Chapter 41: Starry Bar

The silence continued for another minute before Yan Luo was the one to break it.

Seeing how awkward Lin Fan looked, Yan Luo suddenly gave a laugh before saying, "Don't worry about it. Since the young miss has made you the boss, I'll follow you."

Lin Fan's expression became even more awkward as he said, "But…"

But before he could say anything else, Yan Luo had already cut him off, "It's fine, you don't need to worry about it. You're quite interesting, so I'm fine with following you for now."

Lin Fan immediately revealed a confused look when he heard this, "Interesting? What do you mean by that?"

Yan Luo gave another chuckle before saying, "You were able to convince the young miss to give you control of both the Yasha Group and the Nova Group, that isn't something easy to do. Not to mention that she even exchanged that monster Liu Yan for you, it must mean that you must be quite special to her since Liu Yan used to be one of her trump cards. After all, a devoted monster like him is definitely the best thing to use to protect yourself and she traded that for you, so you must have some special power…"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear all of this since he didn't have any information on Liu Yan other than what he had learned from the status screen. However, now it seemed like Yan Luo seemed to know quite a bit…

He needed information above all else right now because there was still the B rank quest that was looming over his head like a guillotine. An E rank quest was already this dangerous, it was already hard enough to imagine what kind of a crazy quest a B rank quest would be like.

If he didn't have information, he would definitely be nothing more than a fish on the chopping block.

Yan Luo didn't stop as he continued, "Plus, the most terrifying thing was how the Maid of Death treated you…She even looked like she wanted to protect you even without the young miss' orders. That girl is the most dangerous card that the young miss has and she's fiercely loyal to her, but yet you were able to chink her armour…"

Lin Fan was fully shocked by this and he quickly asked, "You mean Su Yan? What do you know about her?"

Yan Luo was surprised to hear this before he revealed an interested smile, "Su Yan, is that the name of the Maid of Death? Ze, ze, you really are something special. You were able to learn something that even we couldn't find after years of investigating…"

Lin Fan didn't care about this and he kept pressing, "What do you know about her?"

It was at this moment that Yan Luo's relaxed appearance disappeared and he said with a serious look, "Don't ask more questions than you should. The young miss has already given her orders and if you keep pushing, things won't be good for you. We can help you with information on normal things, but anything related to the young miss and her associates are a no-no, so give up on that."

Lin Fan felt a chill run down his back when Yan Luo's expression suddenly changed as he remembered that this was a man who was supposed to become the leader of a gang. Not just any gang, a powerful gang that had enough influence in the Third Ring to make even the police think twice about messing with them, he definitely wasn't a normal person.

Lin Fan had been letting his guard down because of how friendly Yan Luo had been with him, but now he knew that Yan Luo definitely wasn't someone to mess with.

But that was also good news for him because for now, as long as he didn't push Yan Luo's bottom line, it seemed like he was willing to work for him.

That was great since Lin Fan didn't know a single thing about running a gang, so having someone as experienced as Yan Luo was definitely helpful for him.

So Lin Fan decided to heed his advice and give up on this topic.

Lin Fan changed his tone and asked, "Do you know anything about this bar?"

After saying this, he took out the card that Mu Tian Tian gave him and put it on the table in front of Yan Luo.

Yan Luo picked up the card and seemed surprised to see it at first, but then he suddenly gave a laugh.

Lin Fan looked at him with a confused look since he didn't understand why Yan Luo was laughing like this, but he still waited for him to finish.

After a while, Yan Luo wiped a tear from the corner of his eye before saying, "I really don't know if you're just lucky or if this is your power. You actually managed to even find out about this."

Lin Fan asked in a confused voice, "What do you mean by that?"

Yan Luo turned back to Lin Fan and asked, "What do you need information on this bar for? If you tell me why, I might consider helping you. If you don't, I can't since the young miss also gave orders to keep you safe for now since she has other plans for you."

Lin Fan was surprised to hear that Liu Yue had given the order to keep him safe, but right now this was more important since this involved his quest, so after hesitating a bit, he said, "The police are interested in someone who is related to this place so they want information to arrest them. As long as I can get enough evidence, they'll arrest that person and maybe they'll shut down this bar as well."

Yan Luo gave a thoughtful nod before asking, "Who are you after?"

Lin Fan said, "Ouyang Yan."

Yan Luo broke out in laughter once again as he said, "You really are something, you're even targeting her!"

Lin Fan was once again confused as he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Yan Luo saw Lin Fan's confused look and he broke out in even louder laughter as he said, "You don't even know who the boss is and you want to take them down? You're really something!"

Lin Fan knitted his brows as he said, "I don't know, so isn't that why I came to you? Are you going to tell me or not?"

Yan Luo stopped laughing at this and he said, "Do you want to know something funny?"

Lin Fan was once again confused when he heard this, "What's so funny?"

Yan Luo tapped on the card and said, "The person you're trying to take down is the boss of this bar and they're also the one that we're trying to take down right now. The Starry Bar is a very popular location in the Second Ring and the young miss has given us the order to expand, so we've been eyeing this place. However, the backer behind them is actually quite stronger than we thought, so we haven't been able to make any progress here."

Lin Fan's eyes lit up when he heard this and he said, "Since she's the boss, if I were to get the police to arrest her, it would also affect the club. At that time, wouldn't it make it easier for you to take over the Starry Bar as well?"

Yan Luo kept tapping his finger as he said, "That's true and that's why I'm considering giving you the information, but this place is also very dangerous. They're known for dealing drugs and running guns, as well as kidnapping girls, so if you get involved, who knows what will happen...The young miss has given the order to keep you safe, so I can't just send you to this kind of place, can I?"

Lin Fan thought about it before saying, "But I'm only looking for information and evidence, so I won't be in any danger. I'll be in and out and you can trust my abilities, can't you?"

Yan Luo gave a nod at this before saying, "Still, it's more dangerous than you think. But fine, I'll give you the choice at least. If you feel it's too dangerous, you can come out at any time. My bottom line is that I'll be sending someone with you to watch over you."

Lin Fan immediately said, "No, I can't have someone from the gang come with me."

Yan Luo was a bit annoyed as he said, "You know that I'm already compromising quite a bit and you still want more? Do you believe that I just won't give you the information?"

Lin Fan said in a firm voice, "I already have someone from the police following me, I can't have someone else from the gang following me."

Yan Luo was a bit surprised when he heard this. He never thought that the police would put such importance on Lin Fan.

Yan Luo asked, "Then do you trust this person to keep you safe?"

Lin Fan said, "They're a part of a special squad in the police, so they should be able to."

Yan Luo's brows jumped up when he heard this, "Oh, so they also noticed? Then that's fine, those people are good to work with, so you don't need to worry about it."

Lin Fan technically wasn't lying since Murong Yue was from that squad, even if she didn't have any powers. So even though he said this, Yan Luo couldn't tell it was a lie with his powers.

Yan Luo tapped the table again before saying, "Alright, let me get you that information."