The Original Purpose

After Beth left, the phone on her desk rang. Catherine picked it up and imitated Beth's way of speaking. "I was wondering when you'd call."

"Forgive me, Miss Adler, Wellings firewall proved to be quite secure."

"Do you have anything for me?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. Firstly, I already have access to all the landlines here, you can reach me from whichever one in the office. Secondly, for your safety, we've sought Ms. Beth to be in charge of contacting you. Ms. Beth and I have changed the buttons on your desk, and your cleaning requests will only be sent to her."

"That's really thoughtful, my dearest."

"One piece of advice, my queen; if your boss doesn't assign you any specific work, you should find some yourself. Take the recently rumored 'Coven' for example."

"You mean you want me to talk about the cult that I created?" Catherine could not help but laugh.

"What I mean is, you should make the editor-in-chief pay more attention to you."

After the call ended, the editor-in-chief walked out of the office.

"Miss Crawford, please come over."


Johnson looked a little anxious, but Catherine decided not to think too much about it and got up to go to his office.

"I'm sorry to put you to work so soon, Miss Crawford. To be honest, I can't bear it." Johnson cleared away the mess of papers on the desk with an apologetic look.

"Mr. Johnson, please just call me Catherine. By the way, I don't mind starting work immediately. I want to do my fair share for the company. It's my honor."

"Well, since you said so, I'll make it short. There's a lawsuit in progress at the Lower City District Court and the details of the case are on the internet. In fact, it's related to those increasingly popular Coven cult. They say it's a cult with really good brainwashing techniques, maybe you've heard of them before?"

"I'm new to this city, but I've heard of this incident here and there." 

"That's settled then. You'll have the front page so I want a comprehensive report. I believe this job suits your skillsets."

"Okay, chief editor. I'll put my ear on the ground and follow up on the court's proceedings."

"Oh, one more thing." The chief editor raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "You don't need to call me chief editor. Just call me Johnson."

"Okay, Johnson." The chief editor was very amicable and approachable. It was no wonder that he could become the chief editor at his age.

As Catherine left, however, Johnson turned around and picked up his office phone, dialed a number, and said, "Don't worry, everything's under control."

Of course, Catherine did not know that. She also did not know that, as she laid out her plans, a conspiracy was being planned against her.

As she walked out of the office, Catherine breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, she had always hated people who just appeared to be friendly, but now it seemed that some of these cheerful people were genuine.

Although she was still not sure whether Mary had anything to do with Wellings, this was not her main focus.

Corning Heights.

William was not a timid person. On the contrary, he had the same self-esteem as most other noblemen.

If he was in danger, his people should have been able to protect him – even if he did not know it.

Unless... He was also secretly colluding with that arms dealer, wanting to completely annex all the assets of the Corning Heights. That might be the case.

After returning to her desk, Catherine discovered that there was a pen with a small piece of paper in the pen holder on her desk. On it was written 'underground storage room. Come quickly.'.

"Ha, if it weren't for Noah, she would have really become a secret agent."