Chapter 20: The meeting (1)

After deliberating over it, Lin Fan finally decided to make another call.

He wanted to end it with just the deal with Yan Luo, but in case it didn't work, it would be best to create a backup plan.

After what had happened in his first mission, Lin Fan had thought that he had become more cautious, but the fourth load in this mission taught him otherwise. He would no longer act the same way, especially since he only had a single load left…

It didn't take Lin Fan long to make that call, but of course that call was a bit troublesome to make since it involved some scolding on his part. Eventually, he was able to convince the other side to follow his plan.

Once this was set, all Lin Fan had to do was go to the place he was set to meet Yan Luo.

This meeting would decide the fate of his quest, so naturally he was feeling nervous. But after everything that he had been through, he was slowly getting used to this feeling of nervousness.

It didn't take Lin Fan long to reach the location that he remembered from Yan Luo's card.

This place was the base of the Yasha Group, so naturally it was dangerous.

Even though this place was the base of the Yasha Group, a well known group of gangsters, Yan Luo had been daring enough to put this address on the cards that he gave others for one simple reason. The Yasha Group was strong enough that the police didn't want to tangle with them, allowing them to operate in public to a certain degree.

The place that was written on the card was a bar that was operated by the Yasha Group called the Gates of Hell.

When Lin Fan came in, it didn't take him long to find the table that Yan Luo had reserved because everyone had been cleared out from that area. The only people there were Yan Luo and the group that had gone with him into the karaoke shop.

Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all as he walked over to that table.

When Yan Luo saw him, he couldn't help raising a brow because he clearly didn't expect Lin Fan to look like this. But nonetheless, he still let Lin Fan sit down in front of him before waving at his followers to move away.

They just sat there in silence for a bit before Yan Luo broke the silence by saying, "So you're the mysterious caller with all the information?"

Lin Fan calmly looked at him and gave a nod, but he still didn't say a thing.

Yan Luo tapped his fingers on the table and there was a red dot that suddenly appeared on Lin Fan's chest as he said, "So, why do you think I should trust you?"

Lin Fan looked down at the dot on his chest and naturally knew what it meant. It was something that he had seen many times in movies before, it was the dot from a sniper rifle.

Yan Luo really did come to play, he had prepared a sniper rifle ahead of time and used it as his opening move.

However, Lin Fan had been waiting for this move from him.

Lin Fan knew that Yan Luo's first move would be to intimidate him since Yan Luo didn't know anything about him, that meant that he would need to see something that would convince him that Lin Fan was worth working with before this would go any further.

Lin Fan had caught his attention with the call, now it was time to keep that attention.

Lin Fan just calmly sat there and said, "You won't shoot because there is no merit for you to shoot me. I've already shown that I have information that you don't have and you've already gained quite a bit from the information I've given you, that's why you agreed to this meeting. But even if this was a trap, there is nothing for you to lose here since you won't gain or lose anything unless you decide to listen to my plan, but you will lose this chance if you shoot me right now. So at the very least, you won't shoot me right away."

Yan Luo was silent for a few seconds before suddenly revealing a smile, "Very good, you at least pass the first test."

Then with another tap of his finger on the table, the red dot immediately disappeared from Lin Fan's chest.

Yan Luo leaned forward to put his elbows on the table and crossed his hands, putting his chin on them before saying, "You have my attention, let's see what you have for me."

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile when he heard this, but he still said, "Someone once told me that I'm bad at negotiating because I show all the cards in my hand right away, so I have nothing to negotiate with, but that is all I know and that is what I will do now."

Yan Luo knitted his brows when he heard this. He carefully looked over Lin Fan for a few seconds before saying, "Are you sure we haven't met before?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I'll give you the same answer as before, perhaps in another life."

Yan Luo kept looking at Lin Fan for a few seconds before bringing out one hand and waving at him, telling him to continue.

Lin Fan hesitated for a second before saying, "Your Yasha Group will be having a showdown with the Nova Group tonight because of the information that I gave you, so I have a proposal for you. Take me with you to this showdown tonight."

Yan Luo raised a brow before asking, "What benefits are there for me to take you? You should know that without any reason, there's nothing to convince me to bring someone I don't trust along with me to such an important event."

Lin Fan revealed a serious look and said, "What if I said that if you give me a gun, I'll be able to kill Liu Yan?"

Yan Luo's eyes immediately turned cold as he narrowed them and said, "Ho, that's a pretty big claim. Do you have anything to back that up?"

Lin Fan just calmly looked at him and said, "I think that the information I've given is more than enough to back that up, but I can also give you a bit more."

Yan Luo didn't say a thing as he waited for Lin Fan to continue.

Lin Fan saw this and said, "The Nova Group has already abandoned that building, so you can take it if you really want it. I'm sure the income from there isn't small."

Yan Luo gave a snort and said, "You want me to believe you just on that alone? That's far from being enough."

Lin Fan knew that as well, so he pulled out his final trump card. Lin Fan began describing the various things that he had seen on the documents in the scrap bin in the office in the penthouse.

No one would have expected anyone to know that information since it was in a secure place and it had already been shredded, but Lin Fan had taken the time to go over it to remember a few key details. While he didn't know what it meant, he knew that for the right people, it would mean something.

At first, Yan Luo had the same look on his face as before, but as Lin Fan said more and more things, that expression slowly changed.

It went from surprise to shock to disbelief in the end.

All of these things were the secrets that the Nova Group had kept for many years now, but now they had all been found by this kid who was not that much older than him?

Yan Luo really had to reconsider all of this.

With this information, there was no doubt that he would be able to deal a heavy blow to the Nova Group, but that would mean missing out on something even better. After all, what Lin Fan was now offering was the destruction of the Nova Group.

Once the Nova Group was destroyed, the Yasha Group would become the biggest gang in the third ring and they could even turn their eyes to the second ring…

But that was just it, this would be a big gamble.

It was clear that this person in front of him wasn't normal since he was able to obtain all this information, but he didn't know this person in the end.

Finally, it was his emotions that won out. What Lin Fan had said to him about meeting in another world seemed to stick in his mind and he couldn't help wanting to trust what Lin Fan said.

So Yan Luo sat back in his chair and said, "If I were to trust you, how confident are you that your plan to kill Liu Yan will succeed?"

Lin Fan said with a determined look, "100%."

After all, Lin Fan didn't have a choice. He either had to end this now or he would never be able to end this. If he couldn't end this, all that was waiting for him was death…

For the next few seconds, Lin Fan's back was covered in a cold sweat as he waited for Yan Luo's answer.

Finally, Yan Luo said in a slow voice, "What is your name?"

Lin Fan was taken aback by this question, but he still answered, "Lin Fan."

Yan Luo paused for another few seconds before slowly revealing a smile and reaching out his hand while saying, "I guess we're in business then, brother Lin. I'm sure I don't need to tell you my name, right?"

Lin Fan also reached his hand out to shake Yan Luo's hand and said, "Brother Yan, I guess we're in business."