Chapter 23: Sudden side quest (2)

By following the map, Lin Fan completely avoided the Nova Group's thugs that had been firing at the building that they had surrounded.

The path of the map led him to the other side of the building where he was able to find a door that he could enter into.

When he entered this room, he found that this building was just filled with shattered glass shards from the windows that were shot out by the gangsters.

However, the surprising thing was that the lights were still on in this building even though it clearly looked abandoned.

Lin Fan followed the trail of crushed glass shards until he reached a door that was slightly ajar.

He carefully pushed the door open, but what he received was a gun muzzle pointed to the face.

This was an experience that Lin Fan was slowly getting more and more used to, even though he didn't really want to become used to this…

At the other end of the gun, there was a face that Lin Fan was very familiar with. When he had last seen this face, there was blood that came out of their mouth and there was a bullet in that person's back.

That person had a hostile gaze as they looked at Lin Fan, but after a few seconds, they suddenly revealed a look of recognition.

The girl in front of Lin Fan asked, "Why are you here?"

This girl was no one else but Su Yan.

But instead of wearing a maid outfit this time, she was in a tight black bodysuit, just like the ones that spies wore.

Lin Fan didn't know what to say at first, but after hearing her voice, he said, "I'm here to save you."

Su Yan was completely shocked when she heard this, but then she said in a wary voice, "I don't even know you and you're saying that you're here to save me? How did you even get in here with all those goons outside?"

Lin Fan didn't say anything at first and after a pause, he said, "I have my ways."

Su Yan just looked at Lin Fan for a bit before saying, "Alright, then how do you plan on getting out of here?"

Lin Fan looked at the map in front of him for a bit before saying, "If you follow me, I can get us out of here."

Su Yan once again just stared at Lin Fan without saying a thing for a bit before saying, "Alright."

Lin Fan couldn't help finding it strange how easily she had agreed to this, but he didn't have time to think about it now. Even at this moment, there were the sounds of guns being fired that came from outside and the sound of windows being smashed.

All of this made one thing very clear, they should get out of here as soon as possible.

So Lin Fan led Su Yan back to the entrance.

However, the moment they came to the entrance, there was a sudden change in Lin Fan's map.

When he had been following it to the building, there had been red dots that had been on it.

Lin Fan had even checked with the people outside and the red dots had shown the locations of all the Nova Group gangsters wandering around. It was because of this that Lin Fan was confident in bringing Su Yan away safely.

However, the moment they reached the entrance, all those red dots on the map had suddenly disappeared.

When this happened, Lin Fan couldn't help saying in his mind, "System, what's going on here? Are you malfunctioning?"

But all he received in response was pure silence from the system.

All of this just made Lin Fan think of what had happened in the building back then.

This confirmed one thing, the system wasn't on his side…

When Su Yan saw Lin Fan suddenly stop, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly stopping?"

Lin Fan was brought back from his thoughts when he heard her voice.

He turned and after a slight bit of a pause, he said, "I was just thinking about something."

Su Yan gave a soft snort, "Is it really time for that?"

Lin Fan revealed an awkward look, but he didn't say anything in response.

After this short pause, Lin Fan walked out of the entrance.

He followed the map and headed in the same path that he took to come to this building unnoticed. He figured that since it had brought him here, it would bring him away.

However, that wasn't the case.

When they had made it halfway out, there was a sudden noise that came from in front of them.

The warehouse was in a factory district and while this building was a bit of a distance away from the warehouse, it was still in the same district. This large building was actually an abandoned factory.

So all around them were various tall factory buildings that completely trapped them in this corridor and there was nowhere for them to hide.

Lin Fan was debating whether to turn back or not, but Su Yan didn't give him that chance at all.

She immediately went forward to the intersection in front of them and reacting to the sound to the right, she poked her head and gun out before shooting.

There was a grunt from around the corner before the thud of a body falling to the ground.

Lin Fan had once again hesitated in a moment like this.

He still wasn't able to take a single person's life.

But he couldn't be blamed since this was a person's life, it wasn't something that one could easily resolve to take.

After that incident, Lin Fan was planning to continue along, but then there was the sound of a gun being cocked that came from behind them.

They had been so focused on the sound that was in front of them that they didn't notice the sounds that came from behind them.

After the sound of the gun being cocked rang out, there was a voice that said, "Now, drop the gun, put your hands up, and slowly turn around. Let me get a good look at you."

When they turned around, they saw a short gangster standing there with a gun pointed at them. This person really was short, his head didn't even reach Lin Fan's chest. He was so short and light that his footsteps were barely audible, which was why they hadn't noticed him at all.

After turning around, the short gangster said, "Ho, ho, it seems like it's my lucky day. Not only did I catch the traitor, I even found the one that the boss was looking for? So it seems like you two were working together? How long has this been going on for?"

Neither of them said a thing since both of them were quickly looking around to see if there was a way out for them.

But unfortunately they didn't have a chance to find a way out at all.

Without any hesitation, the short gangster said, "Let's get this over with."

Once he said this, he immediately pulled the trigger and the bullet flew out of his gun towards Su Yan.

When Su Yan saw this, she knew that there was nothing that she could do, so she resolved to accept her fate.

What she never expected would be that Lin Fan would suddenly turn and jump in front of her like she had done for him before.

Lin Fan felt the pain of the bullet entering his back, but none of that mattered to him.

Even when he spat out a mouthful of blood, he still didn't care as he looked down at Su Yan.

Seeing that she wasn't hurt, he let out a sigh of relief before his body went limp in her arms.

Su Yan just looked at Lin Fan in a daze.

The young miss had said that he had a special power, so why did it turn out like this? Where was his special power?

Those were the thoughts in Su Yan's mind, but the biggest thought was something else.

Why did he do this for me? We don't even know each other.

Su Yan would never understand what Lin Fan had felt when she had blocked the bullet for him…

The light dimmed in front of Lin Fan's voice and soon there was the familiar voice that rang in his head.

"Host's vital signs have stopped, host has been confirmed to be dead."

"The host will now be loaded from the last save point."

"Load complete. Loads remaining: 0/5."

"Host, please be aware that you no longer have any loads left. If you die this time, you will die permanently, so please take care."

Then with a flash of white light in front of him, he left behind the confused Su Yan and the small gangster to return back into the room that had he been in before.

This was the last save that he had made before he had died, so this was where he had been loaded.

Lin Fan usually recovered quickly from his deaths since he was used to them now, but this time it was different.

This was the first time he had used his body to die for someone else, so he didn't know how to feel about this.

But when he finally recovered, the first thing he thought about was the side quest.

Lin Fan opened the system interface and found that the side quest was still there.