Family Dignity

Faced with the glib-tongued Catherine, Millie was rendered speechless. She could only stand rooted to the spot, not knowing what to do. 

"Oh, Catherine! The one who was just kicked out of our house! What a coincidence, bumping into you here." The person who tried to forcefully interrupt the conversation was Mary.

At first, she was just hiding in the dark and watching Millie belittle Catherine arrogantly. She did not expect Millie to lose to that ingrate, who had been under her roof for almost 20 years. She was instantly infuriated. She walked quickly to Catherine's desk and forcefully stood between Catherine and Millie, protecting Millie behind her.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense. Some people who were busy working around them stopped their work and watched the pair quarrel.

"Aunty..." Millie suddenly changed from her domineering appearance to a petite and pitiful one, as if she was telling Mary about the "injustice" that had been done to her.

"Catherine, since you have nothing to do with the Kate family, I hope that from now on, you won't pester our family members, especially Miss Millie. After all, her status is much higher than yours."

"I'm sorry, Miss Mary. I had no intention of pestering Miss Millie," Catherine said immediately, "It was Miss Millie who spoke rudely to me. She even walked up to my desk. I only meant to teach her some manners, nothing else. Oh, and I do hope you can take good care of your children. It's best not to let them run around recklessly, so as to avoid causing trouble to others."

Mary was instantly enraged at Catherine's veiled accusations. "What does that mean!? Are you saying that I can't raise Millie properly!? I think you're the one who's lacking discipline, you indisciplined ingrate!"

Mary raised her thick right hand. Just as she was about to slap the woman who was ridiculing her, she was forcefully stopped by Johnson, who rushed over from his office.

Catherine rolled her eyes and decided to complain to Johnson.

"Chief editor Johnson, I'm getting ready to work and read up on the manuscript you gave me." She smiled at Johnson helplessly. "Sorry, I'm being held up by something."

"If all the employees in your magazine are like this, I hope you can consider a change of personnel, chief editor Johnson." Mary stared at Catherine and mentioned sarcastically.

"Miss Catherine, please head out and collect some information about that lawsuit so that you can complete the writing task this time. Don't let other newspapers and magazines get ahead of you."

Looking at Johnson's troubled expression, Catherine decided to suppress the anger in her heart for the time being.

Even if she wanted to settle the score, she was not in a hurry. One day, Mary, Millie, Fors... They would turn the entire Kate family into ashes.

Just as Catherine left, Johnson began to scold Mary in a low voice, "Are you crazy?!"

He was worried that his words would be heard by the people around him, so Johnson lowered his voice and continued, "You know my plans, right? So what was that?"

"Don't worry, it's just to provoke her. Please don't be so nervous, Mr. Johnson."

Mary did not seem to have the slightest bit of regret. Instead, she said, "I'm just defending the dignity of the Kate family."

"Keep your dignity to yourself, Ms. Mary." Johnson's words pierced Mary's heart. "This is a capitalist world, not a place for you to flaunt your status."