Losing One’s Nature

Johnson would have never given such an important job to a young girl who had just started her first day. There must be some other reason.

Was Mary's visit at this time really just a coincidence?

Countless questions remained in Catherine's mind for a long time.

On her third day at Wellings Magazine, Catherine finally obtained the whereabouts of the boy who had been leaving the totems.

In the dark room, two expressionless nuns placed the restrained young man on the interrogation table.

At first, he thought that he would be able to escape from the evil clutches by lock-picking his handcuffs. However, not only was his escape route completely blocked by these women, he was even held at gunpoint. He had no choice but to follow them.

"Tell me, why did you do this?"

"I have nothing to say to you. I want to sue you for illegal detention!"

"I think you must have misunderstood something, Mr. Bob Will." A cold voice came from the darkness. "You're in no position to negotiate here."

Bob finally recognized the predicament he was in. He lowered his head and sat down on the chair. He didn't resist anymore and let the nuns hold him up.

"I have one thing to tell you. Although we don't have the right to punish criminals, we have the means to punish criminals. So please think carefully about what you've done and don't provoke me anymore."

"Who... Are You?" Bob asked carefully.

"You don't need to know."

"But, maybe, I should tell you..." Catherine quietly listened to the boy in front of her talking to himself. She was waiting for the boy to bring him some valuable clues.

"You're the Coven, aren't you? It must be you!" Bob gradually fell into madness, but the nuns standing on both sides held his restraints tightly like he was a flailing animal.


"When I was spraying graffiti on the street, I saw a cool totem on the internet. Later, I drew it just like that. Not long after, the Coven contacted me! They sent someone to contact me and said that I had to spray the totem I found on the internet on the board in front of Wellings Magazine yesterday. They also said that when the time was right, they would send someone to look for me and invite me to join them."

"Them? Have you ever met them?"

"No... But they know my home address and my information... They even called my home phone and threatened my parents. I had no choice but to do it." The boy sobbed as he recounted his experiences during this period of time, but it was already too late for him.

Hearing the boy's confession, Catherine felt a bit of relief. This was confirmation that an unknown group used blackmail to achieve their goal of intimidation. As for getting information about his identity, it was a much simpler matter.

"How are you so sure the Coven was involved?"

"I didn't know about them at first. One time, I secretly took photos of a group of people and posted them on the Internet. Then, many people told me that they looked like they were from the Coven. Some people even told me to hide quickly. They said if I fell into their hands, I'd definitely be brainwashed and used."

"How strange!" Catherine laughed loudly. "Let me make two things clear. First, the Coven has never used words or letters to recruit people, so the one you met was just someone using the name of the Coven to scare people."

"How... How do you know that?" Bob's stomach lurched.

"Second, you really should have listened to the advice of others and hid. Because the real women you speak of are indeed killers."

As soon as he finished speaking, a third pair of hands appeared behind the boy. They covered the boy's mouth and nose with a handkerchief smeared with chloroform until the boy fell unconscious on the ground. Only then did they release their hands.

After walking out of the interrogation room, Catherine finally confirmed her hunch. She was right. This was not a simple doodle of an ignorant teenager – there was indeed a group that was secretly rising with the help of the mysterious story of the Coven.

"Looks like I'll be busy again. But at least I got some material to write a report on." Catherine looked at Bob's phone and smiled with relief.