Chapter 42: A bit of jealousy

When Lin Fan and Yan Luo came out of that room, Lin Fan was holding another file in his hand.

This was the file that Yan Luo specially prepared for him that contained much more information than what Lin Fan had just told Lin Fan. It listed quite a bit of the structure that the Starry Bar was using to move their products, which was the most important thing.

However, this much wasn't enough evidence since there was no actual product for Lin Fan to bring in and he was certain that Chief Zhao Kuang wouldn't order a raid just on this alone. After all, he would have to explain how he got this information and Lin Fan definitely couldn't explain it, so he had to get more concrete evidence before going back to Chief Zhao Kuang.

But before he was allowed to leave, Lin Fan was also made to undergo the inheritance ceremony.

In front of everyone, Lin Fan was brought onto the stage and was announced as the new boss of both the Yasha Group and the Nova Group in front of everyone.

To follow the traditions of both groups, naturally there was a period given to those that wanted to challenge Lin Fan for leadership, but surprisingly there wasn't a single person who came up.

All of them obediently applauded and cheered Lin Fan on as he took over leadership of both their gangs.

This was even after he had basically forcefully taken both of these gangs over with a coup.

One of the leaders had been indirectly killed because of Lin Fan and the other had basically been forced into retirement. Even the young master of one of these gangs, the person who by all rights should have been their next leader was now working for Lin Fan.

With all of these factors, it would make more sense that they would hate Lin Fan from the depths of their bones, but right now, not a single person dared to show their dissatisfaction. It almost seemed like they completely supported Lin Fan in taking over.

Lin Fan was aware that this definitely wasn't because of him, rather it was all because of the influence that Liu Yue had.

Just because Liu Yue had declared it, there was no one that dared to go against him.

But with this display of power, it also gave Lin Fan a good idea of how dangerous the B rank quest was.

He knew that if he were to do that B rank quest right now, he would be crushed like a little ant and he wouldn't even know how he died.

Since that was the case, he would stay away from that B rank quest as long as possible and build up his power. He knew that he could obtain special rewards from the system like the Telekinesis, so if he were to slowly gather more abilities from the system, he would definitely feel more confident in taking on this B rank quest.

After the ceremony was over, they didn't let Lin Fan go right away.

After all, Lin Fan was now their boss and it was a good chance to become closer with him since bonding over alcohol was something that everyone did.

Whether it was in a legal or an illegal organization, becoming friends with the boss was always a good choice.

In a legal organization, befriending the boss was always the best way to be considered for promotions or for special projects that could lead to promotions. This was one of the best ways to fast track your career.

In an illegal organization, befriending the boss meant receiving more money since the boss controlled the cash flow, as well as having a greater chance of staying alive. Most of the things they did were dangerous and it was only those that were close that had a chance to avoid the small dangerous things. While it did mean having to do large dangerous jobs since they were trusted by the boss, those only happened once in a while, so overall, being trusted by the boss was less dangerous.

Since that was the case, everyone came over to Lin Fan with beers to share a toast with him, but it was too bad that Lin Fan couldn't drink. He was smart enough to know that getting drunk in a place like this was a bad idea, so he had Yan Luo take care of most of them.

As the young master of the Yasha Group, Yan Luo was different from Lin Fan. As the future boss, he knew that it was important to use alcohol as a negotiating tool, so he had quite the high alcohol tolerance.

Other than having Lin Fan drink a few drinks with a few important people, Yan Luo took most of the drinks for Lin Fan.

After all, just like how this was a good chance for these people to befriend Lin Fan, this was also a good chance for Yan Luo to show how trustworthy he could be. He would be Lin Fan's future right hand man, so he needed to show his worth as well.

While this was all happening, there was a girl that suddenly came over whose appearance surprised Lin Fan.

It was Sakura, the girl who had attacked him before.

He was almost certain that there was bad blood between them, but when she came over, she was surprisingly gentle.

Instead of bringing over a beer like everyone else did, she brought over a bottle of coke for him and even poured it before placing it in front of him.

Lin Fan looked at that cup in front of him in surprise, but since everyone was watching, he had no choice but to drink it.

Of course, he was also afraid that there was the old trick that the rim of the cup was laced with poison, so before drinking it, he also made a save.

But he found out that there was nothing wrong with it and it tasted quite good, washing out the taste of beer in his mouth that had been bothering him.

Lin Fan didn't know how to respond to being treated like this, but the least he could do was thank her.

For some reason, after he thanked her, she pushed her hair behind her ear as she lowered her head. If Lin Fan didn't make a mistake, it almost seemed like there was a blush on her face.

However, Lin Fan wouldn't let himself believe this after what had happened last time.

After several hours of his, Lin Fan was finally freed from these gang members and was allowed to leave, but after spending several hours at the bar, he completely reeked of alcohol. The first thing he wanted to do as soon as he got home was take a shower to wash off all this smell.

Of course, what he wanted to do next was go right to sleep because the small amount of beer that he did have had affected him quite a bit.

But there was a problem when he got home.

When he came in the door, Murong Yue was already there waiting for him.

She didn't make dinner this time since Lin Fan had already told her that he would be seeing friends, but for some reason, she had been waiting at the door for him to come in.

As soon as he did come in, the first thing she did was move closer to him and take a sniff.

Then the strange thing was that the first thing she mentioned wasn't the smell of alcohol on him, but rather, "Why is there a woman's perfume on you?"

Lin Fan didn't know what to say since his head was pounding and he didn't really know how to respond, so all he could say was, "Ha?"

Murong Yue came closer and looked all over him, as if she was looking for something, but she couldn't find anything in the end, so she started backing away. It was at that moment that she found something on his collar.

She pointed at it and said, "What is this?"

Lin Fan looked where she was pointing and found that there was a trace of lipstick on his collar.

He really couldn't remember where this had come from since most of it had been a blur, so there was nothing he could say in response.

But the strangest thing for him was that this almost felt like coming home to a wife who had caught him with another girl.

While Lin Fan was trying to think, Murong Yue lowered her head and muttered, "Which b*tch is it? I'll kill her."

Lin Fan was taken aback and he shook his head a bit. It really seemed like he had drunk too much and was starting to hear things.

After Lin Fan finished, he asked, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Murong Yue jolted like she realized that she had done something wrong and quickly revealed a smile as she asked, "Did you have fun?"

Lin Fan said, "Oh, it was fine, but they pushed me a little too hard to drink. I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep."

Murong Yue gave a nod and said, "Alright, sleep tight."

Lin Fan's head was pounding too much for him to make sense of anything else, so he went right into the shower.

When he did and the sound of the shower rang out, Murong Yue suddenly took out her phone and dialed a number before saying, "Help me investigate something…"