Chapter 48: Police raid (2)

When both Lin Fan and Yan Huo turned in the direction of this voice, they saw Murong Yue standing there with a squad of cops.

Murong Yue immediately pointed her gun at Yan Huo and said, "Hands behind your head right now!"

But Yan Huo just casually revealed a smile and said, "I don't think you're the one that makes the calls here."

Murong Yue didn't give Yan Huo any room as she cocked the gun, even though there was already a bullet which had unloaded it, but she said in a threatening voice, "I'm not going to say this again. Hands up and behind your head, now!"

Yan Huo didn't show any signs of complying as he just stood there with a smile on his face.

Finally, with a snap of his finger, there was a sudden popping sound before Murong Yue dropped the gun that she was holding.

Yan Huo just looked right at her and said, "I don't like it when other people point guns at me."

Murong Yue had a shocked look in her eyes as she muttered, "Power user." But she also quickly reacted as she shouted, "Everyone, keep your guns aimed at him!"

But when she turned around to look at her squad, she found that there wasn't a single person who had a gun pointed at Yan Huo.

While she was confused by this, one of the police officers came forward and gave a salute to Yan Huo before saying, "Special investigator Yan, please lead the way."

Both Lin Fan and Murong Yue were both shocked when they heard this, especially Murong Yue since the person who had come forward was actually a sergeant who was at a higher rank than her. The only reason she had been leading was because she knew the layout and because Chief Zhao had given special orders to follow her orders.

But now it seemed like this Yan Huo had a rank that even surpassed the sergeant by the way he was acting towards Yan Huo.

None of that made any sense since just a half hour ago, Yan Huo had been on the dance floor selling drugs to them…

Yan Huo saw the confused looks that they had and said, "Surprised? Well I would be too, but you have to realize that sometimes not everything is as it seems. Cops and crooks are just two sides of the same coin and the line between them is very narrow sometimes."

Murong Yue didn't know what to say, but she did move between Lin Fan and Yan Huo while he had been talking. After making her way there, she turned and asked, "Are you alright?"

Lin Fan nodded before saying, "Let's follow him for now and see what he's up to. It doesn't seem like he has any bad intentions towards us right now."

Murong Yue turned back to look at Yan Huo for a while before giving a nod.

Yan Huo had been watching them with a smile after he had finished saying what he wanted to say and seeing that they had finally made a decision, he opened the door in front of them and made an inviting gesture as he said, "Well then, shall we?"

But even though he was inviting them in, neither Lin Fan or Murong Yue made a move forward.

Seeing this, Yan Huo just smiled at them and walked in first with the cops following closely behind him.

After looking at each other, Lin Fan and Murong Yue followed behind them into the warehouse.

However, compared to the first time when Lin Fan had first come to this warehouse, the scene inside was completely different.

Instead of being dim and filled with untouched boxes like before, there was now absolute chaos inside.

The big lights of the warehouse were on full blast and the various boxes with their contents were scattered all over the floor of the warehouse, having been searched through.

In the center of the room, there was something even more shocking.

Encircled by a bunch of cops with guns pointed at them were Ouyang Yan and a bunch of thugs on the ground with their hands behind their heads.

On their faces were confused looks because even though with everything they had done before, the cops never would have dared to raid them like this. They had done things much worse than this, but they had never been caught for it, but now the cops were suddenly raiding them?

Did they not want to live anymore with the backing that they had?

But when she saw Yan Huo among the cops, she immediately revealed a shocked look as she yelled out, "Yan Huo, what is the meaning of this?"

Yan Huo waved his hand at the cops and they made a small gap for him to walk through until he was right in front of Ouyang Yan. Looking down at her, he said, "Did you really think that the young miss would keep tolerating everything that you did?"

But Ouyang Yan wouldn't give up as she said, "But look at all the money that I was bringing the young miss, you think that there's anyone else who can do the same thing?"

Yan Huo finally revealed a serious look as he said, "You drew the wrong kind of attention and once you did that, you were already gone in the eyes of the young miss. Just accept your death like you should, it'll make it easier."

Ouyang Yan wouldn't give up as she shouted, "No, I refuse to accept this! I won't die before taking my revenge!"

Ouyang Yan continued looking around the room, trying to find any way of surviving, but there was nothing there for her. That was until her eyes finally landed on Lin Fan.

She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him until she realized that she had seen him somewhere before.

She quickly said, "Kid, as long as you help me take care of that man, I'll take care of your debt right now. All you have to do is take care of him and free me, I'll even let you do whatever you want with my body."

After saying this, she even leaned forward to give Lin Fan a view of her peaks and the surprising thing was that she wasn't actually wearing a bra. Looking down Lin Fan could see two pink tips on the top of those white mounds that were just too big to fit in a single hand.

Yan Huo broke out in laughter when he saw this and Ouyang Yan immediately glared at him before turning back to Lin Fan with a pleading look.

After he finished laughing, Yan Huo said with a smile, "Who do you think you're being replaced with? Who do you think you were used to lure in?"

Ouyang Yan's mind quickly turned and she finally remembered where she had seen Lin Fan before as she said, "You were in my office yesterday, you're the one asking about a gambling debt, but you didn't sign a contract...You're working for the police? But why would the young miss…"

As her words trailed off, she suddenly broke out in laughter just like Yan Huo, but her laughter was even more wild than his. It took a long time before she finally stopped laughing and she turned back to Lin Fan to ask, "Kid, do you even know what you've gotten into? She'll eat you alive, ha, ha, ha!"

Lin Fan was confused by this interaction between them as he just stared at Ouyang Yan who was laughing like a maniac before turning to Yan Huo who stood there with a knowing smile.

When he was about to say something, there was a sudden footstep that suddenly cut through every single sound. The entire warehouse fell silent as everyone turned in the direction of the footsteps which came from the entrance to the warehouse.

Coming in through the door, there was a young girl in a hoodie with high heels walking slowly towards them, making sure to let the heels clack on the ground each time.

This girl was one that Lin Fan was very familiar with since there was the same mask that was over her eyes, the one that covered that burn mark.

She came up and stopped right in front of Lin Fan with a smile.

Lin Fan looked at her with a puzzled look for a few seconds before asking, "It's you?"

Kou Yu Na said with a smile, "It's me."

Then she turned to look at Murong Yue and narrowed her eyes as she looked at her. She wasn't looking right at Murong Yue, but rather she was looking right at her chest.

As she saw this girl staring at her, Murong Yue suddenly felt a chill run down her back. Even though this girl seemed very normal, other than the mask, she couldn't help feeling a dangerous feeling from her.

Finally, after staring at Murong Yue for a bit, Kou Yu Na turned back to Lin Fan with a slight frown and said, "You've been playing around? It's not good to play around, don't you know?"

Then she raised her hand in the shape of a hand gun and pointed it right at Murong Yue as she said, "I think you need to be punished a bit."


This came from both her mouth and a gun behind her.

One of the cops had actually shot their gun right at Murong Yue.

Lin Fan stared on in shock as the bullet flew right past him at her.