Chapter 8: A new danger

This time, it wasn't a problem for them to call in the police because Chu Chu had openly assaulted them. She had even brought out a knife to attack them with which was covered in her prints, so there was no way out of this.

At the same time, because one of the people who she had attacked was a police officer, this case was something that received more attention compared to usual.

They even went all out in searching her room after they found that the knife that she used wasn't a knife that could be obtained by the public. Who knew what else she was hiding in the apartment. Say for example, an entire corpse…

Chu Chu had been worried that there was a leak in her contact system, so she didn't have time to dispose of the evidence that Lin Fan had found the first time. The moment they found this, this case became even more serious than just assault since there was a corpse.

Chu Chu was taken away and it was unlikely she would ever be able to get out in this entire life, but when she walked past Lin Fan as she was taken away, she just looked at him with a smile and said, "See you soon."

Then she broke out into laughter as she was stuffed into the police car.

It was only at that moment that Lin Fan heard the voice of the system in his mind again.

"Congratulations host on completing your first quest. The host has now finished the tutorial."

"The rewards are now available to be released, please take the time to accept them."

When Lin Fan heard this, he let out one more sigh of relief.

If even the system was acknowledging it as over, it meant that he had truly escaped death this time.

After all, the system was something that could even reverse death, so what reason did it have to lie to him?

But Lin Fan also didn't have time to answer the system since there was something else he had to do first.

He was escorted down to the police station by the officers that had shown up.

But he wasn't being arrested by them, rather he was just being taken down for questioning since he was the victim here.

The police didn't make it too hard for him and after just a few questions, once they were sure that Lin Fan didn't know Chu Chu, they let him go.

The police were very serious with this case because they had found the corpse of the missing person they had been looking for in Chu Chu's refrigerator, which meant that this had turned into a murder case. They even suspected it was a serial murder case since there were several men who had also gone missing in the same way as the one they had found in Chu Chu's apartment…

It was already dark outside when Lin Fan was finally released from the police station, but there was actually someone waiting outside for him.

Murong Yue had been waiting outside the police station instead of inside, but when Lin Fan saw the duffel bag in her hand, he understood why.

It definitely wouldn't have been a good idea to stand in the middle of a police station with a bag filled with weapons. Even if she was a cop as well…

Murong Yue and Lin Fan headed home without a word and when they arrived, Murong Yue easily took the backup key hidden in the mailbox out and opened the door.

Once they were inside, Murong Yue just tossed her bag to the side and went into the kitchen to make something to eat.

That was the habit that they had become used to after all these years.

Every week, Murong Yue would come to Lin Fan's house and stay over during the weekend. If someone else were to see this, they would almost think that they were an old married couple…

But Lin Fan didn't have time to worry about that now since there was something else he had to do.

When Murong Yue was in the kitchen, Lin Fan pulled up the system's interface and saw that there was a gift box in the corner of it. Lin Fan reached out to touch that gift box and then there were a bunch of popups that appeared on the interface.

The one that was the most prominent was a message from the system.

"Congratulations to the host for finishing the tutorial. Your access to the system has now been upgraded and you have gained the chance to ask three questions of your choice."

Underneath that popup, there were other popups that told him about the various rewards that he had received.

Looking it all over, Lin Fan found that he had been rewarded 100 stat points, two load chances, and one hundred thousand dollars.

But first he didn't have time to worry about that since the interface of the system was also beginning to change.

There were many new things that had appeared on the interface, such as a shop button and a status button.

The first one that attracted Lin Fan's attention was the status button.

When he pressed that button, there was a game like interface that came out that showed all his stats, but really there were only three stats.

Name: Lin Fan


Appearance: 50

Strength: 50

Intelligence: 70

When Lin Fan saw this, he couldn't help asking, "System, what are the parameters of the stats?"

The system responded, "Host, each of the stat is a number out of 100, where 100 is the peak of what a human can accomplish."

That meant that his appearance and strength were all considered right on the dot average…But Lin Fan could accept that since he knew what he was.

As for the intelligence, he felt a bit proud because he considered himself quite intelligent, but what he didn't know was that it had only been 60 before. It had increased to 70 after his brain was reconfigured after dying twice.

But when Lin Fan fell into thought again, there were words from the system that pulled him out of his thoughts right away.

"Host, you have used up 1 out of your 3 questions."

Lin Fan was stunned before quickly saying, "You mean even that was considered a question?"


"Host, you have used up 2 out of your 3 questions."

"..." Lin Fan didn't know what to say, rather he knew that he shouldn't say a thing or he might waste his last chance.

After thinking for a bit, Lin Fan asked, "What are you?"

"Host, this question goes beyond your authorization. Please ask another quest…"

But before it could finish, the system suddenly cut off.

"Administrator influence detected. The host has been given temporary permission to receive the answer to this question. Providing the answer now."

"Host, you are an unlucky person who has died over ten thousand times in alternate worlds to women. Because of how unlucky you were, the Goddess of Love saved the ten thousandth version of you and brought you to this world that is almost identical to your own world. The Goddess has also given you the Doki Doki Love System in hopes that you will be able to avoid these deaths and one day find true love."

Lin Fan just didn't know how to respond to this…

Ten thousand times...He had died ten thousand times…

Another world…

Lin Fan quickly looked around and picked up his phone to check the news. It didn't take him long to find that there were certain parts of this world that were completely different from what his memories told him they should be.

There were different idols, different politicians, and even different historical events.

This was a world that was completely different from the one he had remembered, but the one thing he didn't remember was how he had died before coming to this world.

While Lin Fan was still trying to take this all in, the system continued at its own pace.

"Host, the system has now been upgraded to Rank E and you have unlocked new features."

"Host, you now have access to the quest database and can now freely search for targets."

"The system wishes you good luck, host."

And then the system fell silent, but Lin Fan didn't have the mental capacity to care about it now.

But as a man who had faced three deaths already, Lin Fan was also much more capable at adapting.

It didn't take him as long to recover as when he had died before and soon he was already planning his future.

He would never go out, that was the safest way.

As long as he didn't meet any women, there would never be a quest triggered.

If there were no quests triggered, there would be nothing he would have to worry about.

As for his finances, he would get a job online. Nowadays, there are plenty of jobs that allow one to work from home.

He didn't care about the wage, as long as it allowed him to live a life of staying inside forever.

But all of those hopes were dashed when Murong Yue came out of the kitchen.

She came out with two dishes and said, "Lin Fan, dinner is ready."

Lin Fan was definitely hungry since he never got to eat during all of this, but when he turned to look at Murong Yue, all of his hopes had been shattered.

"You have encountered an E Rank target, will you accept this quest?"