Chapter 28: Short confrontation (2)

While Lin Fan wasn't certain since he didn't know enough about the Nova Group, the people of the Yasha Group were certain because they had clashed with the Nova Group enough to recognize them.

As for Lin Fan, the one thing that drew his attention was the person who was leading this Nova Group group. This was the person that Lin Fan had seen before on the street, the one who had threatened to kill him and had done so twice…

It was the leader of the Nova Group, Liu Yan, Liu Yue's father.

That person didn't have any fear as he walked in alone with none of his followers beside him. He came right into the center of the warehouse and looked over all the members of the Yasha Group before saying, "Is that all that you have?"

The members of the Yasha Group all reacted to this, looking at Liu Yan aggressively, but not a single person dared to make a move. If one looked carefully, they could see the traces of fear in their eyes.

It was almost as if what they were looking at was not a human, but rather a monster.

Finally, there was one person from the Yasha Group that couldn't take it anymore and charged forward with a bat in his hand as he shouted, "You, you dare to mock our Yasha Group!"

As he charged forward, he brought the bat straight down at Liu Yan's head.

Liu Yan didn't panic at all, he just calmly looked at this person before bringing his fist up to meet the bat. This bat was made of aluminum, but it didn't even last a single second. The bat was completely bent by the force of Liu Yan's fist and in the end, it formed a ninety degree angle as it was blown out of that person's hand by Liu Yan's fist, flying across the room before it hit the wall.

However, no one paid attention to this bat, they were all focused on Liu Yan.

Liu Yan brought his other fist back before punching out with it, hitting that person that charged at him right in the chest.

When that fist came, that person had a look of terror in his eyes. It was clear that he wanted to run, but his legs just wouldn't listen to him.

That fist landed right on that person's chest and before he could even react, his chest had completely caved in.

Liu Yan's punch sent that person right to the ground and he was struggling to breathe as he laid there. If one looked at him, they could see that his chest had completely collapsed in.

Just a single punch from Liu Yan had broken all of this person's ribs and had collapsed his lungs.

He only lasted a few seconds before he breathed his final breath and just laid there as a corpse.

One punch!

Just a single punch from Liu Yan had killed someone.

As Lin Fan watched this, he realized what kind of a mistake he had made.

Even if he still had a save, he wouldn't have been able to find a way to block this.

This was a punch that had broken the limits of what was possible for humans, it was no wonder all of them looked at Liu Yan like he was a monster.

As he was thinking this, Lin Fan suddenly remembered what Yan Luo had said before.

He had said that Liu Yan had a power called super strength. He thought previously that meant that Liu Yan would just be a bit stronger than normal people, but now he realized his mistake.

But what appeared in his mind as well as something that Su Yan had mentioned.

When Su Yan heard that Lin Fan had taken care of all the Nova Group members outside the building, she had called him a Power User.

Did that mean something special?

But Lin Fan didn't have time to find out as Yan Luo leaned in front beside him and said, "Brother Lin, it's your turn. I've set the stage for you, it's time for you to show me what you have."

Lin Fan looked at Yan Luo in surprise and then he remembered what he had said before.

He knew that he had made a mistake.

He had come to rely on the power of the system, but in this situation, there was nothing the system could give him that would allow him to take care of Liu Yan.

Lin Fan clearly didn't want to go up, but Yan Luo didn't give him a choice as he pushed him forward and said, "Brother Lin, you wouldn't be thinking of going back on your word now, right?"

Lin Fan could only reveal a bitter smile since he could feel the thing that was poking his back.

It was a gun muzzle.

Yan Luo was making it very clear what he was offering Lin Fan. He could either go or he could be shot right now.

Lin Fan still had a backup plan, but he didn't know when it would come, so his only choice now was to stall for as much time as possible.

So Lin Fan chose to face Liu Yan.

Lin Fan slowly walked through the crowd, observing Liu Yan as closely as possible, trying to find anything that he could exploit. He even tried using the system's status window on him, but it didn't give him anything.

Finally, Lin Fan made it to the front of the crowd and came out to walk towards Liu Yan.

When he appeared, everyone's gaze fell onto him.

The ones from the Yasha Group were filled with pity and the ones from the Nova Group were all filled with excitement, like they were watching a show.

When Liu Yan saw Lin Fan, he began breathing even heavier as he said in a deep voice, "So it's you."

Lin Fan didn't say a thing as he continued moving forward.

Liu Yan didn't mind as he said, "I'm going to enjoy this. Ever since meeting you, my Yue'er hasn't wanted to play with me as much. It's all because of you!"

Lin Fan was confused by this, but he didn't question it as he reached into his coat where he was hiding his gun. That was his only other straw to grasp at right now since at least the system would guide his aim if he missed.

No matter how strong Liu Yan was, Lin Fan didn't believe that he could punch a bullet.

Finally, Lin Fan was within striking distance of Liu Yan and they stood there face to face.

Lin Fan could tell that Liu Yan wanted to attack him, but it seemed like he was waiting for something.

The two of them just stood there looking at each other for several minutes, but then it seemed like Liu Yan finally couldn't take it anymore.

Liu Yan raised his right fist and brought it back, preparing to punch out at Lin Fan. At the same time, Lin Fan tightened his hand around the trigger of the gun, prepared to shoot at any moment.

But before they could do a thing, there was a clapping sound that filled the air.

Everyone was shocked to hear this and they all turned to look in the direction of the clapping sound.

When they looked over, they found that there was a little girl who was in a cute blue dress walking over with a girl in a maid dress following her.

Lin Fan was no stranger to the two of them since they were the ones that had started all of this.

Liu Yan immediately revealed a look of joy as he said, "Yue'er, you're here to cheer for daddy?"

Liu Yue completely ignored Liu Yan as she walked over. During this entire time, her eyes had been locked onto Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked around, not understanding why she was looking at him, but it seemed like there was no one around and she was indeed looking at him which confused him even more.

Lin Fan wanted to say something, but before he could, Liu Yue spoke first, "Very good, very good, it seems that you're much more interesting than I thought you were."

As she said this, there was a wicked smile that appeared on her lips that didn't match her appearance at all.

It was a smile that was like a flower of evil blooming, one that made a chill run down the backs of anyone who saw this smile…

Lin Fan was completely taken aback because this was completely different from the first time he saw her. Even if he already had some guesses, he didn't expect the change to be this extreme.

While Lin Fan was stunned, Liu Yue came to stand right in front of him before walking around him, looking up and down over him. It was like she was looking over a toy that she had just found instead of looking at him as a human being.

Finally, she gave another laugh and said, "Very good, very good, you're much better than that oaf over there. You'll serve me much better than him."

Liu Yan revealed a look of despair when he heard this as he shouted, "Yue'er, what are you talking about? You're daddy's little girl, you can't just go playing with other men?"

Liu Yan also tried to move forward while saying this, but before he could even come close to Liu Yue, Su Yan had already charged forward.

Liu Yan was caught off guard, but as someone who had been fighting for his entire life, he had plenty of combat experience. He knew what Su Yan wanted to do, so he brought his fist down right on her.

But what he never expected was that Su Yan would catch it with her hand effortlessly.