Chapter 9: The abilities of the system

Lin Fan couldn't say a single word as he just stared at Murong Yue.

He was just filled with utter disbelief as he stared at her.

At first Murong Yue stared back, but then she couldn't stop as a blush came over her face and she turned away. However, it wasn't long before she turned back and asked, "Are you alright? You've been spacing out a lot recently? Do you have a fever?"

She came in with her hand to place it on Lin Fan's forehead, but right before she could touch him, Lin Fan suddenly jumped back avoiding that hand.

Murong Yue looked surprised, with a trace of being hurt flashing in her eyes, but then Lin Fan quickly said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about what happened earlier and you scared me when you suddenly came in."

Murong Yue looked at him with a bit of confusion before suddenly understanding what he meant.

This was something that she had learned about in her training as a police officer. Not everyone was mentally strong enough to deal with something like this, so of course there would be people who were traumatized like this.

After thinking about it for a bit, she realized that Lin Fan had been showing all these signs the entire time, but she had been ignoring them.

She immediately looked at Lin Fan with a gaze filled with sympathy and said, "It's alright, just take your time. Come, have some food first." After saying this, she placed the bowl of noodles that she made in front of Lin Fan.

What she didn't notice was the way Lin Fan looked at her. When he looked at her, there was now a trace of fear in his eyes.

The system had just created a quest for Murong Yue, did that mean that she was one of the girls who had killed him in a previous life?

But why would she do that when they were this close?

It was only then that Lin Fan started to realize that the danger was far from over.

Even if he tried to avoid it, the danger was already right beside him, so it was impossible for him to run away from it.

At this thought, Lin Fan wanted to collapse, but his mind wouldn't allow him.

Dying was definitely a very traumatic experience, but if one could experience dying and come back from it, with the natural plasticity of humans, they would naturally adapt to dying. This would create a change in their minds that made them much more resilient which was what happened to Lin Fan.

He slowly recovered from the shock of the system's sudden notification and then rejected the quest.

The notification disappeared and it didn't seem like anything else was going to happen, so Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief. However, when he turned back to Murong Yue, he could see a red 1 that was in the corner of his vision, blinking and not going away.

It was clear what the system wanted him to do, but Lin Fan completely ignored it.

But when he looked at Murong Yue, he also noticed something else pop up in front of him. It was a box with her name in it.

When he focused on the box, it suddenly opened up to reveal a status for Murong Yue.

It didn't list the same things as it did for him, rather there were many different things that were blanked out.

But it listed all of Murong Yue's basic information, such as her name, date of birth, and address which were all things that he already knew. Then it went on to list things that he didn't know, such as her three measurements…

It also listed her phone number and when he checked with his own phone, he found that it was correct.

Lin Fan immediately thought, "System, what is this?"

The system said, "Host, since you have completed the tutorial, you have unlocked new features of the system. One of these new features is the status screen that you see before you. You can use it to find the information of any other human to make it easier for you to complete your quests. However, you do not have permission to unlock certain stats yet. Please work hard to complete more missions and upgrading the system."

Lin Fan was much more calm compared to before.

He had already accepted what the system was telling him and now he was thinking about how to survive. Getting something like this was definitely something that would help him in the future.

For now, what he needed to do was test the capabilities of this new feature before his next quest came since it was going to be an important tool for him.

So after eating, Lin Fan gave the excuse of being tired after what had happened today to go to bed early.

Murong Yue looked at Lin Fan with a gaze of sympathy when she heard this, so she easily accepted this since she still thought that he had been traumatized by this experience.

Lin Fan went to his room and just fell asleep right away.

After all, it was tiring when you were fighting for your life.

The next morning, Lin Fan didn't even bother having breakfast as he ran out of the apartment.

In truth, he had been trying to avoid Murong Yue after what happened last night…

Lin Fan headed off to the station by the house and went into one of the breakfast shops that were around the station.

After quickly ordering something for himself, Lin Fan took a seat by the window and watched the people passing by.

As he carefully looked at these people, he could see the popup box appear for every single one of them, showing their statuses. However, not a single one of them gave him another quest notification.

All these people walked past on their way to their daily lives, unaware that Lin Fan was watching over them.

Finally, when he had looked at enough people, Lin Fan finally chose to act on the status screens.

He picked one girl who had been sitting at a bench, waiting for a bus and he went to the phone booth that was nearby.

Lin Fan inserted the coins and looking at the girl, he dialed the number that was on the status screen.

Once he finished, the phone began to ring and soon there was a ringing that came from the phone of the girl.

She looked down at it and saw that it was an unknown number, which made her knit her brows, but she still chose to answer it in the end.

The girl said, "Hello?"

When Lin Fan saw all of this and heard the voice of the girl in his ear, he had confirmed one thing. The system could actually give him the phone numbers of people that he had never met before just by looking at them.

Lin Fan paused for a second before saying in a deep voice, "I know where you live."

The girl immediately said, "Who are you?"

Lin Fan hung up right away without any hesitation and moved out of the phone booth, walking back to the breakfast shop. Along the way, he made sure that he was watching over the girl to see what her reaction was to his call.

The girl immediately looked around her once the call was over with a scared look on her face, but she didn't see anything.

When she saw Lin Fan, naturally her eyes passed over him since he was nothing more than a casual bystander walking past. However, for Lin Fan, when he saw this, he was certain that the system was giving him the right information.

When Lin Fan sat back down in the breakfast shop, the girl had already run off, probably to report this to the police, but it was too bad they would never find him. That was the reason why Lin Fan had specifically used the phone booth.

Next, it was time for him to look at the status points that the system gave him.

According to the system, his stats were quite average, but there was also a plus sign that was beside each of his stats. It was like the system was telling him that he could increase his stats with the system.

Lin Fan hesitated a bit before adding ten points into both his charm and his strength.

There was no sensation at all that told him that there was a change, but Lin Fan looked down at the table beneath him. Getting out of his chair, he went to lift the table and found that he was able to do it easily.

While this table would have been hard for him to lift before, now it didn't even feel like he had to put in any effort. He could tell that he had clearly gotten stronger from this.

Then he went to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror, but there was no visible change to his face which disappointed him.

Perhaps charm meant attractiveness instead of physical charm?

But Lin Fan didn't feel any different…

So in the end, he chose to give up on this and left the breakfast shop, heading back home.

Along the way, he was thinking of the last reward that he had received for finishing the quest, the hundred thousand dollars.

So far, there was no indication from the system as to how he would receive it yet.

As he was walking down the road, Lin Fan suddenly heard a voice call out from beside him that said, "Big brother, do you want to play a game?"