The Strangeness Of Wellings Magazine

"The communication totems taught by me only use black and red, which was not the case here."

The strange man nodded and came to his final conclusion. "What is certain is that this was not done by one of us. Someone is using our methods to try to attract our attention, or perhaps he did it to follow a trend. After all, a lot of people are talking about the Coven now."

"Well, you did a good job. You play to your strengths, Zero."

"It's my pleasure, godmother."

"Your work here is done. Go back and do what you need to do. Remember to ask your boss for overtime pay."

Catherine returned the phone to Zero and took out a crumpled $10 bill from her pocket. She handed it over.

"One last thing, find the kid who drew this. If necessary, use some force."

After finishing her day's work, Catherine hid in the storage room on the first floor. She opened her notebook and began to write her report.

"I can't believe I'm sleeping in a bedless storage room with you." Catherine looked like a pauper.

"Well, you were the one that said that you didn't have a place to live. I gave you half of the space in the storage room!" Hearing Catherine's words, Beth immediately put forward her own opinion.

No one would have thought that the queen of the Coven and the current president of the Noah Group would be squatting in the storage room of Wellings magazine together.

"Correction, it's not that I don't have a place to live, I just haven't established myself in the downtown area yet."

"Yes, yes. If you knock on the door of a random house and tell the owner, oh hello, I'm your godmother, please let me live here, you'll definitely receive a warm welcome, won't you, my dearest godmother?"

"I'll admit that I've done that before in the past, but I'm doing it for the benefit of the industry. Why did someone like you you get involved in this company, anyway?"

"I don't have as much free time as you do," Beth said disdainfully, "I have my own reasons."

"You're quite tight-lipped." After calming herself down, Catherine said seriously, "Now I have two questions. First, why does this magazine have so many security guards?"

"Maybe they're holding state secrets. Next question?" Beth asked casually.

"This is a news agency, my dearest. They wouldn't hold state secrets in this place, right? A fish putting itself in a cat's mouth? What do you think the chances are that the cat will eat the fish for itself?"

"That wouldn't happen if the state's watching, though, would it?" Beth's sudden rhetorical question made Catherine feel at a loss.

"What? What do you mean?" Catherine did not know what to make of it. "Watching? How did you know?"

"A hunch. I've seen many small boxes with tiny alarms all over the place here. They're modified from metal detectors, right? They probably want to see if the employees bring any personal equipment to their desks."

"Speaking of personal equipment," said Beth, who immediately perked up and jumped up from the bed.

"I've already had someone check your cell phone. There's no sign that it was hacked, but..." Beth handed her cell phone back.

"But what?" Catherine continued to ask.

"But the GPS in your phone was tampered with so it can't be turned off."

"Oh, no." It was, indeed, tampered with. Catherine immediately felt very disappointed.

"That means... I can't use this phone anymore?" After calming herself down, Catherine continued to ask Beth, hoping to get a more favorable answer.

"Don't worry, I've dealt with it. I'll replace it with a fake tomorrow and put it back."

"Alright, Thanks. As expected of a professional."

"I'm not stupid enough to walk around with a tracked phone."

"You're a smart one." 

However, there was another problem, which was the recent reports about the Coven.

Whether it was political news or entertainment news, the news reports had a certain degree of influence on public opinion.

Now, Johnson is so eager to know about the secret of the Coven, who was the one controlling it?