
It seemed that Bob had not been lying about himself. Someone had been trying to force him to complete a mission or perform a ritual or something.

According to the information the hacker had provided to her, Bob's entire family had been affected to a certain extent. The details would have to wait until after the research had been done.

Catherine continued to stroll down the avenue.

Too much had happened recently, and she had a hunch that someone was behind all of this. 

Everything that happened to her was too coincidental to be pure chance.

Catherine knew that she was facing a group of people who were working in the shadows – although she probably gave the same vibe to others.

Right now, both sides were only testing each other with their moves and did not really use their full strength. Perhaps the other party was also an organization like the Coven.

At the thought of this, Catherine suddenly felt a splitting headache. Her late Godmother had just passed away, and she was fortunate enough to be chosen as the next Godmother.

Although she did not take it seriously at first, after a long time, the attitude of some people around her started to change. A feeling of loneliness crept up on her.

Over the years, Catherine had seen the Kate family's fights between the nobles... She originally thought that she would finally have some peace after she left.

Even if the Coven had not found her, Catherine could still be a lonely person in the Kate family living a comfortable and benign life. Unfortunately, things did not turn out that way. 

However, this was also a good thing. Catherine finally did not have to bear all kinds of hypocrisy and insincere smiles, and she could instead embrace her freedom.

After calming herself down, Catherine decided to call chief editor Johnson first to confirm whether the two women had left.

Catherine could not wait to call chief editor Johnson, and a familiar voice sounded on the other end of the receiver.

"Hello, this is Johnson."

"Chief editor, this is Catherine. I have what we need for the report on the lawsuit, and I'm coming back right now."

"Really? That's great. You know, I've asked for information from the other newspapers and other institutions, but they all said that they don't know the details of this case. Looks like you're really lucky."

"Thank you for the compliment. Actually, I'm calling to ask about... Those two people." 

"Are you talking about those two ladies? They left a while ago, you can come back now. Yesterday, the president was complaining to me about the progress of this report, so... Try your best to speed it up."

"Okay, I got it. I will call you again if I have any updates."

"Okay, good luck with your investigation." Johnson hung up the phone.

Mary and Millie had already left. Now, all that was left was to write the report. Catherine was slightly relieved.

Just thinking about it made her feel disgusted. She really did not want to waste precious time on them.

Out of sight, out of mind. After Catherine sorted out her mood, she decided to finish her first task. After all, if her articles did well, Johnson might ask her to publish a follow-up report on the case.

Three days later.

The second trial of the case was over. Catherine's report appeared on the front page of Wellings Magazine, as promised.

It was the second-best-selling page of the magazine since the shootings in the streets a few years ago.

When the editor-in-chief announced the good news to the entire floor, all the employees burst into applause and shouted excitedly, "For freedom of speech! For freedom of speech!"

It was not until today that Catherine slowly understood the slogan Johnson had told her when she came here for the interview.

"In order to thank Miss Catherine, who has been working hard for this edition and has achieved great success, we will invite her to participate in this magazine's external relations conference this season!"



"Come on, Catherine!"

Although she did not know why everyone was cheering for her, Catherine still decided to blend in. She had been a little tired recently, so it was good for her to relax.