Chapter 78: First day of school

Before when they hadn't been dating, Murong Yue had treated Lin Fan gently and listened to everything he said, but now it was different that they were dating.

She gave a snort before saying, "Plans, like all your other plans that you don't tell me?"

Lin Fan revealed an awkward smile, but he still didn't say anything.

He knew why she was acting this way, but it was also his fault since he didn't tell her anything about it. She had only learned of this matter from someone else telling her.

It was when Lin Fan had dived in front of Yan Luo to take the bullet for him, he never told Murong Yue about this matter.

However, during the time they spent at the bar afterwards, naturally this matter couldn't be hidden since there were plenty of people who had seen it. The people who had been hiding around the meeting spot and were the ones who had captured the four bullies, they were the ones who had spread it.