Chapter 19: Sacrifice

Lin Fan was completely stunned and he couldn't react at all.

It felt like time slowed down, like all those other times that he had died before as he watched the bullet approaching him.

Even if he could see it, his body wouldn't listen to him as the bullet kept coming closer and closer.

Lin Fan knew that he was dead and was about to accept it, preparing to appear from the last save point, but then something unexpected happened.

The girl in the maid outfit suddenly jumped out to the side, jumping in front of Lin Fan. She had turned while jumping so her back was to the two of them and her front was to Lin Fan as she pushed him to the ground.

Even though she had acted, the bullet still pierced right into her back and she spurted out a mouthful of blood onto Lin Fan's shirt.

Lin Fan was in a complete daze as he fell to the floor, he couldn't understand what had just happened.

After all, this was a girl that he had just met, so why would she be willing to take a bullet for him? That didn't make any sense at all!

But that was what had happened…

Lin Fan looked down at the girl in the maid dress who was bleeding out from the back, looked down at the girl whose body was turning colder and colder in his arms.

There was only one thing he could say in this situation, "Why?"

The girl in the maid dress looked up and through a mouthful of blood, she said in a soft voice, "The young miss…asked me to protect that's what I did. I'll be waiting in the underworld to see if she was right or wrong. Please don't let her be wrong…"

Lin Fan could tell that her eyes were turning dimmer and dimmer and there wasn't much time left.

There was only one thing that was on his mind as he asked, "Your name, what is your name?"

The girl in the maid outfit had a surprised look in her eyes, but she still said, "Su Yan."

Lin Fan nodded before saying, "I won't let you die."

Su Yan looked at Lin Fan like he was crazy and that was the last look she gave him before her eyes turned completely dim.

Lin Fan looked back up at the two who were standing over him.

They had been watching the entire time like they were winners because there was no need for them to do anything, they knew that it was all over, so they gave Lin Fan his few seconds.

Now that it was over, the man with the slicked back hair raised his gun to point it in Lin Fan's face and said, "Any last words?"

Lin Fan's face was cold as he said, "One day you will pay for this. You won't know who I am, but you will pay for this."

The man with the slicked back hair was completely confused by this, but then he said, "Sure, whatever you say."

Lin Fan didn't say anything else, all he said was, "Load."

With a flash of white light, everything in front of Lin Fan disappeared.

When the flash of white light faded, Lin Fan was back in the lobby.

"The host has been loaded from the chosen save point."

"Load complete. Loads remaining: 1/5."

If Lin Fan had died, he would have been forced to respawn from the last save point which was in the elevator, but this time he chose to load from his previous save point in the lobby.

After what he had just experienced, Lin Fan now had a deep understanding of just how dangerous the people that he was dealing with were. He had given up all ideas of trying to settle this peacefully.

If they were going to play at that level, Lin Fan shouldn't have any hesitations about falling to the same level.

So Lin Fan didn't even bother going to the elevator, he just turned around and walked out of the building.

After walking for several minutes and making sure that no one was following him, Lin Fan pulled out his phone and dialed a number from memory.

The phone rang a few times before a voice came from the phone saying, "Hello, who is this?"

In the background of the call, there was the sound of music being blasted in the background.

Lin Fan just calmly said, "The Yasha Gang's warehouse will be raided by the Nova Gang tonight."

The voice that had come from the phone spoke again, but this time it was much colder, without a single trace of warmth in it as it said, "Who is this?"

Lin Fan continued in a calm voice, "A friend. As a sign of trust, I'll tell you that the person you're looking for is on the fifth floor."

After a slight pause, the voice said, "What are your terms?"

Lin Fan said, "I want to destroy the Nova Gang and I need your help."

There was another pause, this time it was longer than last time, but in the end, that voice broke out in laughter, "Has anyone ever told you that you're terrible at negotiating?"

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a smile at this.

Yes, someone had told him that he had sucked at negotiating, the same person in fact.

Then the voice turned cold again as it said, "How do I know that this isn't a trap."

Lin Fan calmly said, "You can't, you'll just have to trust me."

The voice continued in the same cold tone, "How can I do that when I don't even know you?"

Lin Fan just said in a voice without any fluctuation, "I want to destroy the Nova Gang, that is how you can trust me."

The voice fell silent once again before saying, "Alright, where do you want to meet?"

Lin Fan gave a sigh of relief deep down before saying, "We'll meet at the place on your card."

The voice suddenly had a teasing tone as it said, "It seems like you know quite a bit. Don't you know that makes you untrustworthy? I don't like working with someone who isn't willing to trust me at all."

Lin Fan gave a sigh before saying, "As another token of friendship, how about I give you some more useful information?"

The voice had an intrigued tone as it said, "Oh, what can you give me?"

Lin Fan said, "Don't get any food on the third floor, it's not good for you."

The voice paused once again before laughter suddenly burst out, "Good, good, I'll take this as your sincerity then. I look forward to meeting you."

Then before Lin Fan could say a thing, the other side had already hung up, but Lin Fan didn't mind. He had achieved his goal, so there was no need to continue this conversation.

On the other side of the call, in a certain karaoke store.

There was a group that was at the counter, but they were patiently waiting for someone to come back.

When that person came back, they all waited for his response, but they didn't get the response that they wanted.

That person just waved his hand and turned around as he said, "Enough, we're leaving."

All four of them looked at that person in surprise, but they still followed him out of the shop.

Once they were outside, one of the girls came forward and asked, "Young master, why are we leaving just like this? What about the plan?"

The leader of the group said with a smile, "Change of plans, something came up. There's no need for us to stay here anymore, we're heading back to take care of some other business."

The girl knitted her brows and still asked, "But what about Xiao Wan? He's still being held here."

The leader's eyes narrowed and his face turned cold as he said, "Who do you think sold him out?"

The girl was taken aback by this before suddenly asking in a voice of realization, "You mean…"

The leader gave a nod and said, "Take care of that person, there's no need for him anymore. As for Xiao Wan, there's nothing we can do. There's too many guards here, we can only buy some flowers for his grave."

The girl had a conflicted look, but she still said with a sigh, "Yes, young master."

The leader completely ignored her after this and just continued making his way to the elevator. Along the way, he pulled out his phone and looked at the number that had just called.

Another one of the girls came forward and asked, "Young master, should we trace this number?"

The leader paused for a second before shaking his head, "No, we'll be meeting them soon, so there's no need."

The leader couldn't help revealing a smile at this.

That voice on the phone, for some reason, seemed familiar to him. It was almost as if he had heard it before.

Maybe in another world.

This group was naturally Yan Luo and his group of followers.

Back to Lin Fan.

He was still standing in the street planning his next move, but he did have one thought in his mind.

The Nova Gang was clearly playing for keeps and that last load had been a cold reminder of the situation he was in. This was a death game, one where any move he made could lead to his death.

He had been underestimating all of this the entire time because he thought that this would be like a system novel where he could easily make it through everything with the power of the system, how wrong he was…

Since they wanted to kill him, since they went so far to trap him, he had no choice.

He would finish this quest and the best way was to completely destroy the Nova Gang.