Chapter 77: Going back

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in surprise when they heard this.

They had all been enjoying the meal and talking about various things, but the one thing that they avoided talking about was the arrest of those four bullies even though tonight was a celebration to them being arrested.

But for Lin Fan to suddenly stand up at this time and announce that he had something to say, they were wondering what it could be.

By their guesses, it should have been something related to this incident, but they weren't sure.

However, Lin Fan's words definitely caught them off guard.

Lin Fan raised his cup and said, "I want to say that Yue and I are dating now, so I want to give a toast to uncle and auntie."

Everyone revealed shocked looks, especially Murong Yue.

After all, they had already discussed that they should keep this quiet after what had happened with Kou Yu Na, but now Lin Fan was suddenly announcing it to their parents?

Just what was he thinking?