The Coven

Late at night.

It had been a long time since Catherine had had a good rest. From being removed from the Kate family, to William's defection, to the issue with Corning Heights, to the unknown group who used the name of the Coven...

Everything was demanding her attention. 

Fortunately, Noah had sent someone to contact her, which gave Catherine the opportunity and time to respond.

It was already one o'clock in the morning. In other words, in a little more than six hours, she would have to return to Wellings Magazine like a regular worker. Although there was still some time before Johnson's deadline, he would not let her take her own sweet time – especially since Catherine was still a rookie.

The station had long since been emptied, and the graffiti that the boy had drawn earlier had been repainted with blue paint. 

Downtown had fallen into a deep sleep, and even the usually crowded downtown area now looked like a sleeping child. Cold and loneliness attacked Catherine at the same time, but the former attacked her skin, while the latter invaded her heart.

"I should have worn more clothes..." Catherine leaned against the bus stop, trying to shrink herself into a ball.

After waiting for a long time at the bus stop, a dark red car stopped beside her and opened the door. No one got out of the car, but Catherine smelled a familiar fragrance.

Catherine stood up in a daze and stumbled toward the car. The guard who got out of the passenger seat saw this and quickly helped Catherine to the back seat carefully.

"You came at a bad time." Catherine tried to force herself to stay awake, but things did not go as she wished.

The owner of the car sat solemnly beside Catherine. She was wearing a comically large black wide-brimmed hat and a gorgeous strapless outfit. From time to time, she would pick up a small and delicate pipe and take two puffs. Then, without any scruples, he would puff all the smoke in her mouth onto Catherine's face.

Catherine was already stimulated by the fragrance of the flowers on her body and wanted to fall asleep. However, the smoke from this strange woman's mouth made her cough repeatedly.

"Can you stop smoking..." Catherine expressed her objection weakly, but she soon lost consciousness and lay on the woman's body.

"I don't want to be thrown into the river by you." The woman said slowly as Catherine fell into a deep sleep.

Catherine slowly woke up after sleeping for an unknown amount of time. The intense pain in her head made Catherine realize that she was still alive. The car that came to pick her up had also stopped.

"You old hag, what is the meaning of this?" Catherine asked angrily, "I never agreed to let you bring me to the headquarters this way!"

"I'm not going to let you throw me into the canal, you know." Hearing this, Catherine was suddenly speechless.

"How did you know? I was acting in private."

"What a vicious woman. I've finally seen what you can do."

"Answer my question!"

"The Mechanic! What kind of dumb question is that?"

After receiving her angry reply, Catherine massaged her forehead and slowly regained her bearings. "I didn't want to kill him either... He wanted to steal my assets. He'd jeopardize the Coven if I didn't."

"It's the 21st century, miss." Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly came over and stared into Catherine's eyes. "When are you going to learn how to handle things without being paranoid? Is such a trivial matter worth making such a fuss over?" The woman's eyes were filled with anger and dissatisfaction towards Catherine.

"Go in. There are people waiting for you to report the situation. That fossil is not going to live much longer. You'd better be mentally prepared."