Godmother and CEO

Although she didn't hear it very clearly, Catherine could vaguely tell that the person who made the call was her former "Aunt" – Mary Kate.

If this was true, then she would have to be even more careful about what she was doing here.

If Mary exposed Catherine's past... Her cover in the magazine company would be meaningless. Not only would she become the target of public criticism, but she would also damage Wellings' reputation.

What if Mary already knew that she had changed her identity and entered Wellings? If that was really the case, did she call Johnson to tell him who she was?

If that were true, Mary would know all of her movements. Thinking of this, Catherine felt that she had really underestimated aunt Mary in the past.

"Miss Catherine, this is your desk. If there is any news or plans for an interview, the editor-in-chief will send an email to your office computer. Please check it regularly."

The guide brought Catherine to an office desk tucked into a corner and said with a very sincere smile, "Don't worry about small things like the waste paper basket or any stationery. We will have a janitor to taking care of these things. You just need to worry about what you need to do."

"Oh... Okay." Looking at the culture here, Catherine suddenly thought that if she had been somebody else, she could just work here, with a simple job, and live a carefree life. It was a nice thought. 

"There are three buttons on the edge of your desk. The blue button on the left can be used to call the cleaner; the black button in the middle is used to call the restaurant on the second floor to order food. If you really can't walk away, you can ask them to send it up to you. The one on the far right with a transparent plastic cover is an alarm button. Of course, to prevent you from accidentally touching it, we have added an extra plastic cover. There is also a phone on the table for internal communication."

"Oh, okay, I understand. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. All the best!"

After the guide left, Catherine tapped her spacebar in boredom. The screen instantly lit up. The inbox was empty. It looked like there was nothing to do.

"So, what should I do now..." Catherine's eyes focused on the three buttons.

Out of curiosity, Catherine pressed the blue button on the desk. Not long after, a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

"I was wondering how long it would take for to you become interested in a bunch of strange buttons."

"Ah, Beth, thank you. You're right, working here really is quite nice." 

While Beth pretended to clean her desk, Catherine lowered her voice and said, "The supervisor here took my phone away, so I can't contact anyone outside."

"Don't worry, your people are actively trying to find a way to break through."

"... Break through what?" Catherine had a bad feeling.

"Wellings' firewall." Beth deftly cleaned the dust on the desk without missing a beat. "Soon, your hacker friend will be able to call your landline disguised as an internal signal source."

"Well, thank you." Hearing this, Catherine's worried heart finally relaxed a little.

However, Beth was not finished. "Don't celebrate early. They intercepted Mary's signal in Johnson's office. You'd better be careful in the next few days. This information is a gift from me to you, and because we're friends."

"Thank you again."

Since she had achieved her goal, Beth did not plan to stay too long – it would be too suspicious. She put all the cleaning tools back in her bag and prepared to leave.

"I wonder what happens when your fanatical zealots find that their Godmother is working part-time at an ordinary magazine company. I'd honestly pay to see the expressions on their faces."

"Well if the employees of Noah found out that their president is in a janitor's suit and cleaning tables, I think they would be even more surprised. What do you think?"

"Beth let out a dry laugh and said, "Lunch is on you."

"My pleasure."