The Social Gathering

"The layout this time is indeed very attractive, very successful, and very encouraging!"

Johnson praised the front page as if he had won the lottery. "Now I'm a little curious how you got this information, Miss Catherine."

"Actually, it's nothing much. I just made a few calls to a few old friends, and basically got the information I wanted," Catherine said in a relaxed tone, it was as if it was really not a big deal.

"Perfect! You are indeed the most perfect employee, Catherine. Did you know that our biggest opponent tried to get this by bribing the police a few days ago? Before I came to work today, I heard that he was unfortunately taken away! It's said that he's very likely to be locked up in Riker Island."

"Yes. It's very unfortunate indeed." Catherine also expressed her sympathy for this.

"Well, our work is done here. The rest of it will be left to your colleagues to follow up. Until you get your next assignment, go and rest well."

"That's great. I really haven't slept well for a long time. All I want is a head on my pillow."

"Then go and do that. Remember tonight's gala. I promise you'll love it."

Catherine didn't say anything more. She nodded tiredly and left the editor-in-chief's office.

In the evening, Catherine went to the gala. It was at a park. Although it was only 6:30 pm, the neon lights in the park lit up the place where the crowd gathered. The men and women in the park were in pairs, sitting together, and taking in the beautiful night scenery. Catherine looked at the bustling crowd in front of her, looking somewhat at a loss. She avoided the many businessmen walking around and took out a can of beer from a tin box next to a drunkard, and then casually found an empty bench and sat down.

Catherine looked ahead and scanned the crowd in front of her. Some were employees of Wellings Magazine, and some were employees of Antietam Studio and Alberto Studio, in the building next door.

Looking at the white-collar workers who were singing and dancing happily, Catherine seemed to be out of place.

"Do you need a hand?" A strange man's voice suddenly came from behind the bench. Catherine looked at him in a daze and did not answer.

The man was wearing tight sportswear. He was also wearing professional sports shoes. It looked as if he was passing by the park on a night run.

The man did not say anything. Instead, he walked quickly to Catherine and took the beer can. He neatly opened the can and handed it back to Catherine.

Catherine looked at him in a daze. She casually gulped down a mouthful of beer and said lazily, "Thank you."

The man walked to Catherine's side and sat down.

"A goth-style dress, sleeves, and a girdle. You must be used to living alone."

"Oh? I didn't know that men were interested in women's clothes." Catherine seemed to suddenly be interested. "I always thought that men would only be interested in women's sexual organs."

The man was slightly surprised at Catherine's boldness, 

"My name is Justin Fyers."

"I have to say, the way you talk to women is indeed different from other people." Catherine seemed to be a little intoxicated as she smiled foolishly.

"You still haven't told me your name." Justin was instantly attracted by the girl in front of him.

Although his instincts told her that she was dangerous