Chapter 79: Another quest

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this as soon as he came out of his daze, but he also realized that he was indeed blocking the way in, even though he was only blocking part of it.

The person could have easily gone past him to go through the gate, but still they called out to him.

When Lin Fan turned around, he saw that there was a girl who was standing behind him.

This was a girl with short shoulder length hair and square framed glasses, but that didn't take away from her beauty. With her fair white skin and her round clear eyes, one only had to take a single look to know that she was a beauty. In fact, the glasses added to it, giving her the look of a cute nerd.

But the girl didn't have a good expression on her face as she looked at Lin Fan.

After glaring at him for a bit and seeing that he wasn't about to say anything, the girl suddenly said, "This isn't your house, can you please not block the front entrance?"

Lin Fan immediately gave an "oh" before moving out of the way.