Chapter 43: Shady club

Lin Fan didn't do anything else after showering and just crashed in his bed.

When he woke up the next morning, his head was pounding from the hangover that he had from last night.

However, when he was sitting there with his hangover, he seemed to remember something from last night.

It almost sounded like Murong Yue had said some things that he had never heard her say before and he had heard the vague sounds of her on a phone call after he had gone into his room. It almost sounded like it was a call involving him…

But Lin Fan decided not to focus on that right now since there was something else he had to do first.

But before anything else, what Lin Fan needed to do was wash his face and get some food in him to help with this headache of his.

After getting some food and washing up, Lin Fan came back to his room to look over the folder that Yan Luo had given him. This was a folder that contained most of the information that the Yasha Group and the Nova Group had gathered on the Starry Club and it was quite the thick folder.

Before he headed to the club tonight to get the evidence that he needed, he wanted to get all the information that he could get.

However, after diving into this folder, he realized that his expectations had been placed way too low. This place was much worse than he had imagined it to be.

He thought that it was just a place for Ouyang Yan's company to force girls that were in debt to serve men, but it was not just that.

Not only did they deal in this trade, they also dealt in all other kinds of trades, such as drugs, weapons, gambling, and all other kinds of things. All the things that Ouyang Yan was suspected of were all confined to this place.

The only problem was that there wasn't the backer of this bar listed in this information. That was the one thing that Lin Fan cared about the most.

This information wasn't listed in the package from the police either, but they were certain that there was a backer just like in the file provided by Yan Luo. They all pointed at a backer, but no one knew who it was.

This was a very bad sign since with powerful information networks in both the above ground and the underground not being able to find something, it meant that this person was either very good at going off the grid or they had some kind of influence that stopped others from finding.

Lin Fan was more than willing to put down money that it was the latter.

Since that was the case, would that mean that Lin Fan would be pulling in another Liu Yue with this case?

No, since this was in the Second Ring, perhaps it would be someone who would be even more influential than Liu Yue. If that were the case, was this quest the prelude to an A rank quest?

He had already seen how terrifying a B rank quest could be, he couldn't even begin to fathom what an A rank quest would be like…

After he finished reading through the folder and getting the general information on the bar, Lin Fan started getting ready. It was already the afternoon and the bar would be opening soon, so Lin Fan would take this chance to go there for his investigations.

Of course, he would bring Murong Yue along just in case. Or rather, Murong Yue would make it easier for him to investigate.

Murong Yue with her figure and her appearance definitely was considered a very cute girl and cute girls were always welcome at clubs like this. Rather, cute girls like this didn't need to wait in line and could directly go in, which would save Lin Fan quite a bit of time.

However, after the questions she had asked yesterday, Lin Fan wasn't sure that she would just go with him if he told her that it was for an investigation. So, in the end, he didn't tell her.

The only thing he said was that he had found a new club and he wanted to bring her along with him.

Murong Yue was naturally skeptical of this since the previous Lin Fan never did anything like this, but Lin Fan's increased IQ easily allowed him to make up an excuse. In the end, Lin Fan made it sound like he was inviting Murong Yue out on a date since they were both working hard.

After close to an hour of getting ready, Lin Fan and Murong Yue took a taxi over into the Second Ring where the club was.

They had come quite early, so they also went to dinner first before heading to the club.

It was around eight when they arrived at the club and even though they came early, there was already a long line in front of the club. Judging by how many people were waiting outside, it was clear that if they went into the line, they probably wouldn't be able to get in all night.

So Lin Fan and Murong Yue came right to the door and began moving towards it confidently, as if they belonged there, bypassing the line.

However, that didn't go as smoothly as they wanted it to go since there were two large bouncers that were right outside the door.

As soon as they reached the carpet that was placed outside the door, one of the guards suddenly came forward to stop them, "Alright, that's far enough. You know the rules, to the back of…"

But then his eyes fell onto Murong Yue and he swallowed those words. Rather his eyes fell onto Murong Yue's chest and he immediately swallowed those words.

In the dress that she was wearing, it pushed her chest even higher, making them even more prominent than they usually were. Of course, she had only done this since she thought that this was a date with Lin Fan, but it was too bad he was more dense than lead when it came to this.

The bouncer stared for a few seconds before revealing a smile and saying, "Miss, please come in! I've made a mistake, you should be someone on the VIP list of our club, there's no need for you to wait out here."

After this, he came forward to help her in, but she quickly slapped his hand away. Of course, he didn't get angry since he knew that these kinds of girls were like this.

The bouncer just completely ignored Lin Fan and only tried to make a move on Murong Yue, that was until Murong Yue said, "I'm with him."

It was only then that the bouncer noticed Lin Fan.

The bouncer had completely ignored Lin Fan since the same rules didn't apply for guys. Pretty girls in the club were a good way to advertise the club and get more paying customers, so of course he was willing to let them in. There were even several people close to the front of the line who had been staring at Murong Yue the entire time.

If there was a beautiful girl like this inside the club, they would definitely go in and try to buy her a drink.

A drink from each of them wasn't a small amount, not to mention those that hadn't seen her yet.

It was different for men because women generally didn't spend as much money as men in a club like this. It wasn't that women didn't have the money, but rather the women who came to places like this wanted men to buy them drinks since it made them feel better about themselves. That meant that it was very rare for women to buy drinks, so there was no gain for the club to let handsome guys in.

Not to mention that he had already seen the clothes that Lin Fan was wearing and it was clear that they were quite cheap. Since they were cheap, why would he let this poor person into the club if he wasn't going to bring the club any profits?

But that was until he saw Lin Fan's face.

Even though he was a man, the bouncer's face couldn't help turning a bit red as his heart skipped a beat after seeing Lin Fan. This man wasn't a normal kind of handsome, he was the kind of handsome that could even attract other men…

Normally men would be kept out, even the handsome ones, but this kind of handsomeness was the kind that would go against the normal rules.

With such a handsome person, women and men wouldn't be able to stop themselves from trying to buy this person a drink to get close to them.

With this excuse, the bouncer had no problems letting Lin Fan and Murong Yue in since they would surely bring more advertising to the club.

So just like that, Lin Fan and Murong Yue were able to easily get into the club.

Of course, when Lin Fan came in, the bouncer's hand 'accidentally' fell onto his shoulder. After a rub of his shoulder, it slid down to where his hand was and there was an extra piece of paper that appeared in Lin Fan's hand.

After Lin Fan made it through the doors, he opened up the piece of paper and he found a phone number on it.

It was clear that it was the phone number of the bouncer from outside.

Without a single thought, Lin Fan immediately threw it into the trash beside him after giving a shudder.

It wasn't that Lin Fan had anything against this kind of relationship, it was more of a problem of the bouncer himself.

It was dark outside, but under the lights of the club, Lin Fan had been able to see a thick layer of makeup on the bouncer's face. It was too bad the problem was that he was a very muscular man, being both taller and wider than Lin Fan...