving innocent lives, they all allowed one to bring out power that was far beyond their normal capacities.

This was one of those cases where Lin Fan was determined to save Murong Yue, so he did the only thing that he could, which was jump at Chu Chu's waist to stop her.

It was a pity that he wasn't skilled at fighting at all, so he didn't know that doing this would only stop her lower half, not the upper half with the knife. The upper half was still free to move and use the knife, namely stabbing it down at Lin Fan.

Chu Chu was surprised that Lin Fan had suddenly attacked her, but she was used to this kind of thing.

She brought the knife down at Lin Fan's back, for the first time, stabbing at a part of Lin Fan that wasn't his chest.

But of course that knife never made contact with Lin Fan's body because there was something that stopped it.

Murong Yue also suddenly gained a burst of strength when she saw that Lin Fan was in danger.

Even though she couldn't stop her momentum, it didn't matter since she went into that momentum. She dived right to the ground with that momentum and fell into a roll before bringing her leg over her head. The leg swept down like an axe and where it was aimed at was Chu Chu's hand holding the knife.

With all that momentum that came from the roll, the leg fell down like a hammer as it slammed right into the wrist of the hand Chu Chu was using to hold the knife. Like cracking an egg on a rock, with all the force of the kick, it shattered Chu Chu's hand.

She couldn't help screaming out in pain as she fell to the ground from the kick, but she also quickly recovered.

It was clear that she was used to being injured, but Murong Yue was also quite skilled when it came to fighting since that was technically part of her job.

Without giving Chu Chu a chance, Murong Yue quickly punched Chu Chu at the bottom of her chin, rattling her brain and knocking her out.

Chu Chu's eyes went dim before she collapsed to the ground, unmoving.

Luckily Lin Fan had reacted fast enough to let go when Murong Yue's kick landed, otherwise he would have been dragged to the ground with Chu Chu.

But he also fell on his butt from letting go too fast.

Sitting there, looking at Chu Chu, he couldn't describe what emotions he was feeling, but there was one emotion that dominated over all the others.

It was relief.

It seemed like it was finally over.