Chapter 27: Short confrontation (1)

Lin Fan took his time to head back to the warehouse, slowly making his way back as he tried to process everything that he had just learned.

It was like suddenly seeing a new world open up in front of him, but he also slowly came to accept it.

If anything, humans had exceptional adaptivity, which allowed Lin Fan to quickly accept the various changes that had just happened in the last few minutes. Rather he had a higher level of adaptivity that came from dying many times.

When Lin Fan came back to the warehouse, there was a group that was waiting outside with the short gangster that had gone to get help.

That person was surprised to see Lin Fan come back and he quickly came forward to ask, "What happened? Why are you back? What about those Nova Group pieces of shit?"

Lin Fan just calmly said, "They're all dead."

The short gangster had a look of shock before asking, "Dead? What do you mean? How did they all die?"

Lin Fan looked right at him and asked, "How do you think?"

The short gangster was taken aback as he just stared at Lin Fan in a daze for a few seconds, but then he turned and said, "Go check it out."

Lin Fan didn't care about this and walked to the side to find a place to sit.

Those gangsters also overcame their daze and went through the streets of this area.

It didn't take them long to come back to confirm what Lin Fan said was true.

They had combed the area and found that there wasn't a single person from the Nova Group here. When they looked more closely, they had found the corpses of several Nova Group thugs hidden by the sides of the street.

Every single one of the corpses only had a single gun wound on them and all of them were right in the middle of the eyes, aimed right at the brain.

Once this was confirmed, all of them looked at Lin Fan who had found a pallet of goods to sit on, waiting for them to finish up.

It was at this time that Yan Luo also arrived.

He had come over as soon as he had received the news, but he was taking care of something that was away from this factory, so he hadn't been on site. It had taken him quite a bit of time to come back and when he did, it was already all over.

Seeing that everyone was just looking at Lin Fan in a daze, Yan Luo was confused as he asked, "Tell me what happened here."

The short gangster was the one who came forward since he was the one that Yan Luo had assigned to look over Lin Fan.

After hearing the entire story and confirming it with the others around, Yan Luo also couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a different emotion in his eyes.

As for the followers that were behind him, they all had varying kinds of emotions.

The one with the most extreme was Sakura who just stared at Lin Fan with complete confusion.

If he was this powerful, why didn't he do anything to her earlier?

Could it be that he was going easy on her?

But why?

This thought was like a worm that dug its way into her mind and wouldn't leave no matter how she tried to change her mind.

Lin Fan was just casually waiting there, but he was also worrying about something else.

He had planned on using a save to take care of Liu Yan, but now that he didn't have a save left, what could he do?

Would the system still help him aim like it had done before?

But even if it did, could he do it in time?

This wouldn't be the same as before where he had the time to adjust his aim and everything, this would be an actual fight with Liu Yan. Based on what everyone was saying about it, he was clearly not an easy opponent…

Perhaps it was time for him to use his backup plan...

Finally after a while, Yan Luo came forward to say, "It seems like I've completely underestimated your power, but I know that it's a power that you can't use freely. Are you going to be good enough to take out Liu Yan?"

Lin Fan still gave a nod without any hesitation.

He knew that in this situation, if he were to show any signs of weakness, he would be taken out immediately and he wouldn't even have a chance to reach Liu Yan.

Yan Luo looked at him for a bit before giving a nod, "Alright, with this, you have officially earned my trust." After saying this, Yan Luo raised his hand out towards Lin Fan and said, "Now, let's go finish what we've started."

Of course, they couldn't do that yet since there was at least half an hour before the Nova Group was expected to show up.

Not to mention that all their scouts had already been wiped out, so there would definitely be another delay.

But this time, Lin Fan wasn't made to wait in the same room. Rather he was brought to another room in the warehouse that was completely furnished and decorated. There was a large flat screen on the wall and all kinds of systems in there. There was also a fully stocked kitchen with all kinds of snacks and drinks on the side for Lin Fan to indulge in.

However, when he was brought to the room, the first thing Lin Fan did was collapse on the couch and he put his head back completely before shutting his eyes. The one thing he wanted to do now was just think.

But Yan Luo didn't give him that time.

While Yan Luo still had other things to do, he chose to leave Sakura behind for some unknown reason.

When she saw Lin Fan just lying on the couch, she hesitated for a bit before sitting down beside him.

Lin Fan had become much better at sensing people after going through everything that he had gone through, so he could tell that someone was beside him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Sakura sitting beside him, but there was something strange about her.

When he looked at her, he saw that there was a blush on her face, which really didn't match her bad girl look.

After a slight pause, Lin Fan asked, "Can I help you?"

Sakura jolted when she heard this since she had still been trying to work up the courage to say what she wanted to say, but then Lin Fan took the initiative which blew this all away.

She couldn't look at Lin Fan as she said, "Why did you go easy on me?"

Lin Fan never expected to hear this, but in this situation, he could only say, "I didn't."

She then said, "How did you become this strong?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I'm not."

She then said with a sigh, "That's what strong people say."

Lin Fan shook his head again and said, "I'm really not."

She just said, "It's alright, you don't have to say anything, I get it."

Right after saying that, she got up and moved to the kitchen where it seemed like she was getting a snack.

Lin Fan didn't know what that was about, but since it was over, he leaned back on the couch once again and closed his eyes.

What he didn't see after closing his eyes was that Sakura was looking over at him from time to time with a different emotion in her eyes.

Eventually, time passed and there was news that the Nova Group was coming.

Since they were coming, it was time for them to prepare to welcome them.

Yan Luo came back to bring Lin Fan to the main space of the warehouse where the other members of the Yasha Group had gathered.

When Lin Fan saw them, he couldn't help knitting his brows since all of them were fully armed.

But Lin Fan didn't have time to do anything since Yan Luo brought Lin Fan over to his dad, Yan Wang, the boss of the Yasha Group, who was in the center of the formation.

Yan Wang just took a look at Lin Fan before asking, "Luo, are you sure about him?"

Yan Luo gave a firm nod and said, "Dad, I'm sure."

Yan Wang gave a nod and said, "Alright, then let's get him in the center. He can stand behind us and come out when Liu Yan comes."

It was at this time that Lin Fan said, "Can you also do me a favour?"

Yan Wang was surprised when he heard this from Lin Fan, but he asked, "What is it?"

Lin Fan calmly said, "When I give the signal, please drop your weapons."

Yan Wang was taken aback by this, but then he said, "Are you crazy?"

Lin Fan just calmly said, "It's a part of my strategy."

Yan Wang looked at Yan Luo who just gave another nod without saying a thing. Finally Yan Wang also gave a nod and said, "You better hope this works then."

While it was a bit rough, it still meant that he had agreed to Lin Fan's request.

All of them just stood there waiting until the large doors to the warehouse suddenly opened and two beams of light came in.

There was a truck that was parked outside behind the large group that was standing there and based on their outfits, they were from the Nova Group.