Chapter 40: Becoming the boss

After stepping out of the apartment, the first thing Lin Fan did wasn't look for this bar.

After all, he was now someone who had his own connections to the underworld, so he might as well check them before charging in.

Taking out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts until he found the person he was looking for. Well, scrolling through his contacts was a bit too much since there were only a few contacts in his phone.

It rang a few times before the other side picked up and said, "Hey, you finally ready?"

Lin Fan didn't reply right away, but then he asked, "I actually need a favour from you. There's something I need you to investigate for me."

There was a laugh that came from the other side before the voice said, "Isn't that always what you need from me? Have you ever called not to ask for this kind of favour?"

Lin Fan didn't respond to this, he just asked, "Will you help or not?"

The voice gave a sigh before saying, "Who told you to be my boss? Do I have a choice in this matter?"

This time, it was Lin Fan's turn to give a laugh as he said, "I'm not your boss yet though, am I?"

The voice just casually said, "That's very easy to solve, it all depends on you, doesn't it? So do you want to do it? It would help make things easier to investigate what you want since you could use the resources of the gang for it instead of just having me search."

Lin Fan paused for a second before saying, "Will it take long? Can it be done by today?"

The voice said, "Ya, it's not a problem. We just need to hold a ceremony and you'll be named the new boss. We've been preparing for this for a long time now and we've just been waiting for you, so we can do it whenever you are ready."

Lin Fan hesitated for another second before giving a nod and saying, "Alright, then let's do it this afternoon. Can it be done then?"

The voice said, "No problem, just tell me when you want to swing by and we'll take care of everything. Once that's done, we should be able to find what you want by tomorrow since we'll have the entire gang looking for it. That's just the perk of being the boss."

Lin Fan said, "Alright, let's do it at around four this afternoon then. I have to take care of some things first and then I'll head over."

The voice replied, "Sure, that's not a problem. Though I can say this, Sakura has been asking about you recently. It seems like you left quite an impression on her." When this voice said this, it had quite a teasing tone to it.

Lin Fan didn't know how to respond to this, but in his mind he felt it was bad. The only interaction they had was when she doubted him and had fought him to test his abilities. If he had to categorize it, this would definitely be considered a bad interaction, so why was she asking about him?

Could it be that she wanted to finish up what had happened before?

What Lin Fan didn't remember was the slight interaction they had in the waiting room since he had been too tired to remember it, but she had made it quite clear how she felt about him now…

Lin Fan just said a few more things before hanging up with that person.

Of course, who else would it be other than Yan Luo?

Since it was all set and he was about to become the boss of both the Nova Group and the Yasha Group, it was probably not something that he should bring the cop Murong Yue to.

But when he tried to go there alone, she didn't let him go.

Murong Yue just firmly said, "I am your watcher now, I have to go with you just in case it's dangerous."

Lin Fan just casually said, "I'm not going anywhere dangerous, I'm just going to meet some friends."

Murong Yue narrowed her eyes as she looked at him and asked, "But you just called someone about getting information? What was that about?"

Lin Fan didn't think that her ears would be this sharp, but he couldn't just say that he was going to become the boss of two gangs, could he?

So Lin Fan said, "That was for something else, they'll be calling me back with the information. As for these friends, they're people I met a while back."

Murong Yue narrowed her eyes even more as she said, "But I thought I was your only friend."

Lin Fan realized then that his lie was a bit flimsy since Murong Yue already knew about what happened in the past and why he shut himself off from the world. For him to suddenly say that he had friends, this definitely did seem strange.

So Lin Fan had no choice but to say in a firm voice, "I made some new friends recently, is that strange?"

Murong Yue could hear the firm tone in his voice, so she knew that if she kept pushing, it wouldn't be good for her. So while she was worried, she knew that he wasn't in danger since she could see how relaxed he was.

This was one of the things she could do as the person who knew Lin Fan the longest, she could alway see through him if he was lying or just see how he felt.

So Murong Yue decided to accept this and take care of a few things on her own end because she needed to make preparations to protect Lin Fan…

Murong Yue gave a nod and said, "Alright, I'll go back to my apartment first and get some things then. I'm also moving over to your apartment from now on since I am your partner and it's safer if we're close to each other."

This was something she wanted to do for a long time, but never could. However, now that this assignment gave her this chance, she definitely wouldn't let it go.

Lin Fan thought about it before giving a nod since this did make sense. They were now working together, so it was more convenient if they stayed together.

Of course, this wouldn't have been something that he accepted so easily if they hadn't already spent so much time together.

After Murong Yue left, Lin Fan went to get some lunch first since it was already one in the afternoon. Once he was done with lunch, Lin Fan also wandered around a bit to kill some time before heading to the Gates of Hell bar.

The arranged time was four, so he chose to arrive at exactly four, maybe a bit later.

For gangs like this, it was better to arrive on time or later because who knew what kind of things they were up to?

The less he knew, the less he could be implicated by this matter.

When he arrived, he saw that the bar was much more packed compared to usual and the people inside also looked much more terrifying. It was clear that these were experienced gangsters that were gathered here, so they should be the high level members of the gangs.

There were also tattoos from both gangs present, which meant that this wasn't just the high level members of the Yasha Gang, they came from both the gangs that Lin Fan was taking over for.

Lin Fan was a bit scared at first since these people did look quite terrifying, but it turned out that they accepted him quite easily.

While Lin Fan was unclear why they accepted him so easily, he didn't mind it since this made achieving his goal much easier.

After talking to the various gangsters gathered for a few minutes, Yan Luo came over with a smile and said, "It's good to see that you're getting along with everyone."

When Lin Fan saw Yan Luo, it was like he saw his saviour and said, "It's more like they're accepting me. How about we talk in private?"

Yan Luo gave a nod and said a few things to these gangsters before leading Lin Fan to a back room that was isolated from the world. This was a room that was perfectly sound proof, which made it perfect for back door deals.

After they sat down, Yan Luo asked with a smile, "So what did you want to talk about."

Lin Fan looked around a bit before asking, "So what happened to your dad? Why wasn't he here?"

Yan Luo said with the same smile, "Is that supposed to be provocation?"

Lin Fan was surprised when he heard this before he quickly said, "No, I was really just asking about where your dad was. After all, he has experience with running a gang and I have no experience at all. I was hoping to get some advice from him."

Yan Luo had his special ability which allowed him to tell if someone was lying and he could tell that Lin Fan wasn't lying, so he replied with a nod, "Well, since there was this change, my dad took the chance to get less involved in the gang. He's already made enough and he had already been planning to let me take over, so he's cutting back now."

Lin Fan had an awkward look when he heard this.

He could tell from Yan Luo's words that there was a hidden implication there that was quite closely related to him.

If he hadn't been here, Yan Luo would be the boss now.

There was a silence that filled the room.