Chapter 71: Taking revenge (8)

Yin Luo revealed a confused look as he carefully looked over Lin Fan's face, but that confused look became deeper as he said, "Should I know who you are?"

He also looked at the other three and all three of them shook their heads in response to this. None of them recognized Lin Fan either.

Of course, this couldn't be blamed on them since Lin Fan had just changed too much after he had put all those points into his charm stat. Lin Fan looked completely normal before, he couldn't have looked even more normal if he tried, so it was just too much of a difference now.

All four of these bullies were quite beautiful, but they couldn't compare to the current Lin Fan after he increased his stats.

The current Lin Fan was beyond a normal model, it was almost like he was a perfect painting with his chiseled face, his perfect length black hair that hung down over his eyes in bangs, and his eyes that glowed like the stars that were above them.