Chapter 49: Ouyang Yan’s past

The bullet continued forward towards Murong Yue, but at the last second, it whiffed right past her, grazing her on the cheek.

The bullet blew right past her until it hit a box that was right behind her and made a large sound on contact.

Murong Yue raised her hand to touch her cheek and when she brought her hand down to see the blood, she realized what had just happened. She looked at the cop that had shot the gun in shock, but deep in her eyes, there was also a trace of killing intent.

"This son of a b*tch actually shot!" That was the first thought in Murong Yue's mind.

"This little b*tch actually wants to touch my Fan Fan!" That was the second thought in Murong Yue's mind.

But of course, she didn't charge forward right away because this was clearly a bad situation for them.

There were over ten cops standing behind Kou Yu Na and there were plenty of other cops around them, all of them pointing their guns in their direction. If she were to make any sudden moves, she didn't doubt that they would fill her full of lead at any second.

So for now, the best thing she could do was observe and see how the situation changed.

Lin Fan came back from his shock and turned to Kou Yu Na, but all he could do was stare at her without saying a thing since she had all the power here. He could have reloaded, but that would mean going through all of this again and he didn't have any idea of how to change this. All of this had just gone completely past what he was expecting and now the only thing he could do was hope that it would turn out well.

Luckily for him, Kou Yu Na suddenly revealed a smile after this and said, "I think that's enough of a punishment, don't you?"

This last part was aimed at Yan Huo.

Yan Huo gave a nod and said, "Yes young miss, I think he's learned his lesson."

Kou Yu Na turned back to Lin Fan and said, "From now on, you are mine, alright?"

Lin Fan didn't know what she meant by this and could only stare at her in a daze.

Kou Yu Na gave a snap and every single cop suddenly pointed their gun at Lin Fan as she said, "You're mine, right? Nod if you understand."

Lin Fan saw all this and could do nothing except give a dazed nod…

When she saw this, Kou Yu Na immediately burst out with a happy smile and said, "It's good that you know what's good for you."

She turned over to Ouyang Yan and said, "Now, how do we dispose of this trash?"

Ouyang Yan looked up at Kou Yu Na and said, "Young miss, please, I can show you that I still have worth if you give me another chance."

Kou Yu Na just ignored her as she turned to the others in the room and asked, "Are there any suggestions?"

Ouyang Yan didn't stop begging, but no one cared about her at this moment.

That was until she said something that Lin Fan couldn't help picking up on.

Ouyang Yan screamed out, "I can't die yet, I can't die without getting my revenge on all of them for what they did!"

Lin Fan looked right at her and asked, "What revenge did you want to take on them?"

Ouyang Yan glared right at Lin Fan and said, "You know nothing about me, don't you think that you know anything about me!"

The reason why Lin Fan was drawn to this was because of what happened in his past, the incident that had caused him to hide himself away in his room.

Even now, he still wanted revenge on all these people, so he could see himself in Ouyang Yan, but seeing how she had turned out, he could only describe her with one word.


Was this what would have happened to him if he had obsessed over his revenge?

Would he have lost his mind just like she did, doing everything she had done to the people that he wanted revenge on?

Would he have become just as depraved as her?

No, he didn't want that…

Even if he had steeled his heart, he couldn't kill her nature, which was a rather kind person. He knew that he should be cold towards evil people like this, but at this moment, all he could feel for Ouyang Yan was pity.

Lin Fan looked at her with eyes filled with pity as he asked, "Mu Tian Tian and the others have already suffered for what they did their entire life and they've learned to move on, why can't you?"

Ouyang Yan's face twisted the moment she heard this and she screamed, "You've talked to them! What kind of lies have they told you! Do you know what kind of things they've done to me! Do you know what kind of unspeakable things I've done to get to where I am now!"

Lin Fan felt even more pity for her when he heard this.

There were things that he could say in response to all of this, but he felt like he wasn't qualified to say any of it since he was a coward just like her. Choosing to run away and blame everyone else for what happened instead of facing things and choosing to move forward.

Her obsession with the past and taking revenge had brought her to where she was now and this hit very close to Lin Fan.

While he hadn't gone as far as Ouyang Yan, he wasn't much better.

He had locked himself away and hid himself from everyone in his world. He had caused pain to his family, the only people who still cared about him and he chose to blame them for everything still, which was why he hadn't gone back once since the incident…

Instead of choosing to grow up and face what had happened, he had chosen to run away and hide.

It really filled him with a terrible feeling deep down.

As Ouyang Yan continued to scream at Lin Fan, telling him that he knew nothing, Lin Fan could only give a sigh.

After giving a few more sighs, Lin Fan said, "You're the only one who hasn't grown up after all these years. Mu Tian Tian and the others, they all understood the terrible things they did and they didn't blame anyone else. They chose to accept the blame and make the best of what happened, even if it meant living a terrible life. But you, you chose to run away, making all kinds of bad decisions and blaming it on them for forcing you to make them. In truth, everything was your own fault."

Ouyang Yan stopped screaming after she heard this and there was a dazed look on her face like she was realizing something, but then her face twisted once again as she screamed out, "You think you know me! You know nothing about me! You think you can just say all of this without knowing anything!"

Lin Fan once again looked at her with pity as he said, "I know because I was once in the same position you were in and I still am. Seeing you, I know that if I don't change my choices, it'll only get worse. At the very least, I know that I was wrong."

Ouyang Yan's expression turned stiff once again as she fell into a daze, this time, not breaking it to shout something.

After a while, it seemed like she was about to say something, but there was someone else who spoke first.

Kou Yu Na suddenly said, "Yan, take care of it."

Yan Huo came forward and said, "Yes, young miss."

Then he took another step forward and looked at Ouyang Yan.

Ouyang Yan knew what was going to happen and she screamed out, "No! I don't want to die!"

But those screams fell onto deaf ears as Yan Huo suddenly raised his right hand, bringing his middle finger and thumb together. Then in a swift action, he gave a crisp snap that rang out through this entire warehouse.

Everyone was confused at first as to why he had suddenly snapped, but then there was a tiny flame that suddenly appeared out of thin air right in front of Ouyang Yan's face. It was so small that it seemed like a single breeze would blow it out.

Ouyang Yan was stunned by the appearance of this flame at first, but then she screamed, "No, please give me another chance!"

Lin Fan saw this and turned to Yan Huo to ask, "What are you…"

But before he could finish, his head suddenly turned towards the direction of Ouyang Yan when he heard another scream.

When he turned back, he saw that the tiny wisp of fire that had been right in front of Ouyang Yan's face was slowly increasing in size.

Ouyang Yan tried to move back, but terror prevented her from moving properly, so she could only inch back while moving her face away from the flames.

The flames continued to grow and grow until they finally reached her body.

Starting from her legs, her body began turning from its normal flesh colour to a crisp charcoal black. During this entire time, she was screaming out with unimaginable pain.

Lin Fan immediately turned back to Yan Huo and shouted, "Stop that right now!"

But all he got in return was a cold glare from Yan Huo and the words, "This isn't a game, it's not something you can meddle with."

There was a chill that ran down his back and his legs turned soft as he fell to the ground.

When he turned back again, Ouyang Yan's screams were becoming softer as the flames had already reached her chest.

In no time, the flames reached her face and went past the top of her head, turning her completely charcoal black.

She just sat there like a statue completely made of charcoal.