Chapter 70: Taking revenge (7)

They had set the meeting for eight that night, so there was time before they had to go.

Before they went, Yan Luo had prepared several vans filled with men, but they were only carrying pistols since it would be too much for them to carry automatic rifles.

They were all sent to scout out the location ahead of time and to take their position., as well as see if there were any people placed by the other side there. Once they did, they were to check in.

As the time of the meeting approached, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling nervous, but it was a good kind of nervousness that was filled with excitement as well since this was what he had been waiting for the entire time. He was finally going to get the revenge that he wanted.

At seven, they started heading off to the location that was chosen for the meeting since it was quite remote, so it would take some time to arrive.

At ten to eight, they arrived at the location and stopped just outside of it to prepare themselves.